The sentence. Exercises.-2


Exercise 1. Поставьте выделенные жирным шрифтом слова в начале предложения и сделайте необходимые изменения: 


1. I have never heard such a beautiful voice. 2. He had hardly stopped speaking when a loud knock was heard at the door. 3. An old house stood at the coner of the square. 4. They were no sooner under shelter than the storm broke out. 5. All her efforts to persuade him were in vain. 6. I pointed out in vain that it was useless to go there. 7. He not only promised to help me, but he placed all his books at my disposal. 8. If they were to come tomorrow, we should be very glad. 9. If it had not been so stormy, we should have reached the top of the mountain.

Переведите на английский язык:

1. «Садитесь, пожалуйста», - сказал врач. 2. «Как ты себя чувствуешь?» - спросил меня отец. 3. «Я буду здесь завтра в 7 часов», - сказал он. 4. Вот ваш словарь. 5. Вот они! 6. Вот ваши тетради. 7. Вот ваша аудитория. 8. Где мой учебник? - Вот он. 9. «Я очень рад вас видеть», - сказал Джек, пожимая ему руку. 10. Напрасно они старались убедить его поехать туда. 11. Не успел пароход прибыть в порт, как разразилась буря. 12. Никогда я этого не говорил. 13. У подножья горы стоял маленький домик. 14. Справа от нас было озеро, а слева была высокая гора. 15. Не успел он придти домой, как раздался звонок.


Exercise 2. Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме:

1. You must go there tomorrow. 2. You can wait here. 3. They often go to the pictures. 4. The meeting began at 7 o’clock. 5. The examination was very easy. 6. We shall arrive there in time for supper. 7. He is leaving for St. Petersburg next week. 8. He has returned to Moscow. 9. He has a brother. 10. There is some soap on the shelf. 11. There is a TV set in this room. 12. He gave me some interesting books to read. 13. There is someone in the room. 14. Put some milk in my tea. 15. He asked some questions. 16. He has bought something. 17. He intends to go somewhere in the summer.


Exercise 3. Переведите на английский язык: 


1. Он теперь работает не в нашем университете. 2. Они живут не в этом городе. 3. Я вижу его не каждый день. 4. В субботу я прихожу домой не поздно. 5. Он потратил не много времени на эту работу. 6. Он говорит негромко. 7 Он прислал мне не английские книги; он прислал мне французские. 8. Он живет теперь не в Петербурге, он живет в Москве. 9. Он рассказывал мне не о своей поездке на Кавказ, он рассказывал мне о своей поездке на Дальний Восток. 10. Она преподает не английский язык, она преподает немецкий язык. 11. Он просил меня не брать его книг. 12. Он не просил меня помочь ему. 13. Я просил его не приходить сюда. 14. Я не просил его приходить сюда.


Exercise 4.

1. Он никогда ничего не рассказывал мне об этом. 2. Я никогда нигде не встречал его раньше. 3. В этих книгах нет ничего об этом. 4. Никго не мог сказать мне его номер телефона. 5. Когда я вошел, в доме никого не было. 6. Ни мой отец, ни я не знали об этом. 7. Он никуда не хочет идти ни сегодня, ни завтра. 8. Никго никогда не спрашивал меня об этом. 9. Она никогда ни с кем не говорила на эту тему. 10. Он не читал ни этой статьи, ни той. 11. Я никогда ничего не слыхал о нем. 12. Ничего не было сказано об этом.


Exercise 5. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме:

1. Не speaks Chinese very well. 2. His father was a lawyer. 3. These books were published in St. Petersburg. 4. He wrote them a letter from Moscow. 5. The weather will be fine tomorrow. 6. All books must be returned to the library before the 1st of July. 7. I ought to have done it. 8. He has been working hard for the last 6 months. 9. He has a bike. 10. This box weighs more than that one. 11. He can play well. 12. He is working at the factory. 13. They were glad to see him. 14. These boys like reading travel stories.


Exercuse 6. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительно-отрицательной форме:

1. The book was interesting. 2. He went to the Caucasus last summer. 3. He can play tennis. 4. He has finished his plan. 5. He knows her name. 6. We shall be able to spend a month there. 7. He would like to come with us. 8. I am studing hard. 9. He will come in the evening. 10. She knows that man. 11. They were glad to see him. 12. They are at the office.












Exercise 1. 1. Never have I heard .... 2. Hardly had he stopped speaking when .... 3. At the corner of the square stood an old house. 4. No sooner were they under shelter than ... . 5. In vain were all her efforts ... . 6. In vain did I point out that ... . 7. Not only did he promise to help me ... . 8. Were they to come tomorrow ... . 9. Had it not been so stormy ... .

1. “Sit down, please,” said the doctor. 2. “How do you feel?” the father asked me. 3. I’ll be here at 7 o'clock tomorrow,” he said. 4. Here is your dictionary. 5. Here they are! 6. Here are your exercise-books. 7. Here is your classroom. 8. Where is my textbook? - Here it is. 9. “I am very glad to see you,” said Jack, shaking his hand. 10. In vain did they try to persuade him to go there. 11. No sooner had the steamer arrived at the port (or: in port) than a storm broke out. 12. Never have I said it. 13. At the foot of the-mountain stood a little house. 14. On our right was a lake, and on our left was a high mountain. 15. No sooner had he come home than the bell rang.

Exercise 2. 1. You mustn’t go there tomorrow. 2. You can’t wait here. 3. They don’t often go to the pictures. 4. The meeting didn’t begin at 7 o’clock. 5. The examination wasn't very easy. 6. We shan’t arrive there in time for supper. 7. He isn’t leaving for St.Petersburg next week. 8. He hasn’t returned to Moscow. 9. He hasn't a brother (or: He has no brother). 10. There isn't any soap (or: There is no soap) on the shelf. 11. There isn’t a TV set (or: There is no TV set) in this room. 12. He didn’t give me any (or: He gave me no) interesting books to read. 13. There isn’t anyone (or anybody) in the room (or There is no one (or nobody) in the room). 14. Don’t put milk in my tea. 15. He didn’t ask any questions (or: He asked no questions). 16. He hasn’t bought anything (or: He has bought nothing). 17. He doesn’t intend to go away anywhere in the summer.

Exercise 3. 1. He doesn’t work at our University now. 2. They don’t live in this city. 3. I don’t see him every day. 4.1 don't come home late on Saturday. 5. He didn't spend much time on this work. 6. He doesn’t speak loudly. 7. He hasn’t sent me English books; he has sent me French books. 8. He doesn’t live in St.Petersburg now; he lives in Moskow. 9. He didn’t tell me about his trip to the Caucasus, he told me about his trip to the Far East. 10. She doesn't teach English, she teaches German. 11. He asked me not to take his books. 12. He didn't ask me to help him. 13. I asked him not to come here. 14. I didn’t ask him to come here.

Exrcise 4. 1. He has never told me anything about it. 2. I have never met him anywhere before. 3. There isn’t anything (or: There is nothing) about it in these books. 4. Nobody could tell me his telephone number. 5. When I entered there wasn’t anybody (ас-there was nobody) in the house. 6. Neither my father nor I knew about it. 7. He doesn’t want to go anywhere either today or tomorrow. 8. Nobody has ever asked me about it. 9. She has never spoken to anyone on this subject. 10. He hasn’t read either this article or that one. 11.1 have never heard anything about him. 12. Nothing has been said (or: was said) about it.

Exercise 5. 1. Does he speak Chinese very well? 2. Was his father a lawyer? 3. Were these books published in St.Petersburg? 4. Did he write them a letter from Moscow? 5. Will the weather be fine tomorrow? 6. Must all books be returned to the library before the 1st of July? 7. Ought I to have done it? 8. Has he been working hard for the last six months? 9. Has he a bike? 10. Does this box weigh more than that one? 11. Can he play well? 12. Is he working at the factory? 13. Were they glad to see him? 14. Do these boys like reading travel stories?

Exercise 6. 1. Wasn’t the book interesting? 2. Didn’t he go to the Caucasus last summer? 3. Can’t he play tennis? 4. Hasn’t he finished his plan? 5. Doesn’t he know her name? 6. Shan't we be able to spend a month there? 7. Wouldn't he like to come with us? 8. Am I not studying hard? 9. Won’t he come in the evening? 10. Doesn’t she know that man? 11. Weren’t they glad to see him? 12. Aren’t they at the office?




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