Present perfect-Past simple. Exercises


    Упражнение 1. Are the underlined parts of the sentences right or wrong? Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

1. Who has written the play Hamlet? ____________________________________

2. Aristotle has been a Greek philosopher._________________________________

3. Ow! I’ve cut my finger. It’s bleeding. __________________________________

4. Look at George! He had a haircut._____________________________________

5. My grandparents got married in London. _______________________________

6. Einstein was the physicist who has developed the theory of relativity._________

    Упражнение 2. Alex wants to go to an art college and is being interviewed by Tom Smith, one of the lecturers. Complete the questions which Tom asks him. Read the whole conversation before you start. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

TOM: Right, Alex, let’s find out something about you. You’re obviously not a  teenager, so when (1) did you leave school?

ALEX: Five years ago, actually.

TOM: And where (2) have you been since then?

ALEX: Well I’ve had several jobs.

TOM: What (3)___________________ first?

ALEX: I worked in a cafe for about a year. I needed to save some money.

TOM: Why (4)___________________ money?

ALEX: I wanted to travel a bit before I started studying.

TOM: Where (5)__________________ to go?   


ALEX: Well, the Middle East, Latin America, Australia

TOM: Good Lord! And (6)__________________________ all those places?

ALEX: No, not yet. I’ve been to Brazil and Peru so far. And I spent some months in Turkey.

TOM: What (7)___________________ there?

ALEX: I stayed with some friends near Izmir. It was Wonderful.

TOM: You’re very lucky. And now you want to come to college. (8)_______________________ some pictures to show me?

ALEX: Um, yes, I have a small portfolio here.

TOM: Where (9)__________________ this work?

ALEX: Mostly in Turkey.

TOM: Why (10)__________________ any in South America?

ALEX: I didn’t have time really. And I was traveling light, I just did some pencil sketches.

TOM: (11)____________________ them here with you?

ALEX: They’re at the back of the portfolio.

TOM: Well, Alex, I’m very impressed. When (12)_____________________ interested in painting and drawing?

ALEX: I think I always have been.

TOM: I can believe that. Will you come with me? I want to show this work to my colleagues right away.

ALEX: Of course. Thank you very much.








Exercise 1. 1 Who wrote, 2 Aristotle was..., 3 right, 4 He has had, 5 right, 6 ...who developed...

Exercise 2. 3 did you do / was the, 4 did you need, 5 did you want, 6 have you been to / have you visited, 7 did you do, 8 Have you brought / Do you have / Did you bring / Have you got, 9 did you do, 10 didn’t you do, 11 Have you got / Do you have, 12 did you become




< Пред.   След. >


Speaking: Express your likes and dislikes

Speaking: In different situations

Complimenting (Комплименты) 4288
Gossiping. (Разговорные фразы на тему "Слухи") 4187
Blaming someone-Regret. (Обвинять кого-то-Сожаление) 4144
Optimist-pessimist. ("Оптимист-пессимист") 6283
Introducing(Представление),Listing(Основная часть),Concluding(Заключение) 3933
Giving advice (Давать советы) 4708
Functions 2 (Exercises)(Situations in speaking) 13585
Functions 1 (Exercises) (Situations in speaking) 11544
Predictions(About Future) Предсказания(о будущем) 4586
Review of the film (interm)(как рассказать о фильме) 5677
The proverbs(interm)(Пословицы) 4340
How to compare(interm)(Как сравнить) 4474
How do you spend your time?(interm)(Как ты проводишь свободное время?) 5277
Have fun with us!!!(interm)(Веселись с нами) 4369
Gifts(interm)(Подарки) 4634
Complimenting(interm)(Комплименты) 4069
Holidays(elem) (Праздники) 4541
Complaining(interm)()Жалобы) 4259
Cinema! Cinema! Cinema!(interm)(Кино) 4372
Beloved person(interm)(Возлюбленный) 4300
Apologizing(interm)(Извинения) 4191
About money(interm.)( О деньгах) 4289
Chill out at the bowling club(elem)(Отдых в боулинге) 4783
feelie games (расскажи о своих ощущениях)+видео 4606
Speaking “In the street” (“На улице”)+ видео 4915
Time(выражение времени) 5482
Expressing ability(выразить возможность что-то сделать) 5712

Speaking: Describe the picture

Describe a picture. Express your opinion. (Опишите картину. Выскажите свое мнение.) 4686
Describe a picture.(Опишите картину.) 4670
Describe an item of clothes (elementary)(Описание деталей одежды. ) 4840
How to describe the picture (Как описать картинку) 6413
Describe a room (elementary) (Описание комнаты (элементарный)) 5095
Describe a picture (explain)(exam level)(Опишите картину (объясните) 4187
Describe a picture. Speculating.(Exam level)(Опишите картину. Размышление.) 4261
Describe a picture. Express your opinion.(Exam level)Опишите картину. Выскажите свое мнение. 3993
Describing a picture(interm)(Описание картинки) 4693
Describe an event(interm)(Описание события) 4147
In the picture I can see...(2)(Описание картинки) 7834
In the picture I can see...(Описание картинки) 5066
Describe an animal(Описание животного) 4566
Describe the season(Описание сезона) 4082
Describe a thing(Описание вещи) 4125
Describe a person(Описание человека) 4352
Describe a famous person(Описание знаменитого человека) 5741
Speaking(Describe the picture)(Опишите картинку) 4865
Describe the pictures(Описание картинок) 10143
Real photo (Реальная фотография) elementary 5181
Compare and contrast two photos 2 (Сравни и сопоставь две фотографии) 9817
Compare and contrast two photos 1( Сравни и сопоставь две фотографии) 7249
Emotional famous people (Эмоциональные знаменитости) 5449
People look like animals (Люди похожи на животных) 5830
Describe the photo of people (Опиши фотографию людей) 7146

Speaking: Discussions and debates

Speaking: Dialogues

Speaking: Monologue

Speaking: Interview