Present Simple, Present Continuous. Exercises-3



    Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.


1. Look up! The sun ... (shine) so brightly.

2. My uncle usually ... (read) newspapers in the evening.

3. As a rule, my sister ... (do) all housework in the evening.

4. Go to the children’s bedroom! Our children ... (play) soundly.

5. Our family usually ... (go) out of town on Sundays.

6. What... the students ... (do) at the moment?

7. Hello! Where ... you... (go)?

8. ... your nephew ... (read) English books in original?

9. I.... (not/attend) classes at the university in the morning.

10. ... she ... (understand) the words of this English song?

11. Whom... you... (see)?

12. I... (look) for a new flat in a quiet place.

13. Why ... they ... (want) to change their planes?

14. Both my brothers ... (like) sport.

15. What... you ... (think) about now?


1. She is from America, but now she ... (live) in Rome because she ... (practise) her Italian.

2. I... (think) about my future life but I... (not know) what to do.

3. She is very nervous because she ... (have) a lot of problems at the moment.


1. I/see/Ann/ on Monday morning.

4. Robert has lost his job and this summer he ... (work) in a bar on the beach.

5. We always ... (stay) in the same place but this year we ... (go) to the mountains.

6. I’m not good at cooking and now I... (do) a cookery course.

7. I... (not understand) why you ... (behave) so stupidly.

8. The Browns usually ... (live) in the country, now they ... (live) in the apartment.

9. Now she ... (want) only to get a new job because she ... (hate) her boss.

10. She ... (not eat) Asian food but at this party she ... (taste) these delicious dishes.

    Exercise 2. Write sentences about their planes for the next week. Use the Present Continuous. 

2. We/go/to the cinema/on Tuesday morning.

3. Lily/ not have/dinner/with parents/on Sunday.

4. They/ go/to stay/ in this hotel/next time.

5. Maggie/ go/ to find/a new job.

6. I think/it/go/to snow/tonight.

7. Max/go/to the beach/Friday morning.

8. Wе/go/ to have/a holiday/in Spain.

9. What/you/go/to study/at university?

10. She/not come/to the party/tonight.

11. I/go/to buy/a new dress/for birthday party.

12. you/play/football/at the weekend?






Exercise 1. A. 1. is shining 2. reads 3. does 4. are playing 5. go/goes 6. are ... doing

7. are ... going 8. does ... read 9. don’t attend 10. does ... understand

11. do... see 12. am looking 13. do ...want 14. like 15. are ... thinking

B. 1. is living, is practising 2. am thinking, don’t know 3., is having

4. is working 5. stay, are going 6. am doing 7. don’t understand, are behaving

8. live, are living 9. wants, hates 10. doesn’t eat, is tasting

Exercise 2. 1. I’m seeing Ann on Monday morning.

2. We’re going to the cinema on Tuesday morning.

3. Lily isn’t having dinner with parents on Sunday.

4. They’re going to stay in this hotel next time.

5. Maggie is going to find a new job.

6. I think it’s going to snow tonight.

7. Max is going to the beach on Friday morning.

8. We’re going to have a holiday in Spain.

9. What are you going to study at university?

10. She isn’t coming to the party tonight.

11. I’m going to buy a new dress for birthday party.

12. Are you playing football at the weekend?



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