1. Role play

Обучение разговорной речи.


   Нам необходимо систематически погружать студентов в реальные ситуации, которые могут возникнуть в жизни. Для этого Я придумала такой вид деятельности на уроке, как ролевые игры. Безусловно, это самая веселая часть урока, на которой студенты избавляются от комплекса говорения и развивают спонтанную разговорную речь. Вот некоторые из этих игр.

Role play

  Смысл ролевых игр в том, что все студенты  взаимодействуют  между собой. Выбирается студент, который является главным действующим лицом ситуации, а остальные активно реагируют на его слова или действия. Главным героем ситуации     по-очереди будет являться каждый студент. 

role play
role play


Role play “Animator”

Instruction for the group:
You are the tourists at the beach in Egypt. You don`t want to do anything.

Instruction for the student:
You are an animator at the beach in Egypt. Ask the tourist to:

- do aerobics;
- play volleyball;
- dance;
- play football;
- swim in the sea;
- go by boat to the dolphins;
- go diving.

Role play “Press Conference”

Instruction for the group:
You are the journalists. Ask two questions each.

Instruction for the student:
You are:

- Madonna;

- Putin;
- Maksim Galkin;
- Arshavin;
- Santa Clause;
- God;
- Britney Spears.

Role play “TV”

Instruction for the group:
You are the members of the family. Take part in the play.

Instruction for the student:

1. You are the member of the family. Ask your family to watch your favorite 
TV-show (they don`t want).

2. The managers of the TV-show asked you to come to the programme “The secrets
of my family”/ ask your family about their secrets.

3. Persuade your family to shoot a film about their life.

4. Everybody tells you that you`ve become a superstar. You can`t believe. You think it`s a mistake.

5. Ask the others to do something, because  the TV is too loud.

6. Ask the others to do something, because you want to watch the other channel.

7. Ask the others to do something, because the remote control is broken.

role play
role play





Role play “Gossip”

Instruction for the group:
You believe in gossip.

Instruction for the student:
People gossip about you. Remember that it`s not true. Try to prove it.

1. You`ve won 1 mln $ in a lottery.

2. You`ve robbed the bank.

3. You have married.

4. You have got a child.

5. Your father is our president.

6. You are in love with Pugacheva / Kirkorov.

7. You are going to put a bomb in your school (office).

Active game “1,2,3,4”

Instruction for the student:

-If the teacher says number 1, every student must touch his neighbour's head.
-If the teacher says number 2, every student must touch his neighbour's shoulder.
-If the teacher says number 3, every student must touch his neighbour's elbow.
-If the teacher says number 4, every student must touch his neighbour'head.

Game : English casino of good luck


Instruction for the student:   
The students gather some information about the building where they study.
The teacher has got her own information in the grid below.
If the information is the same,the student gets a cookie.
If the information is different(more),the student gets two candies.
If the information is different(less),the student gets one candy. 

Question for a student

Information for a teacher

How many parents in the hall?


How many chairs(big+small) in the hall?


How many children(students) in the hall?


How many people in the teachers' room?


How many magazines on the table?


How many small boxes with shoes in the hall?


How many rooms are free?


Role play “Broken telephone for making the date ”
Instruction for the student:  All the students are standing in a line. The last one must say the month , day,and time of the date with the first person using the broken telephone(the other students in a line). The first student pronounce what he/she heard. If the information is the same, the first one and the last one get the candies. 


In September

On Sunday

At 5 o'clock


In August

On Monday

At 7 o'clock


In July

On Friday

At 10 o'clock


In December

On Thursday

At 3 o'clock


In January

On Tuesday

At 4 o'clock


In March

On Saturday

At 2 o'clock


In June

On Wednesday

At 8 o'clock

Role play “Unlucky person”
Instruction for the student:  One student (Unlucky person) is standing in front of the class. The others are trying to refuse him/her.
Task:You all have different situations.


You want to learn to play the guitar. You've come to a music school.


You want to work in Summer. You've come to a babysitting centre.


You want to go to Oxford. You've come to a travel agency.


You want to help the doctors. You've come to a hospital.


You want to help cleaning on Saturdays. You've come to English club.


You want to wash up after lunch. You've come to a school canteen.


You want to study Japanese. You've come to a language school.

Role play “I said to you ...Why didn't you do it?”
Instruction for the student: One student is standing in front of the class. The others are communicating with him/her.
Task:You all have different situations.


I said to you ...

"Throw away your Computer!"

Why didn't you do it?


I said to you ...

"Don't do your home task!"

Why didn't you do it?


I said to you ...

"You may spend 10 000 rubles on ice-cream!"

Why didn't you do it?


I said to you ...

"You must steal money from the bank!"

Why didn't you do it?


I said to you ...

"You shouldn't listen to Miss Irene (director)!"

Why didn't you do it?


I said to you ...

"Drink some champagne !"

Why didn't you do it?


I said to you ...

"Smoke the cigarettes!"

Why didn't you do it?

Role play "Guess the star (elementary)"

Instruction for the student:First the students take the photos of the stars, but don't show them anybody. Then the students start asking one student the questions to guess his/her star.

-Where do you live?

Где ты живешь?

-I live in....

Я живу в...

-What's your job?

Кем ты работаешь?

-I'm a (an)...


-Are you married ?

Ты женат(замужем)?

-Yes,I am.

-No,I'm not.



-Have you got any children?

У тебя есть дети?

-Yes,I have.

-No,I haven't.



-What is your hobby?

Какое у тебя хобби?

-My hobby is...

Мое хобби...

-What TV-shows do you like?

Какое ТV шоу ты любишь?

-I like...

Я люблю....

-What are your works?

Какие у тебя работы?

-They are...


-Who are your friends?

Кто твои друзья?

-They are...





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