Past tenses. Test 2



Test 2. Choose the correct tense and form of the verbs.

1. What... you ...last night?

a. have ... done

b. did... do

c. were ... doing

2. When I... to the shop, I met my friend.

a. was walking

b. walked

c. have walked

3. I can’t open the door, I... my key.

a. lost

b. have lost

c. had lost

4. I... her before so I didn’t know who she was.

a. didn’t meet

b. haven’t met

c. hadn’t met

5. Nothing interesting ... this week.

a. happened

b. has happened

c. had happened

6. ... you still... when I phoned you?

a. Were ... working

b. Did... work

c. Had... worked

7. I... just... asleep when a noise outside woke me up.

a. was ... fallen

b. have ... fallen

c. had ... fallen

8. ... you ... anything to eat yet?

a. Did ...have

b. Have ...had

c. Had ... had

9. I... just... a letter to him when he rang me.

a. did ... write

b. have ... written

c. was ... writing

10. They recently ... married.

a. got

b. have got

c. had got

11. I.. . just... my house when some friends arrived.

a. have ... left

b. was ... leaving

c. did ... leave

12. This week we ... lots of places.

a. have visited

b. had visited

c. visited

13. This is the third time I... you this question.

a. asked

b. was asking

c. have asked

14. Those ... the last words he said to me.

a. wasn’t

b. weren’t

c. haven’t been

15. We ... into this flat three years ago.

a. moved

b. have moved

c. had moved

16. This is the worst film I... .

a. saw

b. have seen

c. had seen

17. Before then, she ... never ... to earn her own money.

a. didn’t... have

b. has ...had

c. had ...had

18. That was the last time he ... her.

a. saw

b. have seen

c. had seen

19. I... a newspaper since Monday.

a. didn’t read

b. haven’t read

c. wasn’t reading

20. They ... for me so I called to say I would be late.

a. were waiting

b. waited

c. had waited

21. I... only an hour when a telephone call woke me up.

a. was sleeping

b. slept

c. had been sleeping

22. She ... already ... her clothes when I arrived.

a. was ... packing

b. had ... packed

c. has ... packed

23. He ... all the documents for his report.

a. prepares

b. has prepared

c. had prepared

24. We … together at one school for five years before she moved to London.

a. had been studying

b. had studied

c. studied

25. I ... pancakes for two hours but there are only fifty ones on the dish.

a. have been cooking

b. am cooking

c. has cooked








Test 2. l.b 2. а 3. b 4. с 5. b 6. а 7. с 8. b 9. с 10. b 11. b 12. а 13. с 14. b 15. а 16. b 17. с 18. а 19. b 20. а 21. с 22. b 23. b 24. а 25. а



< Пред.   След. >


Speaking: Express your likes and dislikes

Speaking: In different situations

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Optimist-pessimist. ("Оптимист-пессимист") 6478
Introducing(Представление),Listing(Основная часть),Concluding(Заключение) 4011
Giving advice (Давать советы) 4789
Functions 2 (Exercises)(Situations in speaking) 13762
Functions 1 (Exercises) (Situations in speaking) 11803
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Have fun with us!!!(interm)(Веселись с нами) 4454
Gifts(interm)(Подарки) 4710
Complimenting(interm)(Комплименты) 4143
Holidays(elem) (Праздники) 4655
Complaining(interm)()Жалобы) 4362
Cinema! Cinema! Cinema!(interm)(Кино) 4491
Beloved person(interm)(Возлюбленный) 4397
Apologizing(interm)(Извинения) 4276
About money(interm.)( О деньгах) 4376
Chill out at the bowling club(elem)(Отдых в боулинге) 4895
feelie games (расскажи о своих ощущениях)+видео 4694
Speaking “In the street” (“На улице”)+ видео 5031
Time(выражение времени) 5576
Expressing ability(выразить возможность что-то сделать) 5808

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Describe a picture. Express your opinion.(Exam level)Опишите картину. Выскажите свое мнение. 4066
Describing a picture(interm)(Описание картинки) 4781
Describe an event(interm)(Описание события) 4228
In the picture I can see...(2)(Описание картинки) 7994
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Describe a person(Описание человека) 4446
Describe a famous person(Описание знаменитого человека) 5830
Speaking(Describe the picture)(Опишите картинку) 4958
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Speaking: Monologue

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