Role plays and speaking game

  Role play: Your future (Future Simple)


Miss Irene
Miss Irene
 One student is in front of the class with his/her eyes closed.

He/she is under hypnosis telling us about the future. The other students can ask him/her some questions.



1. Tell us about your day in future.

2.Tell us about your school in future.

3.Tell us about your food in future.

4.Tell us about your toys in future.

5.Tell us about your traveling in future.

6.Tell us about your family in future.

7.Tell us about your pets in future.






Speaking game “The future is in your hands”

Meet each other!  

Miss Irene
Miss Irene

Future Continuous

(will be Ving)

Future Perfect

(will have V3-ed)

We can't meet tomorrow because...

No, I won't.

Tomorrow from 10 to 11 you will be …....

I will have ….... … 10.30.

Tomorrow from 12 to 1 o'clock you will be …....

I will have ….... … 12.30.

Tomorrow from 1 to 3 o'clock you will be …....

I will have ….... … 2.30.

Tomorrow from 4 to 5 o'clock you will be …....

I will have ….... … 4.30.

Tomorrow from 6 to 7 o'clock you will be …....

I will have ….... … 6.30.

Tomorrow from 8 to 9 o'clock you will be …....

I will have ….... … 8.30.

Tomorrow from 10 to 11 o'clock you will be …....

I will have ….... … 10.30.





 Role play:You have never...?

One student is standing in front of the class. He/she is showing what has never done .

The others are trying to guess.  

Miss Irene
Miss Irene


1.You have never ridden the horse

2.You have never eaten the snake.

3.You have never kissed the crocodile.

4.You have never touched the scorpion.

5.You have never jumped from the bridge.

6.You have never swum with the sharks.

7.You have never beat the tiger.



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