с 8 Марта на английском
. Today is
Mother's Day!
8 марта
Today is Mother's Day.
Let me help you,Mama.
I'll make breakfast.
I'll make lunch.
I'll do the dishes after brunch.
I'll do the shopping.
I'll make my bed.
No more hopping
On the bed.
I hope it's a good way
To make you happy
All this day!
. Today is your
I want to let you sleep late today.
Spend this day in your own way.
I'll make breakfast in bed.
The flowers will be from Dad.
We'll prepare your favourite meal.
We'll do everything according to your will.
Be happy,Mama!
. You are
special for me!
We are happy to give you small presents.
You are so important for us!
Dad and you are wonderful parents.
You are the people to love and trust.
. How great you
How wonderful you are!
You deserve a cool car!
How clever you are!
You must be a scientific star!
How beautiful you are!
Kiss me! I'm not so far!
. Be
What a great mummy I have!
She takes care of all of us!
Oh,God! Don't be deaf!
Make Mom's life full of jazz!
Or give her a lot of money
She won't spend it on honey.
She will buy marvelous perfume.
It's happiness for her to consume.