The present continuous. Exercises


The Present Continuous Tense

    The Present Continuous Tense describes things that are happening now, at the moment.

    Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски словами am / is / are / do / don't / does / doesn't так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

1. Excuse me,___________ you speak English? 


2. Why____________ you laughing at me?

3. What________________ she do? ‘She’s a dentist.’

4. I__________________ want to go out. It ____________raining.

5. Where_________ you come from?’ ‘From Canada.’

6. How much_____________ it cost to send a letter to Canada?

7. I can’t talk to you at the moment. I_______________working.

8. George is a good tennis player but he______________ play very often.

    Упражнение 2. Задайте вопросы в the Present Continuous Tense, используя слова Where /What /Why?

1. (Why / Bob / make noise)_______________________?

2. (What / you / do with the scissors)_________________?

3. (Where / you / hurry to)_________________________?

4. (Why / you / leave so soon)______________________?

5. (Why / she / play the violin so late)________________?

6. (Why / the children / listen so attentively)___________?

    Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки в the Present Simple Tense или the Present Continuous Tense так, чтобы глаголы грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

1. Excuse me,__________ (you/speak) Russian?

2. Tom _______________ (have) a shower at the moment.

3. They __________ (not/watch) television very often.

4. Listen! Somebody _________________ (sing).

5. She's tired. She _________________ (want) to go home now.

6. How often ____________________ (you/read) a newspaper?

7. 'Excuse me, but you _____________ (sit) in my place.' 'Oh, I’m sorry.’

8. I'm sorry, I ______________ (not/understand). Please speak more slowly.

9. ‘Where are you, Roy? ‘I’m in the sitting-room. I _______________ (read).

10. What time ___________________ (she/finish) work every day?

11. You can turn off the radio. I _________________ (not/listen) to it.

12. He ____________ (not/usually/drive) to work. He usually _________(walk).






Exercise 1. 1. do, 2. are, 3. does, 4. don’t, is, 5. do, 6. does, 7. am, 8. doesn’t.

Exercise 2. 1. Why is Bob making noise?

2. What are you doing with the scissors?

3. Where are you hurrying to?

4. Why are you leaving so soon?

5. Why is she playing the violin so late?

6. Why are the children listening so attentively?

Exrcise 3. 1. do you speak, 2. is having, 3. don’t watch, 4. is singing, 5. wants, 6. do you read, 7. are sitting, 8. don’t understand, 9. am reading, 10. does she finish, 11. am not listening, 12. doesn’t usually drive, walks.



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