The sentence. Exercises-4


    Exercise 1. В следующих сложных предложениях укажите придаточные предложения подлежащие, сказуемые и дополнительные. Переведите предложения на русский язык 


  1. The doctor’s advice was that my sister should go to the south immediately. 2. That the matter should have taken such a turn is not surprising, 3. We have never discovered who did it. 4. You may rely upon what he says. 5. I think he is in the office. 6. I shall ask him whether he will arrange it for me. 7. He isn’t what he pretends to be. 8. I cannot understand why he did it. 9. I am not satisfied with what I have done. 10. The question is whether they will arrive in time to take part in this work.

    Exercise 2. Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Я знаю, что он уже приехал в Милан. 2. Я не знаю, что он рассказал вам. 3. Покажите мне, что вы написали. 4. Он сказал мне, что он получил письмо от брата. 5. Я рассказал ему, что я видел в Санкт-Петербурге. 6. Я уверен, что они вернутся очень скоро. 7. Я не знаю, что написал ему дядя. 8. Я бы хотел знать, что вы ответили ему. 9. Я думаю, что завтра будет дождливая погода.

    Exercise 3. Переведите на английский язык:

  A. 1. Что он скажет нам? 2. Я не знаю, что он скажет нам. 3. Вопрос в том, что он скажет нам. 4. Что он скажет нам, меня совсем не интересует. 5. Где эти книги? 6. Скажите мне, где эти книги. 7. Где эти книги - неизвестно. 8. Вопрос в том, где эти журналы.

  B. 1. Я не знаю, когда я его увижу. 2. Я поговорю с ним, когда я его увижу. 3. Спросите его, когда вернется его брат. 4. Мой брат поможет вам, когда он вернется. 5. Очень важно знать, когда мы получим эти бумаги. 6. Я смогу ответить на ваш вопрос, когда я получу все документы. 7. Я постараюсь выяснить, когда будет печататься его статья. 8. Когда его статья будет напечатана, я прочту ее с удовольствием. 9. Еще неизвестно, когда он вернется в Санкт-Петербург.

    Exercise 4. Замените прямую речь косвенной:

  1. Не has just said, “I want to speak to you.” 2. He has said, “We have finished our work.” 3. He will say “I will do it at once.” 4. He said, “This task is very difficult.” 5. He said to her, “I met him last month.” 6. He said, “He is going to St.Petersburg tomorrow.” 7. He said to me, “I have never been here before.” 8. I said, “I was ill yesterday.” 9. He said to them, “She will be here in half an hour.” 10. I said to him, “I have been waiting for you since two o’clock.” 11. He said, “I was working hard all the time.” 12. He said to me, “I’ll come as soon as I can.” 13. He said, “I sent them a letter two days ago." 14. He said, “I’m afraid I can’t go there now but I shall probably be able to go tomorrow.” 15. She said, “I have been very ill, but I am feeling much better.” 16. He said, “The price does not include the cost of packing."

    Exercise 5. Замените прямую речь косвенной: 


  1. Не has just asked me, “Who will come to the concert-hall with me?” 2. He has asked me, “Will you be at home tonight?" 3. He has just asked me, “Is it time to go?” 4. He asked me, “Where are you going?” 5. She asked me, “Does he always come so early?” 6. He asked her, “How did you do that?” 7. He asked me, “Is it raining?" 8. She asked him, “Have the children returned from school?” 9. He asked me, “How old are you?" 10. She asked me, "Why didn’t you come here yesterday?” 11. He asked me, “Do you know how far it is to the airport?” 12. He asked me, “Where are you. going?” 13. She asked me, “How long have you been studying English?” 14. He asked her, “Did anybody call this evening?” 15. I asked hirh, “Can you meet me tomorrow?” 16. She asked me, “May I open the window?” 17. He asked her, “Why can’t you answer this question at once?” 18. She asked me, “Would you like to see the house?” 19.1 asked him, “What will you do if you miss the bus?” 20. He asked the manager, “At what price were the two cargoes of wheat sold yesterday?” 21. He asked me, “Do you think that the weather will change?”

    Exercise 6. Замените прямую речь косвенной:

  1. I said to him, “Please open the door.” 2. I said to her, “Copy this text.” 3. I said to him, “Please don’t be angry.” 4. He said to me, “Don’t wait for me”. 5. She said to me, “Don’t be late.” 6. He said to me, “Please send her the postcard.” 7. He said to the secretary, “Bring me the fax we have received this morning.”

    Exercise 7. Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Он спросил меня, где учится мой брат. 2. Я спросил секретаря, когда придет директор. 3. Он только что спросил меня, в котором часу будет концерт. 4. Он сказал, что должен сделать это сам. 5. Я спросил его, где ближайшее метро. 6. Доктор не велел мне выходить несколько дней. 7. Он сказал нам, что 'переговоры ведутся около двух недель. 8. Я спросил, придет ли он сюда вечером, и он сказал, что придет. 9. Он сказал ей, чтобы она перепечатала этот документ в трех экземплярах. 10. Он только что сказал, что он вполне удовлетворен результатом нашей работы. 11. Я спросил его, был ли он когда- нибудь в Европе. Он сказал, что не был. 12. Он попросил секретаря, чтобы он принес ему каталоги, полученные из Берлина. 13. Я спросил ее, знает ли она профессора. Она ответила, что знает. 14. Я спросил ее, идет ли дождь. Она ответила, что идет. 15. Он велел сыну не ходить никуда вечером. 16. Я спросил секретаря, моту ли я поговорить с директором. 17. Он сказал им, чтобы они пришли сюда в семь часов. 18. Я спросил его, давно ли он работает в этом банке. 19. Доктор сказал ему, чтобы он бросил курить. 20. Я только что спросил его, будет ли отложена вечеринка, и он ответил, что не будет. 21. Спросите его, согласится ли он помочь нам. 22. Я спросил его, когда начнутся представления. 23. Он спросил меня, когда открываются магазины.

    Exercise 8. Определите, к какому типу относится определительное придаточное предложение, и поставьте, где нужно, запятые:

  1. The building which you can see over there is very old. 2. His first book which was written in 1990 was a story of the sea. 3.1 don’t know the exact place where it happened. 4. The news that he was coming reached us early in the evening. 5. This is the book you need. 6. Yesterday 1 met an old friend whom I recognized at once. 7. My grand father who is an old sailor often tells me stories about the sea. 8. This is the reason why I can’t do it. 9.1 work in the building the. top of which can be seen over the trees. 10. This is the same story that I heard ten years ago. 11. She was met on her arrival by a man whose face she had never seen before. 12. I gave him fifty roubles which was all I had with me. 13. He is the most interesting man that I have ever met.

    Exercise 9. Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Я смогу пойти домой только тогда, когда я закончу эту работу. 2. Я не смогу вам дать определенного ответа до тех пор, пока не получу от них письма. 3. Он сидел в парке до тех пор, пока не стало совсем темно. 4. Я уверен, что мы уже придем к соглашению к тому времени, когда вы вернетесь. 5. Я расскажу ему об этом, как только он придет. 6. Становилось прохладнее по мере того, как мы подходили к морю. 7. Все будет, готово к тому времени, когда вы придете. 8. Он упал, когда сходил с автобуса. 9. Он пришел ко мне, когда я ужинал. 10. Я пришел, когда они упаковывали свои вещи. 11. Он читал что-то, когда я вошел в комнату.












Exercise 1. 1.... that my sister should go to the south immediately - придаточное сказуемое. Врач посоветовал, чтобы моя сестра немедленно ехала на юг (или: Совет врача заключался в том, чтобы моя сестра немедленно ехала на юг.) 2. That the matter should have taken such a turn ... - придаточное подлежащее. Неудивительно, что дело приняло такой оборот. 3. ... who did it - придаточное дополнительное. Мы так и не обнаружили, кто это сделал. 4. ... upon what he says - придаточное дополнительное. Вы можете положиться на то, что он говорит. 5. ... he is in the office - придаточное дополнительное. Я думаю, что он в офисе. 6. ... whether he will arrange it for me - придаточное дополнительное. Я спрошу его, устроит ли он это для меня. 7. ... what he pretends to be - придаточное сказуемое. Он не тот, за кого он себя выдает. 8. ... why he did it - придаточное дополнительное. Я не могу понять, почему он это сделал. 9. ... with what I have done. - придаточное дополнительное. Я не удовлетворен тем, что я сделал. 10. ... whether they will arrive in time to take part in this work - придаточное сказуемое. Вопрос (заключается) в том, приедут ли они вовремя, чтобы принять участие в этой работе.

Exercise 2. 1. I know that he has already arrived in Milan. 2. I don’t know what he told you. 3. Show me what you have written. 4. He told me that he had received a letter from his brother. 5. I told him what I had seen in St.Petersburg. 6. I am sure that they will return very soon. 7. I don’t know what his uncle wrote to him. 8. I should like to know what you answered him. 9. I think that the weather will be rainy tomorrow.

Exercise 3.

A. 1. What will he tell us? 2. I don’t know what he will tell us. 3. The question is what he will tell us. 4. What he will tell us does not interest me at all. 5. Where are those books? 6. Tell me where those books are. 7. Where those books are is unknown. 8. The question is where those magazines are.

B. 1. I don’t know when I shall see him. 2. t shall speak to him when I see him. 3. Ask him when his brother will return. 4. My brother will help you when he comes back. 5. It is very important to know when we shall receive these papers. 6. I shall be able to answer your question when I receive all the documents. 7. I shall try to find out when his article will be published. 8. When his article is published, I shall read it with pleasure. 9. It is uncertain yet when he will come back to St.Petersburg.

Exercise 4. 1. Не has just said that he wants to speak to me. 2. He has just said that they have finished their work. 3. He will say that he will do it at once. 4. He said that this (or: that) task was very diffic. 5. He told her that he met him last month [or: that he had met him the month before). 6. He said that he was going to St.Petersburg tomorrow (or: the next day). 7. He told me that he had never been there (or: here) before. 8.1 said that I was ill yesterday (or: that I had been ill the day before). 9. He told them that she would be there (or: here in half an hour. 10. I told him that I had been waiting for him since two o’clock. 11. He said that he had been working hard all the time. 12. He told me that he would come as soon as he could. 13. He said that he sent them a letter two days ago (or: that he had sent them a telegram two days before). 14. He said that he was afraid that he couldn’t go there then (or: now), but that he would probably be able to go there the next day [or: tomorrow). 15. She said that she had been very ill, but she was feeling much better. 16. He said that the price did not include the cost of packing.

Exercise 5. 1. He has just asked me who will go to the concert-hall with him. 2. He has just asked me whether I shall be at home tonight. 3. He has just asked me whether it is time to go. 4. He asked me where I was going. 5. She asked me whether he always came so early. 6. He asked her how she had done that. 7. He asked me whether it was raining. 8. She asked him whether the children had come from school. 9. He asked me how old I was. 10. She asked me why I didn’t come here yesterday (or: why I hadn’t come here (or: there) the day before). 11. He asked me whether I knew how far it was to the airport. 12. He asked me how long I had been learning English. 14. He asked her whether anybody had called that this) evening. 15. I asked him whether he could meet me tomorrow (or: the next day). 16. She asked me whether she might open the window. 17. He asked her why she couldn’t answer this question at once. 18. She asked me whether I should like to see the house. 19.1 asked him what he would do if he missed the bus. 20. He asked the manager at what price the two cargoes of wheat were sold yesterday (or: had been sold the day before). 21. He asked me whether I thought that the weather would change.

Exercise 6. 1. I asked him to open the door. 2. I told her to copy this (or: that) text. 3. I asked him not to be angry. 4. He told me not to wait for him. 5. She told me not to be late. 6. He asked me to send her the postcard. 7. He told the secretary to bring him the fax they had received that (or: this) morning.

Exercise 7. 1. He asked me where my brother studied. 2. I asked the secretary when the director would come. 3. He has just asked me (at) what time the concert will be. 4. He said that he must do it himself. 5. I asked him where the nearest metro station was. 6. The doctor told me not to go out for a few days. 7. He told us that the negotiations had been carried on for about a fortnight. 8. I asked whether he would come here this evening and he said that he would. 9. He told her to type this document in three copies. 10. He has just said that he is quite satisfied with the results of our work. 11. I asked him whether he had ever been to Europe. He said that he hadn’t. 12. He asked the secretary to bring him the catalogues received from Berlin. 13. I asked her whether she knew Professor. She answered that she did. 14. I asked her whether it was raining. She answered that it was. 15. He told his son not to go out anywhere in the evening. 16. I asked the secretary whether I could speak to the director. 17. He told them to come here at seven o’clock. 18. I asked him whether he had been working at this bank for a long time. 19. The doctor told him to give up smoking. 20. I have just asked him whether the party will be postponed and he has answered that it won’t. 21. Ask him whether he will agree to help us. 22. I asked him when the perfomance would begin. 23. He asked me when the shops opened.

Exercise 8. 1. The building which you can see over there is very old – индивидуализирующее. 2. His first book, which was written in 1990, was a story of the sea – описательное. 3. I don't know the exact place where it happened - индивидуализирующее. 4. The news that he was coming reached us early in the evening - определительное предложение, выполняющее функцию приложения. 5. This is the book vou need - индивидуализирующее. 6. Yesterday I met an old friend, whom I recognized at once - описательное. 7. My grand father, who is an old sailor, often tells me stories about the sea описательное. 8. This is the same story that I heard ten years ago - индивидуализирующее. 9. I work in the building the top of which can be seen over the trees индивидуализирующее. 10. She was met on her arrival by a man, whose face she had never seen before - описательное. 12. I gave him fifty roubles, which was all I had with me - описательное. 13. He is the most interesting man that I have ever met индивидуализирующее.

Exercise 9. 1. I’ll be able to go home only when I finish this work. 2. I shan’t be able to give you a definite answer until (or: till) I get a letter from them. 3. He sat in the park until (or: till) it grew quite dark. 4. I am sure that we’ll already have come to an agreement by the time you come back. 5. I’ll tell him about it as soon as he comes. 6. It grew cooler as we approached the sea. 7. Everything will be ready by the time you come. 8. He fell while getting off the bus. 9. He called on me while I was having supper. 10. I came while they were packing (their things). 11. He was reading something when I entered the room.



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