Essential Grammar in Use. Elementary Exercises

1. Present.
- am / is / are.
- am / is / are (questions).
- I am doing.
- Are you doing?
- I do / work / like etc.
- I don`t...
- Do you... ?
- I am doing and I do.
- I have... and I`ve got...

2. Past.
- was / were.
- worked / got / went etc.
- I didn`t... Did you...?
- I was doing.
- I was doing and I did.

3. Present Perfect.
- I have done.
- I`ve just... I`ve already...I haven`t... yet.
- Have you ever...?
- How long have you...?
- for / since / ago.
- I have done and I did.

4. Passive.
- Is done / was done.
- Is being done / has been done.

5. Verb forms.
- be / have / do in present and past tenses.
- Regular and irregular verbs.

6. Future.
- What are you doing tomorrow?
- I`m going to...
- Will / shall 1.
- Will / shall 2.

7. Modals, imperative etc.
- Might.
- Can and could.
- Must / mustn`t / don`t need to.
- Should
- I have to.
- Would you like...? I`d like...
- Do this! / Don`t do that! / Let`s do this!
- I used to...

8. There and it.
- There is / there are.
- There was / were there, has / have been, there will be
- It...

9. Auxiliary verbs.
- I am , don`t etc.
- Have you? / Are you? / Don`t you etc.
- Too / either so am I / neither do I etc.
- Isn`t / haven`t / don`t etc.

10. Questions.
- Is it...? / have you...? / do they...? etc.
- Who saw you? Who did you see?
- Who is she talking to? What is it like?
- What...? / Which...? / How...?
- How long does it take...?
- Do you know where...? / I don`t know what... etc.

11. Reported speech.
- She said that... / He told me that...

12. - ing and to...
- Work / working, go / going, do / doing.
- To... (I want to do) and -ing (I enjoy doing).
- I want you to... / I told you to...
- I went to the shop to...

13. Go, get, do, make and have.
- go to... / go on... / go for...
- -ing
- get
- do and make.
- have.

14. Pronouns and possessives.
- I / me, he / him, they / them etc.
- My / his / their etc.
- Whose is this? It`s mine / yours / hers etc.
- I / me / my / mine.
- Myself / yourself / themselves etc.
- -`s (Kate`s camera / my brother`s car etc.)

15. A and the.
- A / an.
- Train(s) / bus(es).
- A bottle / some water.
- A cake / some cake / some cakes.
- A / an and the.
- The...
- Go to work / go home / go to the cinema.
- I like music / I hate exams.
- The... (names of places)

16. Determiners and pronouns.
- This / that / these / those.
- One / ones.
- Some and any.
- Not + any no none.
- Not + anybody / anyone / anything
             nobody / no-one / nothing.
- Somebody / anything/ nowhere etc.
- Every and all.
- All most some any no / none.
- Both / either/ neither.
- A lot / much / many.
- (A) little / (a) few.

17. Adjectives and adverbs.
- Old / nice / interesting etc.
- Quickly / badly / suddenly etc.
- Old / older, expensive / more expensive.
- Older than... / more expensive than...
- Not as … as.
- The oldest / the most expensive.
- Enough
- Too.

18. Word order.
- He speaks English very well.
- Always / usually / often etc.
- Still / yet / already.
- Give me that book! / Give it to me!

19. Conjunctions and clauses.
- And /  but / or / so / because.
- When...
- If we go .../ If you see... etc.
- If I had... / If we went... etc.
- A person who...     A thing that / which...
- The people we met / The hotel you stayed at.

20. Prepositions.
- At 8 o`clock / on Monday / in April
- From... to / until / since / for.
- Before / after / during / while.
- In / at / on (places 1).
- In / at / on (places 2).
- To / in / at (places 3).
- Under / behind / opposite etc.
- Up / over / through etc.
- On / at / by / with / about.
- Afraid of... / Good at... etc.
- Listen to... / Look at... etc. (verb + preposition).

21. Phrasal verbs.
- Go in / fall off / run away etc.
- Put on your shoes / Put your shoes on.

Additional exercises.

1. Am / is / are.
2. Present continuous.

- I`m working / Are you working? (Etc. 1, 2).
3. Present Simple.
- I work / she doesn`t work / do you work? (Etc. 1, 2).
4. Present continuous / simple.

- I`m working and I work. (1, 2)
5. Past Simple.

- Was / were and past simple (1, 2).
6. Past simple / continuous.

- I worked and I was working (1, 2).
7. Present and Past (1, 2).
8. Present Perfect.

- I have done / she has been etc. (1, 2, 3).
9 Present perfect / past simple.

- I have done etc. and I did etc. (1, 2).
10. Present / past / Present Perfect (1, 2).
11. Passive  (1, 2).
12. Future (1, 2).
13. Past / Present / Future (1, 2).
14. Questions (1, 2).
15. -ing and to... (1, 2).
16. Pronouns and possessives.
17. A and The (1, 2).
18. Determiners and pronouns (1, 2).
19. Adjectives and adverbs (1, 2, 3).
20. Prepositions (1, 2).
21. Phrasal verbs (1, 2).


1. Snake Catcher.
-Am / Is / Are
- He / his / him
- Do / make / have
- Some / any / a
- Questions
- Verb forms
- Past simple
- For / since / ago
- Go to / go on / go for
- Both / either / neither
- Adjectives & Adverbs
- Word order
- Conjunctions & Clauses
- At / on / in (time)
- At / on / in (places 1)
- In / at / to (places 2)
- During / while / for
- Relative clauses
- Phrasal verbs


 2. Punt World Tour.

                                           Test (with time limit).
- Present
- Past
- Present Perfect
- Passive
- Verb forms
- Future
- Modals, imperative etc.
- There and it
- Auxiliary verbs
- Questions
- Reported spech
- -ing and to...
- Go / get / do / make / have
- Pronouns and possessives
- A and the
- Determiners and pronouns
- Adjectives and adverbs
- Word order
- Conjunctions and clauses
- Prepositions
- Phrasal verbs


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