The present perfect tense. Exercises (Настоящее соверш. время. Упражнения)



     The Present Perfect describes an activity in the past that is important for the present.

They have gone to Spain. = They are still in Spain.

He has cleaned the car. = The car is clean.

We have seen that film. = We don’t want to see it again.

    The Past Simple describes a completed activity in the past.

    The Present Perfect describes an activity that is still important for the present.

I lived in New York for two years. = I don’t live there now.

I have lived in New York for two years. = I still live there.

When the time in the past is given, you must use the past simple.

I have had my lunch. But: I had my lunch at two о ‘clock.

    Упражнение 1. Поставьте данные в скобках глаголы в утвердительную, отрицательную или вопросительную форму в the Present Perfect Tense.

    Two people have been taken to another world by space creatures or aliens. Their leader is talking to the space creatures.

Lieder: 1_________________________________(you/have/a good journey)?

Aliens: Yes, your Majesty.

Lieder: 2___________________________________________ (Where/you/be)?

Aliens: We 3___________________________ (be) to the planet Earth.

Lieder: 4___________________________________ (we/visit/the planet before)?

Aliens: No, your Majesty. It is a very small and uninteresting planet.

Lieder: 5__________________________________ (you/bring/anything back) ?

Aliens: Yes. We 6 ____________________________ (bring) back some creatures

called sheep, a machine called a car and some creatures called people.

Lieder: 7________________________________ (How many people/you/bring)?

Aliens: Two.

Lieder: 8_________________________________ (you/talk/to them)?

Aliens: No, we 9_______________________We can’t understand their language.

Lieder: 10_________________________________(the computer/examine/them)?

Aliens: Yes, it has.

Lieder: 11__________________________________________ (What/it/find)?

Aliens: These people are very primitive creatures. But they are a little more intelligent than the sheep.

Lieder: 12 ____________________________(the computer/finish/its examination)?

Aliens: Yes, it has.

Lieder: 13_____________________________________ (the people/wake/up yet)?

Aliens: Yes, they have. But they will not remember anything when we take them back to Earth.

Lieder: 14____________________________(How long/they/bе/away from Earth)?

Aliens: Seven Earth months.

Lieder: Good. You 15____________________ (do) well.

    Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы 'to be' или 'to go' в the Present Perfect Tense.

She has been to the airport. = She has come back again.

She has gone to the airport. = She has not come back yet. She is still at the airport.

1. Where’s Sue?’ ‘She ___________________________________to the shops.’

2. Hello. I haven’t seen you lately.’ ‘I____________________ on holiday.’

3. Have Greg and Jackie had a good day?’ ‘Yes, they ______________ to London.’

4. Hello, Mrs Moore. Is Terry in?’ ‘No, he isn’t. He__________________ to the leisure centre.’

5. Shall we go to the Tower of London?’ ‘No. We _____________there three times.’

6 Are Jackie and Greg there?’ ‘No. They______________________ to the seaside.’ 


    Упражнение 3. Поставьте данные в скобках глаголы в the Present Perfect Tense или the Past Simple Tense так, чтобы глаголы грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

1. Vince_________________(make) a list of jobs for his project. It's on his wall now.

2. He______________________________ (make) the list on Monday.

3. He____________________(write) a letter to the local newspaper, but he hasn't

posted it yet.

4. He____________________________(write) a letter to the editor on Wednesday.

5. He ______________________(take) some photographs on Thursday afternoon.

6. He______________________________(talk) to his Geography teacher on Friday.

7. Where’s Vince now?’ ‘He ____________(go) to the library and he isn’t back yet.’

8. He____________________________(go) to the library on Saturday morning, too.

9. He_____________(start) his project on Sunday, but he__________ (not finish) yet.

    Упражнение 4. Поставьте данные в скобках глаголы в the Present Perfect Tense или the Past Simple Tense так, чтобы глаголы грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

1. My friend is a writer. She _____________________ (write) many books.

2. We___________________________ (not/have) a holiday last year.

3. ____________________________________ (you/see) Alan last week?

4. I_________________________(play) tennis yesterday afternoon.

5. What time ______________________________ (you/go) to bed last night?

6. _____________________________________ (you/ever/be) to the United States?

7. My hair is clean. I______________________________ (wash) it.

8. I____________________________(wash) my hair before breakfast this morning.

9. When I was a child, I __________________________(not/like) sport.

10. Kathy loves travelling. She _________________ (visit) many countries.

11. John works in a bookshop. He __________________(work) there for three years.

12. Last year we______________________________ (go) to Finland for a holiday.

We___________________________(stay) there for three weeks.




Упражнение 1. 1. Have you had a good journey? 2. Where have you been? 3. have been, 4. Have we visited the planet before? 5. Have you brought anything back? 6. have brought, 7. How many people have you brought? 8. Have you talked to them? 9. haven’t, 10. Has the computer examined them? 11. What has it found? 12. Has the computer finished its examination? 13. Have the people woken up yet? 14. How long have they been away from Earth? 15. have done.

Упражнение 2. 1. has gone, 2. have been, 3. have been, 4. has gone, 5. have been, 6. have gone.

Упражнение 3. 1. has made, 2. made, 3. has written, 4. wrote, 5. took, 6.talked, 7. has gone, 8. went, 9. started, hasn’t finished

Упражнение 4. 1. has written, 2. didn’t have, 3. Did you see, 4. played, 5. did you go, 6. Have you ever been, 7. have washed, 8. washed, 9. didn’t like, 10. has visited, 11. has worked, 12. went, stayed.




< Пред.   След. >


Speaking: Express your likes and dislikes

Speaking: In different situations

Complimenting (Комплименты) 4371
Gossiping. (Разговорные фразы на тему "Слухи") 4271
Blaming someone-Regret. (Обвинять кого-то-Сожаление) 4228
Optimist-pessimist. ("Оптимист-пессимист") 6478
Introducing(Представление),Listing(Основная часть),Concluding(Заключение) 4011
Giving advice (Давать советы) 4789
Functions 2 (Exercises)(Situations in speaking) 13762
Functions 1 (Exercises) (Situations in speaking) 11803
Predictions(About Future) Предсказания(о будущем) 4687
Review of the film (interm)(как рассказать о фильме) 5770
The proverbs(interm)(Пословицы) 4425
How to compare(interm)(Как сравнить) 4560
How do you spend your time?(interm)(Как ты проводишь свободное время?) 5378
Have fun with us!!!(interm)(Веселись с нами) 4454
Gifts(interm)(Подарки) 4710
Complimenting(interm)(Комплименты) 4143
Holidays(elem) (Праздники) 4655
Complaining(interm)()Жалобы) 4362
Cinema! Cinema! Cinema!(interm)(Кино) 4491
Beloved person(interm)(Возлюбленный) 4397
Apologizing(interm)(Извинения) 4276
About money(interm.)( О деньгах) 4376
Chill out at the bowling club(elem)(Отдых в боулинге) 4895
feelie games (расскажи о своих ощущениях)+видео 4694
Speaking “In the street” (“На улице”)+ видео 5031
Time(выражение времени) 5576
Expressing ability(выразить возможность что-то сделать) 5808

Speaking: Describe the picture

Describe a picture. Express your opinion. (Опишите картину. Выскажите свое мнение.) 4767
Describe a picture.(Опишите картину.) 4761
Describe an item of clothes (elementary)(Описание деталей одежды. ) 4946
How to describe the picture (Как описать картинку) 6533
Describe a room (elementary) (Описание комнаты (элементарный)) 5211
Describe a picture (explain)(exam level)(Опишите картину (объясните) 4259
Describe a picture. Speculating.(Exam level)(Опишите картину. Размышление.) 4342
Describe a picture. Express your opinion.(Exam level)Опишите картину. Выскажите свое мнение. 4066
Describing a picture(interm)(Описание картинки) 4781
Describe an event(interm)(Описание события) 4228
In the picture I can see...(2)(Описание картинки) 7994
In the picture I can see...(Описание картинки) 5190
Describe an animal(Описание животного) 4663
Describe the season(Описание сезона) 4181
Describe a thing(Описание вещи) 4221
Describe a person(Описание человека) 4446
Describe a famous person(Описание знаменитого человека) 5830
Speaking(Describe the picture)(Опишите картинку) 4958
Describe the pictures(Описание картинок) 10233
Real photo (Реальная фотография) elementary 5272
Compare and contrast two photos 2 (Сравни и сопоставь две фотографии) 9925
Compare and contrast two photos 1( Сравни и сопоставь две фотографии) 7351
Emotional famous people (Эмоциональные знаменитости) 5547
People look like animals (Люди похожи на животных) 5917
Describe the photo of people (Опиши фотографию людей) 7329

Speaking: Discussions and debates

Speaking: Dialogues

Speaking: Monologue

Speaking: Interview