Essay (как написать сочинение-рассуждение)


“What should mothers do?”

Mothers should stay at home to look after their children until they are 3.


1. On the one hand, …
    For example, …
1. С одной стороны, …
    Например, …
2. On the other hand, … 2. С другой стороны, …
3. In fact, … 3. Фактически, …
4. Actually, … 4. Вообще-то, …
5. In conclusion, … 5. В заключение, ...
6. In my opinion, … 6. По-моему мнению, ...


В стиле «очерк» («Essay») важно придумать интересное название на заданную тему. Затем продумайте основное утверждение, которое будете рассматривать с разных сторон. Начинайте рассуждение используя вышеприведенные фразы для организации текста. Излагайте мысли литературным языком, избегая неформального стиля. Старайтесь, чтобы читатель понял то, о чем вы хотите рассказать. Не забудьте в конце очерка выразить свое мнение по данному вопросу.


 “Learn to earn or just take pocket money?”.

It`s important that young people should learn to earn money early on in life rather than being given pocket money.
   In fact,  from the moment we leave school to the time we retire, most of us will have to work in order to earn money during our life. So the question is whether we should have to work before this time as children or wait until we become adults.
     On the one hand, children should have to earn pocket money.  Actually, I don`t mean that they should have full-time jobs but that there are plenty of things they can do around the house such as the washing-up or gardening.
  In my opinion, helping at home, working for money gives children a greater sense responsibility. On the other hand, parents who simply give children money are not preparing them for the adult world. You could also argue that when children earn their money, when they buy something it will mean so much more.
      So, in conclusion,  I believe that children learn from experience of earning money and find out that nothing in life is for free.       
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