Functions 1 (Exercises) (Situations in speaking)


1 Match each sentence (1-10) with a function from a-j.

1 That’s very kind of you, I’d love to...d...

2 Well, it’s been nice talking to you, but I’m afraid I have to go........................

3 Could you tell me how to get to the post office?.............

4 You might have told me you were having a party!..............

5 Shall I carry this bag for you?...............

6 What do you think I should do?..................

7 Actually, I don’t think that’s right. …...............

8 Would you like to come round for a drink later? ….......................

9 Jack, this is my brother, Mark. ….................

10 Could you tell me what tim% the bank opens?.........................

a Complaining

f Asking for directions

b Inviting

g Introducing other people

с Asking for information

h Offering to do something

d Accepting an invitation

i Disagreeing

e Asking for advice

j Ending a conversation

2 Match each sentence (1-10) with a function from a-j.

1 Would you like some more tea? .f...

2 I think you’d better phone the police. …........

3 I’d love to come, but I’m already going out that evening...................

4 Good morning, I’m Brenda Watson, the Marketing Manager.....................

5 I’m sorry I’m late - it won’t happen again. …...............

6 Would you like me to do the washing-up? …................

7 Excuse me, but is the bus station anywhere near here? …...................

8 Hi, Sally, how are you?................

9 I think that’s the point exactly. …........................

10 It’s at the end of this street, opposite the church...................................

a Declining an invitation

f Offering something

b Introducing yourself

g Agreeing

с Greeting a friend

h Apologizing

d Offering to do something

i Giving directions

e Asking for directions

j Giving advice

3 Choose the most suitable response.

1 Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?

a) That would be great.

b) Thank you very much for your kind invitation.

2 I wish you wouldn’t smoke in here!

a) I don’t agree, I’m afraid.

b) Sorry, shall I open the window?

3 Well, it was nice talking to you, but I have to dash.

a) Yes, I enjoyed talking to you too.

b) OK, see you.

4 Could you tell me whether this train stops at Hatfield?

a) I believe I could.

b) I believe it does.

5 Shall I collect the tickets for you?

a) That would be a real help.

b) Yes, I thinZA$k you shall.

6 What would you do in my situation?

a) I think you should ask for a loan from the bank.

b) I thought you would ask for a loan from the bank.

7 How do you do. I’m Bill Thompson.

a) Very well thank you.

b) How do you do.

4 Choose the best response for each sentence.

1 Would you like some more coffee?........f...............

2 Sorry, but I think I’ve broken a glass.........................

3 Excuse me, is this the right way to the station?.......................

4 What do you think I should do?........................

5 Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight?..............

6 Shall I help you with the washing up?.................

7 Is it all right if I leave my bike here?................

8 Hi Helen, how are you?...................

a If I were you, I’d leave now.

e Yes, that’s fine.

b I’m fine. How are you?

f Thanks, I’d love some.

с Don’t worry, it wasn’t your fault.

g Thanks, that’s very kind of you.

d Sorry, but I’m really busy.

h Sure, just keep straight on.


5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1 Can I offer you a lift home?


Would like a lift .................. home?

2 What time does the next train leave?


Could.................................the next train leaves?

3 I think you should sell this painting.


If I................................................................... this painting.

4 Shall I mow the lawn?


Would..............................mow the lawn?

5 Am I going the right way for Downwood?



6 Do you have to make so much noise!


I........................................... so much noise!

7 What’s your advice?


What do.................................................. do?

8 Let’s go for a pizza.


How..................................................................a pizza?



1 1 d. 2 j. 3 f. 4 a. 5 h. 6 e. 7 I. 8 b. 9 g. 10 c.

2 1 f. 2 j. 3 a. 4 b. 5 h. 6 d. 7 e. 8 c. 9 g. 10 I.

3 1 a. 2 b. 3 b. 4 b. 5 a. 6 a. 7 b.

4 1 f. 2 c. 3 h. 4 a. 5 d. 6 g. 7 e. 8 b.

5 1 you like a lift. 2 you tell me what time. 3 were you I'd sell. 4 you like me to. 5 this the right way for. 6 wish you wouldn't make. 7 you think I should. 8 about going for.

< Пред.   След. >


Speaking: Express your likes and dislikes

Speaking: In different situations

Complimenting (Комплименты) 4371
Gossiping. (Разговорные фразы на тему "Слухи") 4274
Blaming someone-Regret. (Обвинять кого-то-Сожаление) 4231
Optimist-pessimist. ("Оптимист-пессимист") 6486
Introducing(Представление),Listing(Основная часть),Concluding(Заключение) 4014
Giving advice (Давать советы) 4793
Functions 2 (Exercises)(Situations in speaking) 13774
Functions 1 (Exercises) (Situations in speaking) 11811
Predictions(About Future) Предсказания(о будущем) 4698
Review of the film (interm)(как рассказать о фильме) 5780
The proverbs(interm)(Пословицы) 4430
How to compare(interm)(Как сравнить) 4563
How do you spend your time?(interm)(Как ты проводишь свободное время?) 5384
Have fun with us!!!(interm)(Веселись с нами) 4464
Gifts(interm)(Подарки) 4720
Complimenting(interm)(Комплименты) 4149
Holidays(elem) (Праздники) 4661
Complaining(interm)()Жалобы) 4365
Cinema! Cinema! Cinema!(interm)(Кино) 4496
Beloved person(interm)(Возлюбленный) 4399
Apologizing(interm)(Извинения) 4283
About money(interm.)( О деньгах) 4382
Chill out at the bowling club(elem)(Отдых в боулинге) 4900
feelie games (расскажи о своих ощущениях)+видео 4700
Speaking “In the street” (“На улице”)+ видео 5037
Time(выражение времени) 5579
Expressing ability(выразить возможность что-то сделать) 5811

Speaking: Describe the picture

Describe a picture. Express your opinion. (Опишите картину. Выскажите свое мнение.) 4769
Describe a picture.(Опишите картину.) 4767
Describe an item of clothes (elementary)(Описание деталей одежды. ) 4949
How to describe the picture (Как описать картинку) 6539
Describe a room (elementary) (Описание комнаты (элементарный)) 5219
Describe a picture (explain)(exam level)(Опишите картину (объясните) 4265
Describe a picture. Speculating.(Exam level)(Опишите картину. Размышление.) 4354
Describe a picture. Express your opinion.(Exam level)Опишите картину. Выскажите свое мнение. 4073
Describing a picture(interm)(Описание картинки) 4786
Describe an event(interm)(Описание события) 4235
In the picture I can see...(2)(Описание картинки) 8001
In the picture I can see...(Описание картинки) 5195
Describe an animal(Описание животного) 4666
Describe the season(Описание сезона) 4182
Describe a thing(Описание вещи) 4222
Describe a person(Описание человека) 4453
Describe a famous person(Описание знаменитого человека) 5836
Speaking(Describe the picture)(Опишите картинку) 4963
Describe the pictures(Описание картинок) 10241
Real photo (Реальная фотография) elementary 5275
Compare and contrast two photos 2 (Сравни и сопоставь две фотографии) 9925
Compare and contrast two photos 1( Сравни и сопоставь две фотографии) 7352
Emotional famous people (Эмоциональные знаменитости) 5554
People look like animals (Люди похожи на животных) 5924
Describe the photo of people (Опиши фотографию людей) 7339

Speaking: Discussions and debates

Speaking: Dialogues

Speaking: Monologue

Speaking: Interview