Articles (test)



1 Put a /an or the in each space, or leave the space blank.

1 We went by.......train to ......... west of England.

2 ....... people who live in........ Netherlands are called.........Dutch.

3 .......... judge sent me to.....prison for....... ten years.

4.......Columbus was one of........ first people to cross......... Atlantic.

5 As....... captain of.........ship, I have...........complete authority.

6 David learned to play............violin when he was at......... university.

7 ........ Trafalgar Square is near.......... Charing Cross Station.

8 Did you I lent you........... last week?

9 Well put up...... shelves and then go to...... cafe for something to eat.

10 Is that..... present Bill gave you for....... Christmas? …........................................................................................................................................

2) Underline the most suitable phrase in each sentence.

1 Is this a person / the person you told me about?

2 This is the only cinema /an only cinema in the area.

3 Philip has just bought the Thames barge / a Thames barge.

4 I'm going to the British Museum / British Museum this afternoon.

5 Are you going to church / the church on Sunday?

6 Do you have a milk jug / milk jug?

7 The prime minister / Prime minister will give a speech this afternoon.

8 The computer / Computer has already changed our lives dramatically.

9 I haven't been to an open-air theatre / open-air theatre before.

10 Here is a thousand pounds / the thousand pounds I owe you ..........................................................................................................................................

3 Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase.

1 The butler was....... ................ I suspected.

A last person В a last person С the last person D some last person

2 Where........................ you borrowed last week?

A is scissors В are the scissors С is some scissors D are scissors

3 Why don't we go to the park......................... ?

A in the car В with a car С with car D by the car

4 Too much rubbish is being dumped in..............................

A sea В the sea С a sea D some sea

5 This is exactly....................... I was looking for.

A job В a job С some job D the job

6 Of all these cars, I think I prefer.............................

A a Japanese В some Japanese С the Japanese one D a Japanese one

7 I try to go jogging at least four times.............................

A the week В of the week С a week D of a week

4 Complete each sentence (1-9) with a suitable ending (a-i).

More than one answer may be possible.

1 Some people say that the..........

2 Most people think that a / an.........

3 I don't agree that............

4 I feel that a.........

5 I don't believe that a / an.................

6 I didn't realize that the...............

7 It's incredible to think that a / an........

8 I didn't know that.............

9 I think it's quite unfair that the...........


a good job is an important part of life.

b single injection can protect you from so many diseases.

с hundred miles an hour is too fast even on a motorway.

d the unemployed should receive more help from the state.

e head of this company doesn't pay any income tax.

f tiger may well become extinct very soon.

g third of a person's income should be paid in tax.

h English are difficult to get to know at first.

i the Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror.

 Put a/an or the in each space, or leave the space blank.

1 Neil Armstrong made......... first footprint on …...Moon.

2 There was......... accident yesterday at....... corner of.......street.

3 I need......... time to think about.......... offer you made me.

4........... recipe for....... success is.......... hard work.

5...... people who live in......... glass houses shouldn't throw.......stones.

6 .......... worst part of....... living in a caravan is.......... lack of space.

7 you ordered........ last week is now in............ stock.

8 ............ dancing is............. more interesting activity than.......... reading.

9 ......... people we met on.......... holiday in......... north of England sent us......... postcard.

10 ......... little knowledge is.......... dangerous thing.


6 Each sentence has one error. Either cross out an unnecessary article,

or write the missing article at the end of the line.

1 Let s go on holiday to Greek Islands..........................

2 I'd like one and half kilos of mince, please..................

3 I saw that film on DVD, not at cinema.......................

4 Some people believe that the love is the best thing in the world...........................................

5 I'm not afraid of many things, but I really hate the spiders..........................

6 Jim is in the bed with a bad cold.........................

7 We spent lovely day in the mountains..................

8 Harry once crossed Atlantic on an old passenger ship.

9 The train travels at over 200 kilometres hour........................

10 We went to England on a train through Channel Tunnel.........................


7 Put a /an or the in each space, or leave the space blank.

1 There is one problem here, and that's the weather.(only)

The .................................................................................................. the weather.

2 There are no good films on this week. (cinema)

There is nothing.................................................................................. this week.

3 Can't you swim faster than that?( fastest)

Is........................................................................................................ can swim?

4 I haven't been here before.( time)

This is................................................................................................ been here.

5 A lot of wine is drunk in France. (French)

The................................................................................................ a lot of wine.

6 If you drive faster, it is more dangerous.(the)

The............................................................................................. dangerous it is.

7 It is difficult to discover what is true.( truth)

The........................................................................................................ discover.

8 Are you a good pianist? (piano)

Can you....................................................................................................... well?


Underline the most suitable phrase in each sentence.

1 I was under an impression / the impression that you had left.

2 I have to go. I'm in a hurry / in hurry.

3 I managed to sell the old painting at a profit / at profit.

4 I think I prefer the other restaurant on the whole / on whole.

5 How many hours do you work, on average / on the average, every week?

6 I was in pain / in a pain after I twisted my ankle.

7 Jack recovered from his accident and is now out of danger / out of the danger.

8 Excuse me, but you're in the way / in a way.

9 Sue felt seasick on the cross-channel ferry / a cross the channel ferry.

10 The burglar hit me on my back of the neck / the back of my neck.



1 1-,the. 2 the, the, the. 3 the, -, -. 4 -, the, the. 5 the/ -, the, -. 6 the, -.

7 -, -. 8 the, -. 9 the, the, -. 10 the, -.

2 1 the person. 2 the only cinema. 3 a Thames barge. 4 the British Museum.

5 church. 6 a milk jug. 7 The prime minister. 8 The computer. 9 an open air theatre.

10 the thousand pounds.

3 1 C. 2 B. 3 A. 4 B. 5 D. 6 C. 7 C. 8 A.

4 (Suggested answers)

1 h. 2 a. 3 d. 4 c. 5 g. 6 f. 7 b. 8 I. 9 e.

5 1 the, the. 2 an, the, the. 3 -, the. 4 the, -,-. 5 -, -,-. 6 the,-, the.

7 the, -, -. 8 -, a, -. 9 the, -, the, a. 10 a, a.

6 1 Let's go on holiday to the Greek Islands.

2 one and a half kilos of mince.

3 not at the cinema. 4 the love is the best thing in the world.

5 I really hate the spiders. 6 Jim is in the bed. 7 We spent a lovely day.

8 Harry once crossed the Atlantic. 9 200 kilometres an hour.

10 a train through the Channel Tunnel.

7 1 only problem here is. 2 good on at the cinema. 3 that the fastest you.

4 the first time I have. 5 French drink. 6 faster you drive the more.

7 truth is difficult to. 8 play the piano.


8 1 under the impression. 2 in a hurry. 3 at a profit. 4 on the whole. 5 on average.

6 in pain. 7 out of danger. 8 in the way. 9 the cross-channel ferry. 10 the back of

my neck.



< Пред.

Подразделы категории:

Pronouns (Местоимения)

Pronouns. Test 4. 121750
Pronouns. Test 3. 111035
Pronouns. Test 2. 113950
Pronouns. Test 1. 115487
Pronouns. Exercises-8 89055
Pronouns. Exercises-7 72958
Pronouns. Exercises-6 71268
Pronouns. Exercise-5 61392
Possessive pronouns. Exercises 52725
Some, any. Exercises 47942
Indefinite pronouns. Other, one (Неопред-ные местоим. Other, one) 46557
Indefinite pronouns. Either, neither. Each, every (Неопред-е местоим. either, neither, each, every) 44873
Indefinite pronouns. All, both (Неопределенные местоимения All, both) 43019
Indefinite pronouns. Much, many, few, little (Неопpед-ные местоим. Much, many, few, little) 44147
Indefinite pronouns. No, none (Неопределенные местоимения no, none) 40357
Indefinite pronouns. Some, any (Неопределенные местоимения some, any) 43303
Interrogative pronouns (Вопросительные местоимения) 38943
Possessive pronouns (Притяжательные местоимения) 38054
Personal pronouns (Личные местоимения) 37599
Pronouns. Exercises-4 (Местоимения. Упражнения.) 45333
Pronouns. Exercises-3 (Местоимения. Упражнения) 53218
Some, any ect. and relatives-2. Exercises 46861
Some, any etc. and relatives. Exercises 38291
Pronouns. Exercises-2.(Местоимения. Упражнения) 47428
Possesive games (игры с притяжательными местоимениями) 62067
Pronouns. Exercises.(Местоимения. Упражнения) 96211
Relative pronouns (Относительные местоимения) 63555
Negative pronouns (Отрицательные местоимения) 61884
Indefinite pronoun (неопределённые местоимения) 63409
Reciprocal pronouns (Взаимные местоимения ) 58917
Defining pronouns (определённые,обобщающие местоимения) 54700
Demonstrative pronouns (демонстрирующие /указательные местоимения) 47835
Reflexive pronouns (возвратные местоимения) 46516
Pronouns (местоимения) 42969

Reported speech(косвенная речь)

Modal +Auxiliary verbs (Модальные и Вспомог. глаголы)

Articles (артикли)

Present,Past,Future (настоящее,прошедшее,будущее)

Futuer tenses. Test 3 16989
Future tenses. Test 2 18313
Future tenses. Test 1 27169
Past tenses. Test 4 24734
Past tenses. Test 3 27800
Past tenses. Test 2 35352
Past tenses. Test 1 37273
Present tenses. Test 4. 30518
Present tenses. Test 3. 30536
Present tenses. Test 2. 36547
Present tenses. Test 1. 49343
Упражнения на времена. Future continuous, Future perfect 96453
Упражнения на времена. Future simple 38182
Упражнения на времена.Past perfect, past perfect continuous 91506
Упражнения на времена.Present perfect continuous 54975
Упражнения на времена.Present perfect 50082
Упражнения на времена.Present perfect 48498
Упражнения на времена.Past continuous 48463
Упражнения на времена. Past Simple-8 72124
Present simple. Exercises 46444
Present simple. Exercises 46399
Упражнения на времена.Past Simple, Past Perfect, Passive 36342
Упражнения на времена.-7 29777
Упражнения на времена.-6 31530
Упражнения на времена.-5 33138
Упражнения на времена.-4 30420
Упражнения на времена.-3 29752
Упражнения на времена.-2 29672
Упражнения на времена.-1 31143
The Present simple, passive voice-3. Exercises 30479
The Present simple-2. Exercises 33033
Present perfect-Past simple. Exercises 36542
The future simple tense. Exercises 41615
The present perfect tense. Exercises (Настоящее соверш. время. Упражнения) 47084
The past continuous tense. Exercises 28804
The past simple tense. Exercises (Упражнения на простое прошедшее время) 39112
The present simple.Exercises 35335
To be-2. Exercises 34090
There is/ are/was/were-2. Exercises 61854
To be. Exercises (Упражнения на глагол to be) 35259
There is/ are/was/were. Exercises 30331
Be+ ing. Exercises 28337
Yet, already. Exercises 25350
Present Perfect. Exercises (Настоящ. соверш. время. Упражнения) 25209
Past simple/Past continuous. Past participles. Exercises 23673
Past simple. Exercises -2(Прошедшее простое время. Упражнения) 21965
Past simple. Exercises (Прошедшее простое время. Упражнения) 23912
Present simple for future. Exercises 18802
Going to, Will for predictions. Exercises 20883
Present Simple, Present Continuous. Exercises (Упр. на настоящее и настоящее продолж-ое время) 23469
Present Simple. Exercises (Упражнения на настоящее время) 22498
Последовательность времен. Упражнения 23532
Последовательность времен (Sequence of tenses) 19867
Упражнения на времена 41207
Сопоставление русских и английских времен изъявительного наклонения 16877
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Будущее совершенное длительное время) 17703
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Прошедшее совершенное длительное время) 19784
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Настоящее совершенное длительное время) 20641
The Furture Perfect Tense (Будущее совершенное время) 19654
The Past Perfect Tense (Прошедшее совершенное время) 24381
The Present Perfect Tense (Настоящее совершенное время) 23367
The Future Continuous in the Past (Будущее длительное время в прошлом) 21111
The Future Continuous Tense (Будущее длительное время) 22133
The Past Continuous Tense (Прошедшее длительное время) 22849
The Present Continuous Tense (Настоящее длительное время) 20192
The Future Indefinite Tense (Будущее неопределенное время) 21115
The Past Indefinite Tense (Прошедшее неопределенное время) 19738
The Present Indefinite Tense (Настоящее неопределенное время) 19958
Present, past and future- mixed tenses. Exercises 58927
Present perfect-present perfect continuous. Exercises 120113
Questions. Exercises (Упражнения на вопросительные слова) 44289
The present perfect. Exercises (Упр. на настоящее совершен.время) 75551
The simple past and the past continuous. Exercises 56713
Future forms-2. Exercises (Упражнения на будущее время) 59236
Future forms-1. Exercises (Упражнения на будущее время) 74441
Time clauses. Exercises 41927
Present Continuous (настоящее продолженное время) 20486
Have something done (Exercises) 38065
Present Perfect Continuous (Настоящее совершенное продолженное) 25316
Past Perfect (Прошедшее совершенное время) 21524
Past Perfect (Прошедшее совершенное время) 21490
Past Perfect (Прошедшее совершенное время) 19903
Time expressions (Exercises) (Выражения времени. Упражнения) 31557
Situations for Present Perfect (Ситуации употребления Настоящего совершенного времени) 22228
Past Continuous vs Past Simple (Прошедшее продолженное- прошедшее время) 24607
Present Perfect (Настоящее совершенное) 24184
Future time. (Exercises)(Будущее время.Упражнения) 82066
Past continuous (visual grammar)(Прошедшее продолженное время-примеры) 23433
Present perfect (Exercises)(Настоящее совершенное время.Упражнения) 66701
Past time (exercises)(Прошедшее время. Упражнения) 52475
Past Simple (spelling,pronunciation)(Прошедшее время(произношение,правописание) 42577
Present Perfect Interview (Настоящее совершенное время) 46321
Past tenses(Прошедшие времена)(упражнения) 155206
Past tenses(Прошедшие времена) 48606
Have/has got (иметь) 15472
Времена в английском языке 40489
Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous 40682
Present,Past,Future (Simple)tenses (Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее (простое)) 45176
Present,Past,Future (Continuous)tenses (Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее (длительное)) 55063
Predictions(About Future) Предсказания о будущем 29430
Pronouns and verb TO BE (Местоимения и глагол TO BE). 43606

Conditional (Условное предложение.)

The Noun (Имя существительное)

Adverbs+Adjectives (Наречия+ прилагательные)

Present Simple, Present Continuous

Passive form

Relative clauses(Определ-ые придаточ. предложения)

Gerund (Герундий)

Phrasal verbs (Фразеологические глаголы)

The numeral (Имя числительное)

Infinitive (Инфинитив)

The participle (Причастие)

Confusing verbs


How to make sentences

The sentences-40 11425
Punctuation marks-2. ( Знаки препинания) 12707
Punctuation Marks. (Знаки препинания) 13357
The sentence-39. 14090
The sentence. Exercises-5 19802
The sentence. Exercises-4 22618
The sentence. Exercises-3 20717
The sentence. Exercises.-2 15102
The sentence. Exercises 21098
The sentence- 38 14690
There is/are. 16960
Imperative sentences. Побудительные предложения. 16859
The sentence-37. (Предложение) 16732
The sentence-36. (Предложение) 19349
The sentence-35. (Предложение) 17874
The sentence-34. (Предложение) 17355
The sentence-33. (Предложение) 18641
The sentence-32. (Предложение) 16986
Виды предложений. 17140
The sentence-31. (Предложение) 19956
The sentence-30. (Предложение) 19258
The sentence-29. (Предложение) 17330
The sentence-28. (Предложение) 19448
The sentence-27. (Предложение) 18121
The sentence-26. (Предложение) 16912
The sentence-25. (Предложение) 16899
The sentence-24. (Предложение) 17774
The sentence-23. (Предложение) 20444
The sentence-22. (Предложение) 17496
The sentence-21. (Предложение) 19718
The sentence-20. (Предложение) 18195
The sentence-19. (Предложение) 22047
The sentence-18. (Предложение) 19118
The sentence-17. (Предложение) 24045
The sentence-16. (Предложение) 21518
The sentence-15. (Предложение) 23903
The sentence-14. (Предложение) 22489
Make sentences. Exercises 38403
The sentence-13. (Предложение) 20466
The sentence-12. (Предложение) 19434
The sentence-11. (Предложение) 16381
The sentence-10. (Предложение) 16889
The sentence-9. (Предложение) 16198
The sentence-8. (Предложение) 17111
The sentence-7. (Предложение) 16646
The sentence-6. (Предложение) 19403
The sentence-5. (Предложение) 22109
The sentence-4. (Предложение) 22356
The sentence-3. (Предложение) 21708
The sentence-2. (Предложение) 20112
The sentence (Предложение) 18984
Word order. Exercises (Порядок слов. Упражнения) 39886
Word order. Exercises (Порядок слов. Упражнения) 20633
Word order. Exercises (Порядок слов. Упражнения) 17755
Упражнения на повелительное и сослагательное наклонения. 12186
Повелительное и сослагательное наклонения 13348
Verb, adjective+ preposition (Exercises) (Глагол, прилагательное+ предлог. Упражнения) 30803
Purpose, result and contrast.Exercises (Цель, результат и контраст.Упражнения) 39724


Conjunctions and linking words



Complex Object. (Сложное дополнение)