The Present simple, passive voice-3. Exercises


Упражнение 1


     Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-6 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

Parents usually give their 1___________ pocket money. Some


young people have a part-time job to earn more money.


They do babysitting, they deliver newspapers to 2_________


(this is called ‘a paper round’) or they work in a shop


on Saturdays. You can do a paper round when you 3_________


14 years old, but you have 4_________up very early in the


morning. People want 5__________ newspaper when they


have breakfast. You must be 16 to work in a shop. Most

young people can 6__________ in big department stores,

supermarkets or in clothes shops.

Упражнение 2

    Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-8 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

In Britain most people learn French or German. In a few

1_______ you can also learn Italian, Spanish or Russian.

Not many people learn Latin now. All pupils must 2_________

one foreign language until they 3_____ 16.Schools usually


organize school trips to France or Germany. Pupils travel in a


group with their 4__________ . They stay in a hotel or they


go camping. Some schools have an exchange with another school


in France or Germany. A group of pupils from the British school


5____________ to the exchange town. Each pupil 6___________


a partner and they stay with their 7__________ family. They


sometimes go to school with their partner. Later in the year the


pupils from France or Germany come to Britain and stay with

their British partners. Exchanges 8_________ very useful,

because you learn about daily life in another country.



    Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-4 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

Crisps are made from 1 _________ . The potato 2___________


in Peru in the 16th century and brought to Europe by the


Spanish.Crisps 3 _________ in the United States about a


century ago. More crisps 4_____________ today in America


than in any other country. But, in fact, they are not called crisps


in America. They are called chips.








Exercise 1. 1.children, 2. houses, 3. are, 4. to get, 5. their, 6. work.

Exercise 2. 1. schools, 2. study, 3. are, 4. teachers, 5. goes, 6. has, 7. partner's, 8. are.

Exercise 3. 1. potatoes, 2. was discovered, 3. were invented, 4. are eaten.



< Пред.   След. >


Speaking: Express your likes and dislikes

Speaking: In different situations

Complimenting (Комплименты) 4371
Gossiping. (Разговорные фразы на тему "Слухи") 4271
Blaming someone-Regret. (Обвинять кого-то-Сожаление) 4228
Optimist-pessimist. ("Оптимист-пессимист") 6478
Introducing(Представление),Listing(Основная часть),Concluding(Заключение) 4011
Giving advice (Давать советы) 4789
Functions 2 (Exercises)(Situations in speaking) 13762
Functions 1 (Exercises) (Situations in speaking) 11803
Predictions(About Future) Предсказания(о будущем) 4687
Review of the film (interm)(как рассказать о фильме) 5770
The proverbs(interm)(Пословицы) 4425
How to compare(interm)(Как сравнить) 4560
How do you spend your time?(interm)(Как ты проводишь свободное время?) 5378
Have fun with us!!!(interm)(Веселись с нами) 4454
Gifts(interm)(Подарки) 4710
Complimenting(interm)(Комплименты) 4143
Holidays(elem) (Праздники) 4655
Complaining(interm)()Жалобы) 4362
Cinema! Cinema! Cinema!(interm)(Кино) 4491
Beloved person(interm)(Возлюбленный) 4397
Apologizing(interm)(Извинения) 4276
About money(interm.)( О деньгах) 4376
Chill out at the bowling club(elem)(Отдых в боулинге) 4895
feelie games (расскажи о своих ощущениях)+видео 4694
Speaking “In the street” (“На улице”)+ видео 5031
Time(выражение времени) 5576
Expressing ability(выразить возможность что-то сделать) 5808

Speaking: Describe the picture

Describe a picture. Express your opinion. (Опишите картину. Выскажите свое мнение.) 4767
Describe a picture.(Опишите картину.) 4761
Describe an item of clothes (elementary)(Описание деталей одежды. ) 4946
How to describe the picture (Как описать картинку) 6533
Describe a room (elementary) (Описание комнаты (элементарный)) 5211
Describe a picture (explain)(exam level)(Опишите картину (объясните) 4259
Describe a picture. Speculating.(Exam level)(Опишите картину. Размышление.) 4342
Describe a picture. Express your opinion.(Exam level)Опишите картину. Выскажите свое мнение. 4066
Describing a picture(interm)(Описание картинки) 4781
Describe an event(interm)(Описание события) 4228
In the picture I can see...(2)(Описание картинки) 7993
In the picture I can see...(Описание картинки) 5190
Describe an animal(Описание животного) 4663
Describe the season(Описание сезона) 4181
Describe a thing(Описание вещи) 4221
Describe a person(Описание человека) 4446
Describe a famous person(Описание знаменитого человека) 5830
Speaking(Describe the picture)(Опишите картинку) 4958
Describe the pictures(Описание картинок) 10233
Real photo (Реальная фотография) elementary 5272
Compare and contrast two photos 2 (Сравни и сопоставь две фотографии) 9925
Compare and contrast two photos 1( Сравни и сопоставь две фотографии) 7351
Emotional famous people (Эмоциональные знаменитости) 5547
People look like animals (Люди похожи на животных) 5917
Describe the photo of people (Опиши фотографию людей) 7329

Speaking: Discussions and debates

Speaking: Dialogues

Speaking: Monologue

Speaking: Interview