Horoscope about you

GEMINI (May, 22 - June, 21)

Symbol: Twins
Ruler: Mercury
Colour: Yellow
Metal: Mercury
 The sign of Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. Physically it is related to the hands and lungs. It is said to have a masculine nature, and is therefore more outwardly oriented in its energy expression. It is an Air sign, and this means that it is connected with communication, mental contact and social principles. It is also a Mutable sign which enhances flexibility and adaptability. Planets placed in this sign will often reflect on personal intelligence, bringing a tremendous curiosity and a need to exchange ideas with other people in a social environment. 
Negative manifestations of Gemini influences are a flightiness and unreliability, and a tendency to get involved with too many things at any one time. There is a love of ideas, but no inner need to put them into practice. Nevertheless this influence confers great mental insight, though there is often some kind of split in connection with planets placed in this sign. Planets here manifest considerable versatility and mental skills in regard to all forms of communication. 
The greatest challenges come for you when communication problems arise. Often an important break with a brother, sister or close friend can inaugurate a complete mental revaluation. In your essential search for meaning you can feel a bond to two very different schools of thought, or you can have two mentors with quite different ideas. Variety and polarity is the stuff of life for you, and you feel distinctly uncomfortable if you are asked to identify yourself with one single direction or opinion. Tension can arise in partnership matters because of your changeability and seeming inconstancy. Often it is enough for you to entertain fleeting ideas as a kind of mental gymnastics. Thus frustration arises in others because you don't always act on your ideas. Nevertheless you are fun to be with; you rarely take yourself too seriously, and are always willing to adapt to change. 
The Gemini child is quick as a whip, although most of the movement here is going on upstairs. Talk about activity! This is a child who revels in doing three things at once and is likely to do them all quite well. Suffice it to say that the Gemini child is a clever sort who will always be full of surprises. Cheeky as well, this is the kid who will bring a frog into the house with a bow around its neck and present it as a "gift" to Mom. Cute, huh? What the Gemini child loathes is boredom, so be sure this youngster's schedule is jam-packed (sports, book clubs, you name it). In keeping with all this activity, it's a sure bet that the Gemini child will have plenty of friends. This kid will also enjoy being the class clown, making faces and telling goofy jokes for a laugh. And funny they will be, as the Gemini child is possessed of a great sense of humor. That rapid-fire mind craves stimulation as well, so be sure that this child always has plenty of good reading material. Besides reading, the Gemini child also loves to talk, make jokes and engage in sports -- and they want to do it all now! Think Palm Pilot, straight-away. Content yourself to sit back and take in the action.
What you have in Gemini is The Great Communicator and The Great Facilitator all rolled into one -- but wait, they're two. Twins, right? Where Gemini is concerned, that means that they can talk twice as fast, twice as much and come up with enough new (and good) ideas to be considered the idea factory at any firm. Possessed of a restless and quick mind, the Twins are constantly moving from one project to the next, so an aide de camp is a good idea -- if they can keep up! 
 Geminis work well as an intermediary or go-between, since they love to talk. If someone needs access, a Gemini is bound to provide it, as contacts are their stock in trade. The context of these contacts is probably a fast-paced, social whirl where they are being continuously challenged and stimulated. If things get dull, Gemini will simply find a new field in which to play. The Twins are also curious to a fault, something which can get them into trouble every now and again (no mincing words for these folks!). 
Leading a staff meeting is not a goal for the Twins, but providing input certainly is. Teaching colleagues is always fun, as is sharing the wealth of information in their heads and creating harmony all around. When wanderlust creeps into Gemini's life, it can generally be relieved with a quick business trip or a few days of play. Back at the ranch, the Twins would be well served by a diligent assistant to keep tabs on their workaday world and be sure they're getting things done. 
The Gemini office is likely to be filled with multiple phones, a computer or two, fax machines, a TV -- anything that will aid communication. A packed bag is in the corner, just in case. Their car of choice is a zippy little convertible with a cell phone or two, the perfect way to plan a lunch date at the most happening bistro in town. 
Geminis are well suited as explorers, writers, merchants, translators, publicists -- even the next Oprah!
Geminis are huge flirts and they love playing around with love. They are a lot of fun in a relationship because they want a partner will is as curious as they are to have lots of adventures with them. They are highly social people who love showing off their romantic partner at parties. Geminis take a fairly intellectual approach to love, though, and they will logically weigh the pros and cons of staying with a particular partner. This isn't cold, it's just that they want to be sure they connect intellectually to their romantic interest before they will commit. Geminis are somewhat fickle and they tend to fall in and out of love fairly quickly, so they're not a good match for anyone who needs a lot of security. But once they make a commitment, they make a wonderful and loving partner. 
Craving conversation makes Geminis the ideal addition to any online community. Your intellectual inclination makes the Internet a perfect tool for exploration. A probing nature is to be expected, which means that the components that make up your computer experience will leave you intrigued. Using search engines suits you well, since they get you the information you need quickly. Geminis have a wit as quick as a mouse click, and because in life you easily go with the flow, your interaction with computers is bound to be positive. Your uncanny ability to find the common element between the numbers and the pictures means that you'll get the gist of the full process.
Gemini is always on the go, so they're looking for food they can pick up and run with, or that they don't need to spend forever preparing. The Twins are fond of ginger and parsley. As an Air Sign, they're looking for variety. 
Coffee Drinks: Always of two opinions (and more than ready to share them), Gemini settles on a double latte -- half decaf, half regular. 
Breakfast: Waffle Pizza Pumpkin Orange Biscuits 
Appetizer: Avocado, Carrot, Wrap
Side Dish: Vegetable, Kugel 
Main Courses: Chicken Triangles (served with peanut sauce), Peanut Dipping Sauce, Scallop, Kabob with Chutney Glaze Dessert: Ginger Squares
The chatty Twins might be considered the deal-makers of the Zodiac, albeit guileless ones. A crowded cocktail party with its potential for new contacts and endless possibilities is heaven on earth to the fun-seeking Twins who also have the delicious ability to charm their way into the pocketbooks of everyone they meet (all aboveboard, of course). 
Changeable, unpredictable Geminis enjoy spending their pennies, rarely worrying about where the next check will come from. Their charisma will surely lead to something! The Twins can't be bothered with the minutiae of balancing accounts, though, since there are so many more interesting things to do. They also adore flexibility in their lives, which means they'll never get a gold watch from an employer after twenty-five years -- they'll have gone through twenty-five jobs during that time! 
As far as the Twins are concerned, money is a necessary evil. Hey, there's so much to do! And if it takes money, so be it -- the Twins will find a way to make some. It's the money-making journey which is all-important to Geminis, however, and there best be plenty of freedom and flexibility along the way, because these folks would never trade a fat paycheck for a humdrum job. 
Even so, jobs are what the Twins crave, and lots of 'em, since keeping busy is great fun. The Twins enjoy juggling many tasks, and a job or two, coupled with volunteer efforts and the occasional "scheme" to make a few extra bucks, is all in a good day's work. Geminis are ideally suited as salespeople since it's a great way to talk all day long! And talk they can, for these folks could sell ice to Eskimos. A freelance sales job is ideal, thanks to its flexible scheduling. Geminis rarely worry about whether they'll have enough money since they are highly confident people and know they can pull a rabbit out of a hat. 

Are the Twins good with money? Well, they can have a pretty hard time deciding between practicality and pleasure ("the phone bill's due, but those shoes would be perfect for tomorrow night's party!"). If their partner is willing to manage the purse strings, life with the Twins can be a non-stop joyride! 



ARIES (March, 21 - April, 20)

Symbol: Ram
Ruler: Mars
Colour: Red
Metal: Iron
Gem: Diamond
Aries is ruled by Mars, and its symbol is the Ram. Aries is a Fire sign, impulsive and energetic. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and thus, it represents new beginnings. Arian's are typically full of creative energy, enthusiasm, and a great inner drive to prove themselves. They express themselves through action and are constantly seeking experiences that give them the opportunity to prove they are the best. 
There is little timidity in people under this sign - like the Ram, Arians are confident doers who often forge ahead confidently, regardless of the consequences. This impulsiveness can sometimes lead to problems when they leap before they look. They are not afraid to take risks or to gamble to have their way. If they can temper their impulsive drives, Arians can accomplish much and be successful leaders. They constantly seek to be the best at whatever they do and would rather have fame and fortune than material wealth. 
Arians crave independence and often seek positions of authority. Optimism runs through their veins and it is hard to discourage them from tasks they have begun (However, they are notorious for not finishing what they start). Their high-spirits are very contagious and are never daunted by fear of failure. 
As friends Arians are high-spirited and generous, though sometimes they must control their competitive impulses and how they affect those around them. They must learn to temper their aggressiveness and use reason and diplomacy when dealing with others. 
The Aries child is a junior dynamo, whizzing from here to there in a constant blur of activity. Whew! Just hope you can keep up. Pioneering by nature, this is a child who loves to explore and possesses tremendous energy. After-school activities are a must for this child, so think boy or girl scouts or the soccer club. Sports are actually a good choice for the Aries child, as this youngster is quite competitive by nature. Impulsive as well, Aries children will be scolded by the teacher for not raising their hands before speaking. And what a mouthful it'll be once this kid gets going! This is a truly irrepressible sort. Eager to try something new and courageous to boot, the Aries child will have scuffed-up knees from climbing a tree in some death-defying feat. Face it, this child is not for parents who are faint of heart! It's also important to let the Aries child feel a sense of independence. If you're watching out for this sprite, don't let 'em know it! These kids definitely want to feel like they're on their own. Lastly, the Aries child doesn't know the meaning of "slow down," so get used to some quick moves. Watching this child's sugar intake is a good (and relaxing) idea.
Do you want an Aries on your team? You bet. Those born under this Sign are competitive and love the game, whether it's business or life. They hate to lose, which means they'll probably win. And when the "contest" is in full swing, the only speed they know is full steam ahead -- think battering Ram, if you will, and clear out the lanes! 
Aries like being the leader and aren't as comfortable in a subordinate role. This isn't usually a problem, since -- thanks to their cocksure belief in themselves -- they like to start projects and blaze the trail for colleagues. True to a Fire Sign, Aries can be combustible at times. At least they're always ready to rumble! Even if they aren't always diplomatic, Aries are considerate of their colleagues and display great energy and courage in the field of battle -- umm, make that the workplace. As long as Rams can stay within themselves, they are likely to be successful. 
One thing the Ram craves is adventure. Preachy staff meetings are a snore, since Aries would much rather be out in the field closing a key client. New challenges need to come at a fast and furious pace for those born under this sign or else it's "NEXT!" as in next job. A safety net for the hard-charging Ram? Not! Retirement is for everyone else -- the Ram will stay in the game forever, changing the rules along the way so as to keep it interesting (but still legit). 
The Aries office is likely to be spare, with only a few token trophies and emblems of success as reminders of past victories. Rams will likely cruise the streets in the flashiest sports car going (leased, of course), and they would trade in a three-martini lunch for a few beers and a game of liar's dice. 
Aries is well-suited to become a firefighter, surgeon, mechanic, dentist (watch that drill!), professional athlete and, most of all, entrepreneurs.
Aries like to play as hard as they work. These folks are happiest in a spirited love match with someone fun and energetic who also challenges them intellectually. Aries people are passionate and loving in a romantic relationship. They can also be very playful and romantic with the right partner. Aries are loyal when they are in love, but they get very irritated by possessive partners. If you cling too tight to an Aries, they'll feel smothered and they'll end up fleeing the relationship.
As a Ram, you are used to catching on quickly, and once you get the hang of computers, you are likely to be wired in more ways than one. You could begin to close the technology gap faster than you first imagined possible. As an Aries, you tend to be the pioneer of any pack. Your willingness to delve into uncharted territory opens up the wonder of what can be achieved through sitting at your computer and tapping into the world around you. Like a chain email that you actually want to read, you can maximize your reach by using your ability to personalize your online experience. Before you know it, you'll be the pied piper of the digital world.
Aries likes variety -- so serve a bunch of appetizers. Fire Signs want their food to be hot and spicy. The Ram hates bland things and likes to spice up their meals with basil, cinnamon and curry. When cooking for an Aries, remember: the redder, the better! 
Coffee Drinks: First in line, first out the door -- a triple shot of espresso, and the Ram is off and running. 
Appetizers: Curry Mango Dip Bleu Cheese Bruschetta Mediterranean Spread with Pita Steamed Clams with Vidalia Onions and Tomatoes Pesto Crostinis.
Desserts: Baked Apples Carrot Cake
Does the Ram seek fame and fortune? Definitely the former, not the latter. While Arians could hit it big and make a bundle (many are entrepreneurs), it's more than likely that any fortune attained will have been as a result of their incredible will to succeed, not a desire to get rich. 
Arians are daring and bold, the go-getters of the Zodiac. They like to run the show -- and they like to win! This quality might get them in trouble every now and again where money is concerned, but invariably, they'll wriggle out of it. It's action and adventure that the Ram craves, whatever the cost. With the world as their oyster, Arians will purr like a cat. Bottom line: the Rambo of the boardroom has arrived! 
The Ram doesn't spend much time thinking about getting rich, since it's the journey that matters, not the end result. Moving their agenda forward is top priority, even if the agenda isn't fiscally sound -- hey, it's THEIR agenda! Oftentimes, money to Arians is nothing more than the "currency" which will enable them to get what they want. Are those born under this Sign security conscious? Rarely, since that would be no fun. Don't expect a nest egg from an Arian, someone who would much rather have a job that paid a fair day's wage and not much more so long as it came with freedom and flexibility. 
Even so, the Ram loves to spend and is the dream of marketers. "Such a deal!" they'll exclaim. "I'll take ten." This kind of behavior could wreak havoc on the checkbook, and to make matters worse, Arians are loathe to balance accounts! Arians would be well-served to save for a rainy day, but they probably won't. 

Should you loan the Ram money? Not if you expect to be repaid promptly. The flip side of this, however, is that if Arians have a couple of bucks on hand, they'd be more than happy to lend them to you. 



TAURUS (April, 21 - May, 21)

Symbol: Bull
Ruler: Venus
Colour: Light Blue, Pink
Metal: Copper
Gem: Emerald
The sign Taurus is ruled by Venus. Physically it is related to the throat. It is said to have a feminine nature, and is therefore more passive and receptive in its energy expression. Taurus is an Earth sign and as such is connected with fruitfulness and stability. A planet placed in this sign will be a stabilising influence and manifest its energy in a steadfast and determined manner. Taurus is also a Fixed sign, and this means that once a course is embarked on, it is rarely deviated from. Maintenance and care of existing conditions over long periods of time, and a reluctance to initiate change, are qualities of this sign. 
Taurus is also connected with the resources of Nature, and the whole issue of value and worth. Therefore it is associated with finance, worldly goods and security. People with a strong emphasis in this sign tend to be materialistic, and often get stuck in a rut. By periodically cutting their strong attachments they can gain greater perspective. There is a talent for relaxation and enjoyment of sensory pleasures. 
Basically you seek stability and security. However some of the greatest testing times of your life come when your values change and periods of instability arise. These periods will often be accompanied by the need to lose or give up something to which you are extremely attached. Your fate is to understand the very nature of attachment and yet develop greater flexibility in the face of gain or loss. Partnerships can be affected by your inertia as regards the need for renewal and change. When your self-worth is reflected by inner values which can never be lost, you become a tower of strength for yourself and others. Other things being equal you can build a wall of security around your loved ones. However you may have rather fixed ideas and principles, and you rarely allow yourself to be influenced. When those around you desire change, this can create a good deal of frustration. 
The Taurus child is steady and stable, taking his time with things and not rushing about. This is a child who will understand and appreciate process from the get-go! This youngster will also enjoy thinking about things and will generally appear consistent in their approach. A practical mind is a large part of the make-up here: When explaining things to a Taurus child, simply saying "This is how it is" won't do. This child needs to understand the "why" behind the rules, or they simply won't be able to live with them. Sound like a little more work? Perhaps, but the result is a well-adjusted kid. Another thing to keep in mind with this child is their need for affection. You can never hug the Taurus pup enough! This child is also quite domestic. You may well have a "Mother's Little Helper" in your midst, someone eager to mimic and learn from Mom. As the Taurus child is probably a future gourmet, expect this kid to spend a fair bit of time in the kitchen both cooking and eating! They're stubborn as well, making it pretty hard to sway the Taurus child once they get an idea in their head. The flip side to this characteristic, however, is patience and persistence, something which renders the Taurus child a good student and an eager reader.
The Bull could be considered the worker bee of the Zodiac, not the image you might have of this hard-charging sort. Taurus is reliable and loyal, easy to get along with and a good team player. They're also practical and grounded, as befits an Earth Sign. 
If you want things to get done, call the Bull. You may have to ring them two or three times, though, since they can be a bit lazy to get going, but once they're up and running, look out! There's a focus and single-mindedness of purpose there that can come in plenty handy. Taureans can be notoriously strong-willed, so it's a good idea for colleagues to lay down the law first -- the Bull will follow their lead and work hard. So hard, in fact, that Taureans are often the pillar of a company, the community and certainly their family. Hey, that's what those strong shoulders are for! Organization is also something that is best placed in the Bull's capable hands. 
While the Bull can do well in business, an artistic streak is also present. More apparent, though, can be the Bull's frequent stubborn streaks, which can defeat a lot of hard work. And that temper! It's mercifully swift, so duck while plates are flying, and you'll be fine. If Taureans can keep their focus on the steady accumulation of material goods and an occasional dose of earthy, sensual pleasures, life will be grand. 
The Taurus office is likely to be a comfy, cozy den, a place where guests will feel welcome and the Bull can hold court. Driving around between appointments is likely to be done in a sport utility vehicle, with ski racks on top as a sign of practicality and success. If it's a lunch date you crave, the Bull can just as easily take you for a BLT or filet mignon -- it all depends on your value to this discerning member of the Zodiac. 
Taureans are well suited as bankers, artists, accountants, musicians, gardeners or any profession that requires patience and determination.
Having a stable, happy love relationship is very important to Taurus people. Taurus folks need harmony in their lives and they work very hard to keep their love partner happy. They adore sensual pleasures, so kissing is a favorite activity! Taurus is also a sappy sign and Taurus people tend to be very mushy and romantic in relationships. They lean towards being overly possessive, but if they have a trustworthy partner who makes them feel secure they won't feel the need to hang on quite so tight. You can always count on a Taurus in a love relationship, because they are born romantics who are extremely loyal. 
As a Taurus, you are interested in reaping the benefits and enjoying the end results of your hard work. This will not change when it comes to technology. You are looking for the value of your online experience to exceed all expectations. You know better than anyone that you are fond of the pleasures of life, so your mind will be spinning to figure out how computers can contribute. Virtual reality, vivid pictures, and surround sound help you get the feel for the technology at hand. Experiences that involve your senses are always up your alley. Your practical side gives you a purpose to your Web surfing. Shopping online offers you the ideal venue to venture into possessing the finer things in life.
Taurus has a sweet tooth, so marshmallows, cinnamon and nutmeg are all winners. Earth Signs like practical food, too, so hearty dishes with flavors like parsley and mint are a good thing. The Bull will want to savor a meal full of fine flavors, so never take one out for fast food! 
Coffee Drinks: Cappucino -- earthy simplicity wrapped in luxury for the ruler of the material world. 
Soup and Salad: Carrot Parsley Salad Acorn Squash and Pasta Soup 
Side Dish: Sweet Potato
Main Courses: Spinach and Feta Turnovers Baked Ditalini with Three Cheeses Salmon and Pasta Picatta 
Desserts: Cookies Mexican, Hot Chocolate
The slow and steady Bull is one of the Zodiac's great providers. Those born under this Sign are terrific with money, probably because they value it so much. They also love the good life, and that usually costs a pretty penny -- after all, how many Van Goghs go on sale? 
Thankfully, the Bull doesn't mind working hard for the good things in life since comfort is worth its price. That's not to say that Taureans don't get a charge from a sunset, a juicy grapefruit, and a good book as well. It's just that shiny new cars are so pretty, and they run like a dream, too, which is exactly what the practical Bull wants. As an Earth Sign, Taureans also enjoy owning a piece of the Earth, so real estate makes for a particularly attractive investment for these folks. It's also a great way to take care of the ones they love. 
Taureans have a wonderful ability to keep their eyes on the prize, which means that they will slowly and steadily get the things they want. The Bull loves everything about money -- its color, feel, and smell -- and also feels entitled to it! This comfort level around money helps to make them very good with it. Bulls don't tend to overspend, preferring the security which a stash of money brings. Liking security in general (a partner, their own home), Taureans aren't likely to make rash financial decisions that will cause them to lose their treasure trove. 
Tangible assets are best where Taureans are concerned, things which they can see, feel, and touch. Consequently, antiques and real estate are far more appealing than stocks and bonds. Bulls are often long-term investors as well, since they like both making and keeping money. What does the lusty Bull love most in life? Food, sex, and money, although not necessarily in that order! 

The Bull is a master at making deliberate decisions where money is concerned, which means that bills will be paid on time and accounts are always in order. That old maxim "neither a borrower nor a lender be" fits the strong and capable Bull to a Taurean T. 


CANCER (June, 22 - July, 23)

Symbol: Crab
Ruler: Moon
Colour: Smokey grey
Metal: Silver
Gem: Pearl
The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Physically it is related to the breasts and stomach. It is said to have a feminine nature, and is therefore more reactive in its energy. It is a Water sign, and as such is connected to the world of emotion and the instincts. It is also a Cardinal sign, which means that planets placed here will express themselves in a very dynamic fashion - especially in matters connected with care and protection. This sign is associated with motherhood and the family. There is a great sensitivity on an inner level, but rather a secretive nature. Loyalty and attachment, sentimentality and hanging on to the past, are all characteristics associated with Cancer. 
Planets in this sign will often reflect a vulnerable character and oversensitive nature. There is also a possessive streak, and a tendency to be emotionally smothering. Nevertheless Cancer confers a strong intuitive nature and deeply-held feelings. There is a strong attachment to the home and awareness of the environment. Planets in Cancer come to expression most clearly in connection with the home and family. 
The bond to your mother will have been particularly formative. You are sensitive and easily hurt - though this may not be immediately apparent on the outside. Likewise, you are loyal and passionate in your defence of those you love - injury done to them is also done to you. You have a strong and instinctive protective nature. The greatest dilemma in your life comes when the bonds of attachment are broken - for example in connection with changes in the family structure. At these times it is important to recognise the dangers of sentimental attachment to the past. Your reluctance to let things go can stand in the way of your personal development. You have a great talent for building up a nurturing environment for those who are close to you, yet it can also help to be more open to those who are not necessarily so close. You are easily upset by changes in your daily rhythm, and can be rather grumpy when called upon to change habitual behaviours. Your home is your castle. 
The Cancer child is the homebody of the Zodiac, a shy and sensitive sort who would rather play in their room than face the brave new world. Emotional as well, this child will cry easily if things aren't going their way or if there is some upset going on in the family. A peaceful place is what this babe craves! Staying close to home, the Cancer child can be expected to tug on Mom's apron strings regularly. This can be a good thing, though, as this child loves to be helpful. Maternal in nature, the Cancer child is also a good choice to look after the younger kids in the family. These children are natural babysitters and can keep the neighborhood kids happy for hours with games and other domestic pursuits. As this child is possessed of an excellent memory, studying and test-taking will come easily to them. As they can occasionally be moody, it's best to give the Cancer child room when they're feeling blue. While they might at times feel sorry for themselves and even become lazy, it won't last for long. It's much more fun, after all, to be involved! Most of all, the Cancer child appreciates family, so expect this youngster to revel in family reunions and any and all family adventures.
Don't mistake a Cancer for an underachiever -- they're working it as much and as well as the next person, albeit in a subtle, low-key manner. The Crab's sensitive nature is readily apparent in business dealings, preferring a non-confrontational approach that protects them as well as those around them. Caution is the Cancerian's byword, lest they be forced to retreat into that handy-dandy shell. 
The Crab likes to lead, and as long as these folks are comfortable with their proscribed duties and their colleagues in the quest, they will probably succeed. As long as their emotions can be kept in check, Cancerians can create a space of harmony and happiness for all. This empathetic and intuitive quality also makes the Crab a natural nurturer and someone well suited to the caregiver role, whether it's as teacher, healer or protector. There are times, though, when even the Crab won't follow his good "medical" advice and can sorely benefit from creating a harder shell -- one can only take so much abuse! 
Those born under this Sign may not look like they're out to conquer the world, but in their own way, they're getting a lot of good done. Cancerians are very creative and love family, qualities that can lead to bliss in the workplace if properly merged. Think of an art therapist or family counselor, and you're talking the Crab's talk. A word of caution to co-workers: Don't cross the diligent Crab. Those pincers have some sharp claws! 
The Cancer office feels for all the world like home, with a couch for napping, a teapot for fixing something warm and soothing and favorite mementos all around. Crabs are the only ones who aren't clamoring for a spanking-new company car -- hey, that ten-year-old American sedan just got comfortable! The office is the Crab's favorite place for a business lunch, although a homey neighborhood spot is a close second. 
Cancerians are well suited as doctors, pharmacists, teachers, nutritionists, chefs, realtors -- anywhere they can feel truly useful.
Cancer people adore being in love. They are definitely the "mushiest" zodiac sign and they are suckers for classic candy and flowers romance. They are born looking for their ideal mate and once they meet the right person they will bond with them for life. The person who captures a Cancer's heart will be solid, dependable and open with their emotions. In return, Cancer will offer unlimited love, affection and endless loyalty.
If you have your preference, you'll be accessing the Web from home. As a Cancer, you are most comfortable in cozy surroundings that are familiar. This may make your first online experience a little disconcerting, but it won't be long until you find the perfect place on the Web. Home pages are a great fit. Most comfortable in your own digital digs, you seek out the security of familiar features. Cancers have the uncanny ability to use their memories as the magic that moves them, so that the potential of what a computer can store is extremely exciting to you. No need for fancy technological components. Being a purist at heart ensures that you only need the basics. You are able to experience emotions that go far beyond the text faces of colons and brackets :-) and are adamant about keeping in perspective that there are people behind the computers.
Why do you think Crabs come equipped with a hard, protective shell? It's because security is of the utmost importance to these folks and that means financial security as well. Cancerians like having money and feel especially good when there's a pile of it in the bank. Instinctive as they are and quick to trust their gut, making money comes fairly easily to those born under this Sign, but then it can also be said that that's because they've worked at it, perhaps while no one was looking. 
The Crab is an excellent strategist and is quite good at making a pincer movement to close a deal, a natural move for one with some pretty sharp claws. Even so, the Crab won't resist retreating into that shell if there's a better time to do business. Once Cancerians nab the prize, however, they won't let go. Ever! These folks enjoy accumulating money (they need to!) and intend to hang on to most, if not all, of what they get.

Loving money as they do (green must be their favorite color!), Cancerians make excellent bankers and business people, seemingly endowed as they are with a head for money. Crabs also view money as a measure of their value -- it validates them and helps them feel more powerful. It also allows them to take care of those they love and buys peace of mind. No rainy day woes for the cautious Crab! 
Cancerians enjoy doing the budgeting and will always see to it that the fridge is full, the bills are paid, and that bank balances are healthy. They won't charge it if they can pay now, and they usually can. These folks are also cautious about lending money, unless it's a family member that's doing the asking, in which case their generosity is boundless. 
Any shopping sprees in the Crab's future? Probably not. It's better to hang on to those bucks, you know -- they could come in handy someday.


                                                               LEO (July, 24 - August, 23)

Symbol: Lion
Ruler: Sun
Colour: Gold, orange
Metal: Gold
Gem: Ruby
The sign Leo is ruled by the Sun. Physically it is related to the heart and back. It is said to have a masculine nature, and is therefore more extrovert in its energy. As a Fire sign, Leo is connected with the principle of identity, and as it is also classed as a Fixed sign, planets placed here have a stabilising effect, conserving and building individual character. There is a strong creative manifestation and self-expression connected with the sign - planets placed in Leo act in a dramatic way and need to experienced themselves reflected in their surroundings. 
When planets are expressed negatively in this sign there will often be pride, narcissism and self-importance. When expressed positively there is a warmth and joy in being, and a playful, romantic nature. This sign is associated with children, charisma and entertainment. Planets in Leo act with authority and power, exerting a compelling influence on others. Greater balance can be attained if the capacity to see oneself objectively is cultivated. 
Your relationship to your father has direct relation to your degree of self-confidence. Although you can be warm, gallant and charming, you have a strong need to dominate in partnerships and have a tendency to be attention-grabbing precisely because of insecurity in this area. You are romantic, and not averse to the occasional affair to give your ego the shine it needs. Great challenges in your life occur in connection with your sense of identity. In these periods of crisis you will tend to radically change your image. Your exaggerated sensitivity to the kind of impression you make on your loved one makes way, as you mature, for a stronger sense of self-security based on inner convictions. It is at these times that false pride and elitism bite the dust, and your natural nobility emerges. 
More than anything else, the Leo child loves to be on stage. If you're looking for a lead for the school play, look no further than this precocious tyke. This is a child who is extremely creative as well, putting on their version of the "Fireside Theater" for family and friends and coming up with devilishly fun characters all the while. Certainly the leader of the group, the Leo child has many friends -- or are those followers? After all, there's no mistaking who's in charge here! Generous as well, the Leo child will enjoy sharing the spoils of success with their pals. And you can bet that this child will succeed -- how else to get to be the Lion King? The Leo child's best qualities include optimism and a sunny disposition. This child genuinely believes that life is good and that things will go their way. The Leo child abhors criticism and simply won't have it! Proud, too, the Leo child will always be intent on having an audience and performing well for that group. The good show continues on to school, where this youngster will get good grades if only to show that they're the best. Popular and a real charmer, the Leo child can be counted on for hours of fun!
If there's someone who likes being the center of attention, it's a Leo. And why not? Those born under this Sign are giving, proud, energetic, confident -- the world can't help but look! That is as it should be, says the Lion. They're firebrands with plenty of smolder in their eyes and a golden glow all around. Leos are focused in their work and make excellent team leaders. The Lion is also a risk-taker, someone who wants the world (for starters) and often gets it. 
Whether it's for a big project or a noble cause, getting the Lion to jump on board is a shrewd move -- and one that's sure to attract attention! These folks can't help but be in the limelight, thanks to their larger-than-life personality. Hand-in-hand with this is an infectiously positive attitude. Colleagues are often quick to seek out the Lion as a role model, since those signature qualities of leadership, truth and justice are ones that many seek. However, Leos must be careful not to indulge in selfishness or manipulation or to fall into a state of complacency. And as for all that primping and posing, Lion: enough is enough! Yes, life is a banquet, and you are the star, but do you really want to let yourself go that way? 
As much as the Lion likes being in the spotlight, there really is plenty of room for a team to assemble all around. Is there a game to be won? a deal to close? The Lion's team is the winning team, and a happy bunch of cats it is. 
The Leo office is likely to be overwhelmed by the throne behind the desk. And you thought it was a chair? Ha! That desk, of course, is gleaming mahogany, as is the well-stocked liquor cabinet in the corner. Lions are usually driven around in Bentleys, but will take the wheel of a Lexus if they're at a start-up. Cutting a deal with Leo over lunch? It'd better be the Ritz! 
Leos are well suited as managers, architects, inventors, teachers, athletes and Presidents.
Leos are known for being hot and passionate. They are magnetic types whose confidence, energy and flirtatious nature draws many interesting love possibilties to them. In love, Leos are creative, enthusiastic and completely romantic, so they'll come up with lots of fun ways to show they care for that special someone. Leos need a lot of praise and compliments from their romantic partners, too, and they will only be happy with someone who is willing to worship them openly. They also look for someone whose energy matches their own, because the perfect partner for a Leo can keep up with them on all their exciting, dramatic escapades. 
As you jump online, you may find the experience to be a little frustrating, as Leos love being center stage, and it's hard to stand out on the Web. Your light at the end of the tunnel is that you have the ability to backup your performances with a depth of understanding that is uncanny. After you sweep through a Web site, the format may seem a little funky, since you are not afraid to leave a strong impression. Your ambition and ability to multi-task are likely to be evident through the number of computer applications that you have open on your desktop at any one time. Leos can organize almost as well as an electronic datebook, and you can be sure when you are in control everything will eventually run smoothly. Your idealistic views of the Internet have the potential to inspire creative products or even a business plan.
The star of the Zodiac has arrived! Leos love to be center stage, playing to an adoring audience. They also love beauty and riches and often seem to be pampered with both. When not on stage, it's easy to spot the Lion in a crowd. They're always the most magnetic presence in the room, surrounded in an almost golden glow. Leos are usually on a mission to find their right place in the (business) world. If they're chosen to lead -- well, some things just make perfect sense! 
Leos enjoy taking a risk, but generally only if the odds are in their favor. They hate to lose (and look bad!). It's not surprising for Las Vegas to beckon to the Lion who loves glamour and glitz along with some shiny new coins. The Lion's gambling streak can be a good thing, as long as ego doesn't get in the way and lead to bad business decisions. 
Lions firmly believe that money is there to give them everything they deserve, whether it be a great house, a zippy sports car, or more toys than they can play with. Extravagance is their middle name! They'll find a way to make money, because they surely know how to spend it -- and will. "There's more where that came from" is never far from the Lion's mind. 
Managing money would definitely crimp the Lion's freewheeling style -- hey, these are the folks who originated the champagne and caviar party! The accountant (or partner) can add up the damage. If Leos do overspend, they're generally resourceful enough to get back on track. When things get really bad, a visit will be paid to the banker since the proud Lion could never borrow from a friend. And admit they're not king of the hill? Never! 
The Lion's secret to success, however, may be a very generous spirit. These folks would lend their last penny, and since what goes around comes around, they'll always find their way to a few more. Leo knows the cup is half full, and more often than not, their cup runneth over!



VIRGO (August, 24 - September, 23)

Symbol: Virgin
Ruler: Mercury
Colour: Navy, Blue, Brown
Metal: Nickel
Gem: Sardonyx
The sign of Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Physically it is related to the digestive system. It is said to have a feminine nature, and is therefore more reactive in its energy. As an Earth sign, it is connected with material things and practical manifestation, relating to work, the body and organisation principle. As a Mutable sign it is adaptable - and this manifests as a talent for discrimination and analysis. 
Planets in this sign express themselves in a perfectionistic way, and give rise to a tendency to both criticism and self-criticism. There is a drive to work hard and a strong motivation to be helpful and of service to others. The work principle is exalted, and there is a need to organise people socially in relation to work. There is a tendency to analyse everything and compartmentalise information. The rational mind is dominant, and greater balance could be achieved if the ability to allow fantasy and irrational impulses could be cultivated. 
The main challenges to your identity come when changes arise in your environment - whether it is personal health, in the home or in your working life. It is at these times that you learn to use your discriminative judgement to refine and clear out impurities in one form or another. You have a particularly well-developed critical sense and strong powers of analysis, and these can be your tool for personal development. This means overcoming a tendency to be self-critical, and giving yourself the credit you deserve for being of assistance to others. To attain harmony in partnership matters you must also avoid being critical of the partner. You can be too busy and too involved in the everyday running of things, and this can evoke a passive state in the partner. Being a perfectionist, you tend to end up doing all the work in the home yourself. If you do not set limits for help, you will be taken advantage of. 
The Virgo child is an industrious sort, so you can bet that a lot is going to get done when they're around. This is a child who can make play look like work, and vice versa, so you may not be sure exactly what's going on! Worry not, though -- the Virgo child is surely content with the task at hand, whether it's straightening up the bedroom or playing chess. Scientific and methodical, the Virgo child is likely to be drawn to more involved projects such as plotting stars or planting a vegetable garden. And those plants will flourish, for Virgo is a perfectionist who doesn't know the meaning of the word "failure." Along with this quest for excellence comes a penchant for pickiness, so the Virgo child's best intentions may often be misinterpreted. This child wants to eat those peas; it's just that they have to be the tastiest peas around! (A nervous stomach may also be part of this child's makeup.) Forever tidy, the Virgo child will not only have a neat room of their own, they'll also straighten up the rest of the house and arrange things as they see fit. Could be worse, right? At the end of the day, though, what the Virgo child wants most are simple things (vanilla ice cream -- no nuts -- and such), orderly surroundings and the pleasure of a job well done.
Need a quick fix? Call a Virgo. Those born under this Sign simply love to analyze and bat things around and are bound to come up with some answers. The mental, smart Virgo is a talker and a helper and likes to facilitate solutions as a service to others. Even so, Virgos crave independence and a space of their own, so don't expect all their cards to be laid on the table -- some things are best kept private.

Members of this Earth Sign are forever realistic and will set practical, achievable goals for themselves and the others on their team. Virgos are task-oriented and highly organized, a very loyal colleague and often the conscience of their group. They will get things done but are often reluctant to take the credit! The Virgo's perfectionism can often lead to nervousness and ill health, so a bit of balance, the yin with the yang, is a lesson well learned. 
If there's one thing a Virgo can do (and they can usually do plenty, thanks to their strong work ethic), it's create a winning team. Their discerning eye and discriminating style is hard to beat. Virgos find it easy, and a pleasure, to be the thinker, problem-solver, organizer and supporter of the team. It's important for them, though, to take care of themselves as well! All work and no play can make anyone a dull boy. When Virgos remember to criticize less and emphasize (the positives) more, a lot can be accomplished. 
The Virgo office is (what else?) highly organized, with a slew of computers and other electronic gadgetry for maximum efficiency. Slobs should definitely hang out elsewhere. When a car is required, a midnight blue Mercedes that purrs like a kitten is both elegant and reliable. If it's time to talk business, take the Virgo out for a light salad in a squeaky-clean restaurant, and you're bound to get results. 
Virgos are well suited as chemists, doctors, investigators, nutritionists, managers and entrepreneurs -- veterinarians, too, the better to help a pup in need.
Virgos actually are more relaxed when it comes to love than in most other areas of their lives. When it comes to romance, Virgos can loosen up a bit and allow themselves to have some fun. Virgo is a very loyal sign and these people are completely devoted to their love partners. They tend to be fairly jealous, but they can control this tendency if they feel secure that their partner is trustworthy. Virgos can sometimes seem cold and distant in love relationships, but that's only because they take an intellectual approach to romance, studying a relationship from every angle before deciding if they will commit to it. Once they decide on someone, though, they are endlessly faithful and reliable.
Virgos are often the foundations upon which plans are built, so jump into the online world full force. You may leave your tutor by the wayside as you take off to explore all of the elements. The exacting nature of Virgos ensures that you'll receive all of the data and see the Web page pictures promptly. You can edit any site or run the figures in any spreadsheet without expending much memory at all. Backing up your system and noticing all of the nuances of the Web are the type of tasks that get your attention. Your practical nature keeps your experience simple. Fact-finding expeditions encourage you to consult any and all of the experts available on the Web.
The modest Virgin is not likely to get caught bouncing a check. Those born under this Sign are blessed with common sense and self-reliance and manage their money (and that of others) very well. As befits their cautious and reflective nature, Virgos like to size up a situation first, making them good business partners. These honest and trustworthy folks are also chronic worriers, so they'll definitely mind the store! A business with a Virgo involved will run like a finely-oiled machine since perfection is the name of the game. 
The bottom line with Virgos is that they are very good with money. This suits their analytical mind! The accounts will always be in order, and they can really stretch a buck, being as measured as they are. The Virgin also hates to waste money. Having money in the bank is a bonus for Virgos since it will eliminate one more worry! This isn't the most important thing in life to the Virgin but every little bit helps. Virgos will definitely save for a rainy day and don't mind working hard to do so, especially since it keeps them from having to depend on others, a perennial Virgo concern. 
The Virgin is also a budgeting magician, someone who knows how to live on little and still have fun. A Virgo can tell you that "some of the best things in life are free" and really mean it! Virgos are rarely big spenders, hate to borrow, and hate to lend money even more. About the only time they'll lend is to a family member in need or in a case where they're sure they'll get it back. 
A regular paycheck is music to the Virgin's ears, and if it's paid weekly, even better. The vagaries of freelance work are quite unkind to the Virgo constitution, believing as they do that a bird in hand is worth a whole lot more. Let someone else play roulette with the paycheck! 

The fun for Virgos isn't in spending money, it's in cultivating less tangible assets such as knowledge and friendship. Now that's golden! 




LIBRA (September, 24 - October, 23)

Symbol: Scales
Ruler: Venus
Colour: Blue, Pale Green
Metal: Copper
Gem: Sapphire, Jade
The sign of Libra is ruled by Venus. Physically it is related to the kidneys. It is said to have a masculine nature, and is therefore more socially outgoing in its nature. As an Air sign it is connected with the mentality and social relationships, and as a Cardinal sign there is a dynamic expression to the energy. There is a motivation to achieve social or relationship goals. This sign is known for the ability to be diplomatic and create harmony. 
Planetary energies in Libra are keyed towards attaining balance. There is a strong concern with the principles of fairness and justice, and great interest in getting people to function smoothly together. Planets here are motivated for partnership, and there is a willingness to compromise for the sake of a harmonious relationship. It can be an advantage to balance this consciousness of others with greater self-awareness and self-assertion. 
The major formative experiences in your life are connected with relationships. In these key periods changes connected with your intimate bonds to another will lead to a revaluation of who you are and what your role is in life. You learn at these times that being true to yourself means not always compromising your needs for the sake of a relationship. Indeed this kind of compromise often involves an element of manipulation - if only through your natural charm. Nevertheless, you feel a sense of self most strongly when in a harmonious relationship and it is here that your talents lie. Your appreciation of beauty and your good taste brings an atmosphere of peace. You show a natural concern for others, but you demand that this concern goes both ways - you cannot accept a relationship, if the romance has gone out of it, and you are skilled at recreating conditions for love.

The Virgo child is an industrious sort, so you can bet that a lot is going to get done when they're around. This is a child who can make play look like work, and vice versa, so you may not be sure exactly what's going on! Worry not, though -- the Virgo child is surely content with the task at hand, whether it's straightening up the bedroom or playing chess. Scientific and methodical, the Virgo child is likely to be drawn to more involved projects such as plotting stars or planting a vegetable garden. And those plants will flourish, for Virgo is a perfectionist who doesn't know the meaning of the word "failure." Along with this quest for excellence comes a penchant for pickiness, so the Virgo child's best intentions may often be misinterpreted. This child wants to eat those peas; it's just that they have to be the tastiest peas around! (A nervous stomach may also be part of this child's makeup.) Forever tidy, the Virgo child will not only have a neat room of their own, they'll also straighten up the rest of the house and arrange things as they see fit. Could be worse, right? At the end of the day, though, what the Virgo child wants most are simple things (vanilla ice cream -- no nuts -- and such), orderly surroundings and the pleasure of a job well done.
If it's the truth you seek, you'll want to work with a Libra. The Scales will look at all sides of an issue, then make a careful and deliberate decision once they're sure it's the right one. The sense of justice and fair play attached to those born under this sign is remarkable. Librans enjoy the leader's role and will work hard to be worthy of the privilege. 
Librans crave the exchange of ideas, conversation and chatter, and if all this takes place in a social situation, even better. The schmoozer of the Zodiac has arrived! The Scales, of course, would prefer to be known as a networker, tasteful appellation that it is. Harmony is important to Librans, as these charmers enjoy beautiful surroundings which are pleasing to all; they also appreciate the concept of "go along to get along," important to peace and mutual understanding in business as well as life. 
The mediator in Libra likes bringing people together, but the Scales also enjoy having a partner at their side. People all around are fun, but one true ally in the trenches is priceless. Librans are motivated to keep their partnership sailing smoothly, and it's also likely to be a pretty ride, since they enjoy being in a beautiful world. If there's one thing the Scales could use, it's a bit of grit when it comes time to making tough decisions. That swinging back and forth can't go on forever! When it comes to crisis management, however, the Scales can spring to amazing action, even if it's a place they'd rather not be. 
The Libra office is likely to be beautiful, with fresh-cut flowers and a seating arrangement that places all guests on equal footing. Of all the Signs, Libras are likely the most interested in feng shui, and they'll move their furniture around until the placement feels just right. Heading for a meeting, the Scales will jump into their top-of-the-line Honda, gleaming like glass. If they're off to lunch, it's probably at some sleekly sophisticated cafe, carefully chosen with the client in mind. 
Librans are well suited as diplomats, judges, public relations consultants, counselors, psychologists (no Freudian slips here!) and artists.
Libras are born looking for their perfect match. They adore being in love! To these folks, everything is better if it is done as a twosome. Even though they love to play the field and date lots of interesting, gorgeous people, a Libra feels most complete when they find the person they want to couple up with forever. When it comes to their love relationships, Libras are a bundle of energy, romantic and loyal to the core. They have a real flair for making their partners feel special and they are creative about expressing their feelings. The ideal romantic encounter for a Libra involves a picnic outside on a beautiful day, because it combines dreamy romance with the outdoors (their favorite place to be). 
Libras are the sort of players you want to have on any tech team. You are quite in your element networking in the real world, and the online world is no different. Your quest will be finding the best balance between the two. An uncanny ability to look beyond the small screens and see the big picture on any size monitor allows you to get the best overall picture. Chat rooms and mailing lists are exciting to Librans as you thrive in a community setting. The Scales, though, are not likely to be found tucked away in the Internet world for long periods of time. Loneliness sets in easily. If you find yourself frustrated, your desire to avoid any type of conflict helps resolve the situation smoothly. Email adds a whole new dimension to your craving for communication.
It should come as no surprise that the Scales like things to be in balance -- the checkbook, their lives. Librans revel in beauty and harmony and are often striving for perfection. This quest can lead to bouts of indecision, for although Librans love to please, they hate to make the wrong choice! Ever the conciliator (Librans are often diplomats), the Scales prefer to achieve a happy medium, whatever the "price." These folks are at their best with a partner, ideally someone who can keep them from swinging wildly in either direction and help them achieve their goals. 
Librans thoroughly appreciate money and what it can buy: the best that life has to offer. Fortunately, there is usually enough cash around to keep the Scales in the style to which they've become accustomed. It's comfort and luxury which the Scales crave, and they also feel it's their divine right! No need to eat hamburger when you can dine on filet mignon. The Scales also like to be romanced, so prospective partners are well advised to keep that platinum card handy. 
Making the financial decisions is something that the Scales would rather not do as they consider it a bit tedious. Those born under this Sign are attractive and charismatic, and as a result, are accustomed to having things come to them rather easily. This could make for a poor work ethic, but then Librans would rather work at creating a beautiful world for those around them! 
The Scales will pay the bills on time in one of two ways: by sheer luck or with the aid of a responsible partner. Face it, it's much more fun to be at the symphony! Short on cash? A Libran will charm a pal into a loan. They won't hesitate to make a loan, either, as long as it's to a good risk. If it's their partner that needs the dough, though, they'd part with their last dime. 
It's not uncommon for Librans to blow the bank on one exceptional item, be it a work of art or a jaunt on the Concorde. If they choose to do so, however, they will have saved up for the splurge since life is perfect when that bankbook is in balance!




                                               SCORPIO (October, 24- November, 22)

Symbol: Scorpio
Ruler: Pluto
Colour: Maroon, Dark Red
Metal: Steel, Iron
Gem: Pearl
The sign of Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Mars, although Pluto has also been assigned rulership since its discovery in 1930. Physically it is related to the sexual organs and excretion. It is said to have a feminine nature, and is therefore more passive in its energy expression. As a Water sign it is connected with the world of emotions, particular the deep primeval emotions concerned with sexuality and survival. As a Fixed sign, its energy manifests in a stable manner, giving great determination and endurance. Planets in Scorpio seek to establish emotional security in a threatening world. Hence the association with jealousy and passion. 
Anxiety in the face of the unknown and consequently a desire to be able to control what is going on leads to a certain obsessive quality in planets placed in this sign. There is a secretiveness and compulsiveness which is hidden under a facade of strong self-control. Instinctual knowledge, occult talents and psychological ability manifest themselves in Scorpio, because the character dwells on the inner emotional demons most people choose to ignore. 
Being able to trust someone, and being sure that nothing is hidden from your considerable perceptive talents are essential ingredients for a good relationship. And intense emotional relationships are very important to you - you do not like superficiality at all. Turning points in your life come in the form of psychological breakthroughs which shake your emotional foundations. Often this will be connected with the transformation of a deep emotional bond, which wakens your latent anxiety connected with emotional security. By giving up the illusion of being able to control others emotionally, you are confronted with your own vulnerability. Your facade of inscrutability is transformed and a softer and more understanding side of your character is evoked. Your greatest talent is your ability to strengthen others by your emotional and mental support. 
The Scorpio child is penetrating and intense, something which might lead other kids to misunderstand them. These youngsters aren't necessarily trying to be nosy, they just have an intense desire to know what's what. They might be a little less than subtle in their approach with their schoolmates, but at least they're candid! Motivated as they are to get to the bottom of things, once the Scorpio child gets something in their mind, well, that's it. Trying to sway these pups is like moving the rock of Gibraltar! Resourceful as well, the Scorpio child will do well on a fact-finding mission, whether it's looking for a good matinee or seizing the best deal on a new bike. This child's mind is also geared toward scientific and investigative pursuits, so encourage their love affair with their chemistry set. That said, be sure this combustible tyke is experimenting out of doors! As they can be quite mysterious as well, it will be hard to tell exactly what the Scorpio child is feeling, something which may make it hard for this sprite to attract friends. This child can also be a bit jealous of others, making for some ruffled feathers at the playground. Even so, those kids who do bring the Scorpio child into their circle will grow to appreciate their passionate and all-knowing friend.
Are you going to cross a Scorpio on a business deal? is your life insurance paid up? The Terminator of the Zodiac has arrived, although that "lethal" Scorpion sting isn't all it's cracked up to be. Truth be told, these strong-willed folks are happy to serve others and can be quite helpful, as long as it won't hurt them. The energetic, winner-takes-all Scorpion is mighty determined, someone who can keep their eyes on the prize and never blink. 
Intense, passionate Scorpios know how to live life to the fullest, and as a result, don't suffer fools gladly. They know how to zero in on important tasks, and where the art of the deal is concerned, can go for the kill. Rarely, however, will blood be spilled. Scorpios are straight shooters with lofty and important goals who are devoted to those who have earned their respect. Everyone else falls by the wayside -- and that can be some scrap heap! One of the Scorpion's greatest assets is the ability to effect change, if only by sheer will. It's when this virtue spills over into impatience that the trouble begins. 
You cannot miss (or dismiss) a Scorpion, even if you never quite understand them. Those born under this Sign love to create, solve and manage -- both the good and the bad. It's all for a reason. They often lead by example and have an uncanny ability to devein hard truths. They also like to win. As long as Scorpions can control their aggressive, vindictive and inflexible tendencies (and the need to control in general), much can be accomplished. 
The Scorpio office can be a bit macabre, but that's probably to keep guests on their toes! Scorpions are not beyond showing clients around in a Humvee, if only to make the not-so-subtle point about who's in charge. When it comes time to order lunch, Scorpions will delight in ordering red meat -- rare. For everyone. 
Scorpions are well suited as doctors, investigators, ecologists, managers, engineers, navigators (of the Titanic?) and secret agents.
Secretive, touchy Scorpios soften up quite a bit when it comes to love. In a relationship they are very loving and devoted. In fact, they have a tendency to be somewhat possessive, and they have a bad reputation for being jealous types. However, their extremely passionate nature makes them exciting, intense companions who will win over many love interests. Cool at first, once a Scorpio warms up to someone they may be surprised by Scorpio's forceful emotions 
Scorpios are driven to find a purpose to their actions and a bottom line level of profitability or gain. This does not differ online. Your intuition is keen enough that you are likely to discover the magical mix. You are already one step ahead and thinking about where the next link may bring you. Visions of value are placed securely in your own storage. No one will be able to guess your password. Your systems run smoothly because you have created a style of computer interaction that works for you perfectly. Even if you had your own user's manual, it wouldn't make much sense to anyone else. Resourcefulness allows Scorpios to create shortcuts that work well, so utilizing your computer to make your life easier is a great option. Although your monitor is in color, the issues you see shine through in black and white.
The complex and mysterious Scorpion is the master of strange dealings. You never quite know what these folks are up to! Hopefully, something good. When the chips are down, however, Scorpio's inner strength and nerves of steel makes those born under this Sign great in a crisis. Hey, these people are powerful. Scorpions always command respect...or is that fear? Whatever the case, don't cross a Scorpion in a business deal, because it could be a fatal move -- this is the Sign, after all, which rules sex, death, and money. A holy trinity indeed! 
Scorpions are, in a word, great where money is concerned. Many of them are self-made folk, although a surprising number of Scorpions inherit wealth. We should all be so lucky! It's easy to see that Scorpions want money desperately, however it comes. Money buys them security, freedom, and, best of all, control. That control means power, and Scorpions firmly believe the glib saying "the person with the most toys wins!" In their case, however, those toys are probably bars of gold. 
An unshakable conviction that they'll come out on top where finances are concerned helps Scorpios stay in the game, no matter how long or how tough. They're more than willing to make sacrifices for the grand prize. If there are reversals, Scorpios will generally suffer them well, thanks to their quiet confidence. When the going is good, though, Scorpions will remember their friends with uncommon generosity and are quick to support favorite charities. 
The Scorpion's temperament is well-suited to astute management of the bottom line. Scorpios are also disciplined enough to stick to a budget, and their eagle eye ensures that they'll never be shortchanged at the bank. The wily Scorpion always makes good on a debt but won't stand for debtors to be slow-pay! Control over the domestic purse strings can lead to tension in a Scorpion's relationship, making this a fight they may not want to pick. 
In the end, Scorpions far prefer to accumulate money rather than spend it. And they hate wasting it! Even so, there are times when nothing less than a Ming vase will do. Go figure!




SAGITTARIUS (November, 23 - December, 21)

Symbol: Centaur
Ruler: Jupiter
Colour: Dark Blue, Purple
Metal: Tin
Gem: Topaz
The sign Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Physically it is related to the pelvis, hips and thighs. It is said to have a masculine nature, and is therefore more active in its energy expression. As a Fire sign it is connected with the identity - specifically with the search to find a deeper meaning in human existence. It is therefore connected with religious and philosophical urges. As a Mutable sign, planets placed here express there energy in a flexible and changeable manner, with a certain restlessness or inconstancy. 
Sagittarius in characterised by a love of truth and righteousness, and an unfortunate tendency to express it rather too directly, even when not asked. There is a love of open horizons and travel and a need to expand on an inner intellectual level. There is a pronounced urge to rise above the animal nature towards the divine, and an impatience with the trivial issues in life. 
A dislike of superficiality may result in intolerance for the ordinary niceties between people. You are considerably inspired by nobility of the mind, and intellectual achievement. Your personal visions about the future can be very significant for the people you come into contact with. Some of the great turning points in your life come when you discover new mental frontiers which force you to discard old beliefs which you identified strongly with. You do have a tendency to pontificate about what you believe to be true. Experience shows, however, that you rarely stay in the same place as regards beliefs, and that truth is relative to your discoveries at any one time. Relationships would therefore benefit, if you were less forceful and argumentative and more open to the point of view of your partner. You may feel it is your duty to inform people of what you regard to be the truth, but experience will teach you that people listen best when you wait to be asked for your views. 
The Sagittarius child is the class clown, a happy-go-lucky kid who is sure the glass is half-full -- nah, make that spilling over! This is a child who needs room to roam and can't imagine a world without freedom. And roam the Sag will, for this kid loves to travel and explore. Expect this pup to be the first one to sign up for the class camping trip or a weekend by the sea. This energy and enthusiasm make sports a natural for the Sagittarius child. Broad-minded as well, the Sag child will have an easy time grasping diverse concepts and is also likely to have a varied group of friends. Hey, that's what makes life interesting! It's also in keeping with this child's positive outlook, one which speaks to a world where everyone is treated equally. Yes, you can expect the Sag child to be amply fair and just, as these kids are truth-seekers from an early age. Talkative as well, their candor is the kind of thing which could get them into trouble -- especially if they start blurting out Mom's secrets! Even so, the Sag child's joy of life is likely to be what allows others to overlook these minor transgressions. Happy with life, this kid can't wait to get more!
The freewheeling, happy-go-lucky Sagittarius is a good person to have on the sales team -- they'll probably get the order, hopefully before they unintentionally insult the client! Sagittarians like to have fun, smiling and laughing with colleagues and feeling as if Lady Luck is on their side. They are also passionate about what they believe in and, as befits a Fire Sign, will work doggedly on their causes. The Archer is a good team player who can plot the course ahead with broad brushstrokes and convince everyone around that it's the way to go. 
The most important Sagittarian quality may be hope. If you're on a sinking ship, pray that a Sagittarian is on board! These positive, optimistic people can do wonders with something they believe in, which makes them ideal for turnaround or public service situations. They also need freedom and plenty of room to roam. The Archer is adept at social situations (sly?) and insatiably curious (spy?). Knowledge is power to those born under this Sign, which makes them excellent researchers. What to do with all this information? Put it to work, of course! There's lots to be done where the Archer is concerned. 
Travel is the Archer's middle name, and this isn't restricted to a wandering mind. While Sagittarians love to philosophize, they also like to hit the road, visiting exciting lands filled with exotic strangers. They won't be strange for long, though, since the Archer connects easily with people and will quickly learn everything about them. This can be a double-edged sword, though, since Sagittarians tend to look at the big picture and neglect important details. An efficient aide de camp is essential for the macro-wired Archer. 
The Sagittarius office is often no more than an address, since the Archer would rather be elsewhere. When they hit the road, it will probably be in a spacious American sedan -- a 50's era "boat," fins included, would be about right. A few colleagues might jump in and everyone would roar off to a Mongolian barbecue. 
Sagittarians are well-suited as travel agents, explorers, professors, photographers, ambassadors, import-export traders and thrillseekers.
Sagittarians are exciting and passionate by nature. These qualities, combined with their optimistic, "why not" attitude to life makes them a lot of fun in a love relationship. These folks do have a tendency towards being unfaithful, because of their love for variety. They are looking for a mate who can be a partner in adventure. The best love partner for Sagittarius is independent, spontaneous and very social, since Sagittarius is always wanting to go out and try new things with new people. They also need someone they can connect with on a mind level.
As a Sagittarius, you tend to have your own style which means that in the computer world, you hold the user's manual to your own system. Quests for information will lead you to love the Web, and you'll delve in to define your own wild style of surfing. Frustration is no boundary for the Sag seeking truth. Your intuition about what works on the Web will lead you in the right direction. Storing information is your uncanny ability and means that it is easy for you to keep your computer system, as well as the other systems in your life, running smoothly. Exploring the bits and pieces of the computer intrigues you as a Sag, but you are also adept at seeing how it all fits into the flow of the digital revolution.
"Hey, Big Spender...wanna spend some time with me?"...yes, that little ditty was definitely referring to a Sagittarian, for those born under this Sign love to spend and usually have plenty of money with which to do it. Sagittarius is also considered the luckiest Sign of the Zodiac. Then again, it can also be said that one makes their own luck, and this is something that optimistic Sagittarians do very well. The Archer loves to plan ahead -- can't you just see them shooting for the stars? It's a favorite Sagittarian pastime, since these folks tend to see the bright side of things. They also love to party hearty and span the globe, ever searching, scheming, and dreaming about the opportunity of a lifetime. Make that the adventure of a lifetime! 
The bottom line with Sags is that they love money and what it will buy -- mainly fun and freedom. Money will give the Archer the ability to do much, or much of nothing, but at least it's their choice. Being so lucky with money certainly helps, but then Sagittarians believe they should have it all anyway! They never worry about money, either, since that won't make for more. It's Sag's sunny outlook which helps these folks reap dividends. Sagittarians also love to nurse the notion that their "horse will come in," a feeling which feeds their gambling and risk-taking spirit. 
Luckily for all, the Archer is generous to a fault and is eager to spread the wealth around. Sagittarians are fairly good at handling money, although they'd rather be working on the next big deal. Since the minutiae of money management bores them to tears, they are well advised to hire an accountant. 
As good as Sags are at spending money, one can only hope that someone is adding up the damage! If not, it's overdraft time, and the Archer won't have even noticed. Sags also love to lend, especially to friends, and the borrower will often find that these loans have been turned into gifts. Lending money to a Sag is dicier, as they're likely to forget to pay it back! 

Life to the Archer is here and now, so hey, let's enjoy it! Luckily for them, there always seems to be enough money around to do just that. 



CAPRICORN (December, 22 - January, 20)

Symbol: Sea Goat
Ruler: Saturn
Colour: Black, Dark Brown, Grey
Metal: Silver
Gem: Turquoise, Amythest
Capricorn is traditionally ruled by the planet Saturn. Physically it is related to the knees, and to a certain extent the joints, skin and bones. It is said to have a feminine nature, and is therefore more reactive in its energy expression. As a Cardinal sign Capricorn is goal-oriented, and channels energy into strategic planning to attain long-term results. As an Earth sign, goals tend to be practical and related to material interests. 
Planets in Capricorn will express themselves in a determined and serious manner, striving for honour and some kind of recognition in society. There is a desire and ability to reach the top through hard work and perseverence. Status and executive power are important - as is social position. There can be a certain formality and lack of spontaneity with planets in this sign, due to setbacks at early stages of the life. There is a tendency to control feelings and exert considerable self-discipline, but it would be advantageous if a greater emotional sensitivity and concern for others could be integrated into the nature. 
You have rather conventional tastes and quite a strong sense of morality, and you will be looking for qualities you can respect in a partner. You tend to judge weaknesses rather severely and expect a high standard in your relationships. As you are strongly motivated by your ambitions you may have a tendency to neglect your emotional life in favour of your professional interests. It is essential to find a balance between your professional and personal life. Public commitments can often take priority over private, though you will always be conscientious in your duty to the family. Partners can find you rather stiff and unspontaneous, and although this may be the case, you are normally loyal and responsible as regards family life. You are generally a person who can be trusted. When your outer facade melts you can be quite soft and sensual, and very devoted. 
The Capricorn child is that kid who looks and acts like an adult from an early age. The stock market whiz of the family? Pretty much. Entrepreneurial from early on, the Cap child has a plan, and that's to be king of the hill and top of the heap. And you can bet that this plan will be mapped out in great detail! What can you expect from this Cap youngster? Well, for starters, business schemes. It's the Cap child who would set up a lemonade stand and hire "employees" to run it for them! Fear not, though; the Cap kid is fair, so those other pups helping out will be well taken care of. Cautious and responsible, the Capricorn child is not likely to attempt anything that doesn't have a good chance of succeeding. This kid will leave the mountain-climbing to someone else while they keep their feet firmly planted on the ground (Capricorn is an Earth sign, after all). It's the Cap child who should be the likely choice when finding someone to look after others. These kids have a way with their peers and will surely keep everyone in ship-shape. The perfectionist in the Cap child ensures that this is someone who will work hard for that allowance, too. No goofball here -- this is a serious child with big aspirations!
The workhorse of the Zodiac has arrived! No matter that it's a frisky little Goat -- this animal packs a wallop in the workplace. Practical, conservative (watch that bottom line!) Capricorns enjoy working hard and getting things done, and their patience and smarts help them persevere where others might give up. Those born under this Sign are comfortable as leaders and actually prefer this role, since it  gives them a measure of control, which is soothing to them. The Goat is utterly responsible and great at rallying the troops in a way that brings out the best in everyone. They also crave independence and would feel just fine in an Ivory Tower office, directing the battle down below. 
The solid, Earth Sign Goat doesn't need an entourage in the workplace -- a few trusted colleagues are much better. Traditionalists that they are, Capricorns also value image and are likely to insist that co-workers, as well as themselves, look as respectable as they are. Capricorns are highly organized, so being on their team is a study in cool efficiency. It's unlikely that the team will unravel, since the Goat knows how to do the right thing (again, for everyone) and is happy to carry a heavy load. 
All this hard work can be pretty exhausting, which is why the Goat is advised to relax every now and again. "Relax? What a concept!" says the naive Goat, as if this couldn't be. Well, it should be, since Capricorns who remember to take care of their inner selves and let others shoulder some of the burden will do much better in the long run. 
The Capricorn office is as solid and predictable as they come, filled with sturdy wood furniture and reams of files which will facilitate good, hard work. If they hit the road, Goats are bound to jump into a mondo American sedan or pick-up truck, anything with plenty of metal around (just in case). Lunch is also reliable and good value -- a nearby chop house will convey the right message to both clients and friends. 
Capricorns are well suited as generals, administrators, ministers, managers, computer wizards and engineers.
When it comes to love, Capricorns are extremely loyal and devoted to their romantic partners. However, they also keep their emotions inside and they are not very good at being expressive. A Capricorn will treat their true love with respect and tender loving care by never doing anything to hurt them or make them feel mistrustful. They do not look for a love partner who is wild and exciting. Instead, they look for someone who they can count on and who will always be there for them through thick and thin, because they will do the same in return. 
Capricorns are the producers of their own lives, so the Web world better watch out! You'll be able to take the pieces of the puzzle and fit them in their proper place. Your inclination to stay on the safe side and protect yourself with passwords will serve you well. The actual computer may be more compelling to you than all of the fancy applications it houses. If you find yourself frustrated, your ability to bounce back from adversity allows you to persist until you achieve success. Having the patience to wait for Web pages to load allows you to reap the rewards. The detail orientation of Capricorns ensures that your efficiency applies to your online experience. Partiality toward conventionalism means that a practical, older computer system with frequent upgrades is likely to be your tool of the trade.
The Goat is oh-so-careful where money is concerned. Disciplined and focused Capricorns love routine and actually enjoy the hard work involved in achieving financial success. It's the Goat's lot in life to slowly and steadily climb up the mountain, pausing every now and again for a gulp of fresh air and then continuing, ever higher. Capricorns expect things to be tough since they tend toward pessimism. In the end, however, it's exactly what will spur them on, because they do want to get to the top of that mountain in the worst way. Being acknowledged is what the Goat wants most, and if that can happen with a bulging wallet in hand, all the better! 
Capricorns are among the shrewdest people at making and keeping money -- these are the true money mavens of the Zodiac. Money gives these folks a feeling of strength and accomplishment and a delicious sense that they have arrived. Having money also means that Capricorns will be able to stay in the game, which is what these hard-working souls want, along with the ability to make even more money. Goats work steadily and methodically toward financial success and generally won't relax until there's plenty of cash on hand. 
It's not likely that Caps will jump into get-rich-quick schemes since Caution is their middle name. The Goat also needs to have a nest egg set aside for a rainy day, thanks to that lingering sense of gloom. Goats aren't exactly cheap, but they're not lavish, either. You can bet a Goat will know when filet is on sale and only then will it be the evening's meal. 
Managing money comes so easily to Capricorn that they could, if they chose, keep accounts in their head! Knowing the score as well as they do, Caps hate to borrow -- or to lend. They also like pulling the family purse strings, so straight-jacketed family members might have to revolt. A Goat combing the sale racks? Never. These folks only shop when necessary and prefer to pay cash. 

Once they set their mind to making money, no one will work harder than Capricorns toward that end. And they'll probably make it to the top! 



AQUARIUS (January, 21 - February, 19)

Symbol: Water Bearer
Ruler: Uranus
Colour: Turquoise
Metal: Aluminium
Gem: Aquamarine
The sign Aquarius was traditionally ruled by Saturn, though Uranus has also been assigned rulership since its discovery in 1781. Physically it is related to the calves and ankles, as well as the circulation system. It is said to have a masculine nature, and is therefore more outwardly oriented in its energy expression. As a Air sign it is very social, and shows itself in groups and social organisations. As a Fixed sign it has determination and staying power, and it is related to ideological convictions. 
The Aquarius influence is expressed in rather a stubborn way as far as opinions are concerned, but the sign is also strongly related to social and humanitarian ideals. Planets in this sign express themselves in a unique and unconventional manner. This can lead to an experience of alienation or social isolation. Nevertheless the energy of Aquarius is in essence friendly and expresses itself in social relationships where shared ideals play a greater role than emotions. Aquarian energy is cool and detached, and a greater balance could be achieved if more warmth and identity could be invested in personality expression. 
The great turning points in your life happen in connection with upheavals in social relationships. As your opinions and beliefs change you will find yourself redefining who you want to be together with. The loss of good friends for one reason or another can thus lead to a strong sense of isolation whilst you re-evaluate your visions. Your greatest talent is the unconscious ability to create an almost magic atmosphere when you are together with people. Although you are warm and friendly, in intimate relationships you can be rather uncomfortable about showing your emotions. When under emotional pressure, you tend to freeze up and establish a distance, and this can be rather disturbing for your partner. A wise partner will never stand in the way of you and your friends. 
The Aquarius child can be expected to march to a different drummer, but then that's part of their charm. Independent and free-spirited, expect this child to do the unexpected. Fly a kite in the dead of winter? Hey, why not! Creative as well, this is the child who will always be working with gadgets and gizmos and will be plugged into the Internet from early on. New technologies captivate the Aquarius child, so you can bet that they'll be able to program that newfangled VCR. Hallelujah! It also wouldn't be beyond this kid to build a VCR on their own, inventors that they are. Exceedingly intellectual, the Aquarius child should always have plenty of books around. These kids will do extremely well in school, even if their study habits seem a bit unconventional. Book reports written between innings of a baseball game? Well, this may just be when their thinking is clearest! While some may find the Aquarius child a bit aloof, it's simply that they are fixed by nature and have their own way of doing things. Truth be told, this child enjoys being in the company of many friends. Lastly, the Aquarius child has a rebellious streak which is incompatible with stringent rules. Discipline them at your own risk!
For a lone wolf, the Water Bearer sure likes to have a lot of people around. Aquarians are humanitarians above all else, idealistic in their beliefs and ardent pursuers of causes. Non-profit organizations and trade unions would be a natural for them -- anything that will help the greater good. This unconventional rebel-with-a-cause cares so deeply about his fellow man that the quest for knowledge and answers is never-ending. 
The mentally-quick Water Bearer enjoys a challenge and anything at a rapid-fire pace, whether it's a team meeting or a battle of bantering wits. Aquarians are firm in their beliefs -- they've spent plenty of time thinking about them -- and are bound to get the job done. Their inquisitive nature always has them considering what's new, different and mysterious and how these things can help people in the future. Is the Water Bearer a pioneer or a renegade? Perhaps a bit of both, but there's no doubting that they see the world in their own unique way! 
The old "company man" mold is given a firm boot by Aquarians. To them, that world is inconceivable, a total waste of resources. The Water Bearer wants no boundaries and to be able to continually push the envelope -- now that's living! And working, since it's part of the plan. Aquarians will spend countless hours mulling over the possibilities for a project and may even come up with some startling conclusions, but it's all in a day's work. And it's never boring! A dull day is a nightmare for the energetic Water Bearer. 
The Aquarius office is probably Zen-like in character, with a low working table and cushions all around for its occupant and guests (remember, everyone is an equal member of the team). That futuristic clock in the corner was probably made by the Water Bearer. An electric car or the newest Beetle would provide loads of fun and make for a handy-dandy way to get to lunch at an avant garde spot with stunning world food and delectable Rainforest Crunch. 
Aquarians are well-suited as inventors, politicians, writers, scientists, astronauts, artists and, you guessed it, astrologers!
When it comes to love, Aquarians are playful and flirtatious. They're not frivolous though - they're playing for keeps, looking for their one true love. Aquarians need a lot of time to themselves in relationships and they are happy to give the same freedom to their romantic partner. This makes them the least jealous sign in the zodiac. They are loyal and supportive and make strong, dependable mates. They are also very artistic and while they are not that into romance, they can show a mushier side when they find that special someone.
The Aquarian craves the community that exists on the Web. You are likely to be the first to post your opinion on a message board or the one to spark a debate through email, all just to get the ideas flowing. Designing a Web site for a non-profit organization may be where you end up as you conquer your online learning curve. You could catalyze a social movement with the aid of email. Your visionary abilities mean that combining your desires to positively impact the world with the temptation of technology makes for a powerful mix. Spreading the word for your cause becomes a collaborative effort as you meet people who hold your same views through cyberchats. Quick fixes are what you are known for and they'll get you through all of the obstacles that you encounter.
Is the Water Bearer smart? They don't call Aquarians the geniuses of the Zodiac for nothing. Possessed of a quicksilver mind, these folks could make a bundle -- if they ever put their mind to it. It's likelier, though, that restless Aquarians will be more focused on their lofty new ideas or saving the world. That's right, a new world order -- now that's fun to an Aquarian! The visionary Water Bearer may seem distracted much of the time, but that's only because they're living inside their head, a place where the wheels are spinning away. Those born under this Sign are logical, love to think, and enjoy helping others, especially via charities and their pet causes. 
Money, for better or for worse, is not at the top of the Water Bearer's list. Any bucks that come to these folks are more than likely to be pure happenstance since there are many more important things to work on. To an Aquarian, money is a means to an end -- like saving the planet! Are they likely to watch the bottom line? Huh? 
Aquarians also tend to experience great highs and lows where money is concerned. One day they'll sell a computer program for millions, yet the next day they're being hounded by the IRS. Luckily for Aquarians, they can think their way out of any box. As well, they have an uncanny ability to "see" their way to money, probably because their mind is always working. The Water Bearer enjoys being self-employed, although the erratic cash flow can wreak havoc on the budget -- if they've bothered to make one, that is. A bookkeeper could be an Aquarian's best friend. 
Futurists that they are, Aquarians enjoy the novel nature of bartering as well as the more progressive concept of equal-wage-earner couples. No traditionalists here! However, they tend to be more conservative when it comes to spending and don't mind living simply at all. Aquarians are loathe to borrow, and if they lend, they expect to be paid on time. 

Shopping is a low priority for Aquarians, but when they do, they'll probably go top-of-the-line. Quality counts with these folks! Always a smart move. 



PISCES (February, 20 - March, 20)

Symbol: Fish
Ruler: Saturn
Colour: Black, Dark Brown, Grey
Metal: Silver
Gem: Turquoise, Amythest
Pisces is traditionally ruled by the planet Jupiter, though Neptune has also been assigned rulership since its discovery in 1846. Physically it is related to the feet and the lymphatic system. It is said to have a feminine nature, and is therefore more responsive in the way its energy is expressed. As a Water sign it is concerned with the emotions, particularly those universal feelings which are associated with human predicament and suffering on Earth. As a Mutable sign Pisces disseminates energy sporadically and without specific direction. Pisces goes where the wind blows. 
Planets in Pisces express themselves sensitively and in a rather diffuse manner. The sign channels intangible impulses, and planets here are very receptive to signals on an ethereal level. There is a strong tendency to dream and fantasise, and an inclination to feel a sense of martyrdom. The enhanced emotional sensitivity in Pisces is often channelled into creative outlets, particularly in connection with music and film, but also in connection with Nature, and people who need social care. Pisces is the sign of dreams, disappointments and spiritual enrichment. 
Many of the turning points in your life are of a spiritual nature in that you learn to discern a meaning behind events which makes sense of the seemingly meaningless nature of things. These experiences constantly enhance your sensitivity and personal insight. In this process of personal development it is essential for you to resolutely avoid any feeling of martyrdom, even though you more than most are aware of, and witness to, the tragedies of human existence. Partnerships function best when you avoid the two extremes of having unrealistic expectations of the partner, and going around feeling the odds are stacked against you. By avoiding negative states of mind as far as possible, you can attract good fortune to yourself, and give spiritual sustenance to others. 
The Pisces child will often be found living in their own world, a dreamscape of ideas, adventures and imaginary friends. Would that we all lived in such a blissful state! Yes, this is a youngster who often feels misunderstood and wonders why everyone doesn't feel (and live) as they do. For this reason, the Pisces child is likely to require more of your attention than children born under other signs. Artistic and musical by nature, the Pisces child will love to create things that make others happy. This will be doubly enjoyable for them if done in the comforting company of a parent. Compassionate as well, the Pisces child offers a good shoulder to cry on. That said, these are very emotional kids, so they may be doing a fair bit of crying of their own! It's part of that caring and sympathetic nature of theirs, a sensibility which allows them to feel others' pain deeply. A bit shy and inwardly-focused, the Pisces child might be a good target for the class bully, so stay aware of their activities to be sure everything's on track. As befits the dreamy state of this sprite, the Pisces child loves to procrastinate -- don't send them to the store for a gallon of milk if you need it any time soon! A better "job" for this impractical dreamer is allowing them to bring beauty into the world.
The emotional, dreamy Pisces are forever trying to balance their need for accomplishment with their desire to live inside their head. Surveying the dreamscape is great fun for the visionary of the Zodiac, a kind soul whose visits to mystical netherworlds provide valuable clues on how to help people here on Earth. Although sensible, Pisceans aren't as practical as other folks and much prefer the life of artist, writer or musician -- a "rolling stone," as Bob Dylan put it. Doing what feels good is of paramount importance to the Fish, and if this occurs in the context of feeling loved and needed, all the better. 
Consumed with their pursuits, Pisceans tend to feel things more intensely than most, a quality which is aided by their keen intuition. Sometimes this can be a bit overwhelming, but the idealistic Fish wouldn't have it any other way. Serving and helping others is their raison d'etre, and they enjoy sharing their empathetic tendencies along the way. Pisceans tend to be artistically blessed as well and enjoy using the world as their muse. 
A desire to assist both artistic and humanitarian causes is exactly what the Fish crave. Advocating for the National Endowment for the Arts while extolling the virtues of anti-land mine campaigns would be a dream life for many a Pisces. If they could play their guitar or recite poetry at rallies, even better. The Achilles heel of Pisceans may be their tendency to dally in a dream state much too long. A reality check every now and again can be helpful. 
The Pisces office is likely to be soothing, an amalgam of soft couches and velvet drapes along with a mahogany bar replete with snifters for sherry and port. When the Fish steps outside, it should be into a car with driver, since Pisceans would much rather dream than drive. The first stop will probably be a (what else?) seafood restaurant, where the Fish can meet with colleagues while enjoying a savory feast. 
Pisceans are well suited as veterinarians, biologists, artists, doctors, musicians, psychologists and mediums.
Pisces are extremely caring and romantic when it comes to love. They are charmingly creative, always coming up with sweet little treats to keep their partner happy. Pisces can get very sad and mopey if they aren't treated just as well, so it's important to them to find a love partner who is as emotionally giving as they are. It's also good if their partner is a little bit social, so they can bring the wonderful Pisces out into the world where others can enjoy being with them too. Pisces can always be counted on to be true, because they are loyal and dependable by nature.
Public passwords are spread all around when it comes to working with Pisceans. Your easygoing attitude enhances the interactive experience for anyone involved, whether it's on or off-line. An incredible ability to sense people's feelings makes even text-based communication intriguing. You'll be able to work across all types of computers and applications. You know how to go beyond the traditional computer color of beige and spice it up without breaking down any big barriers. Guided by intuition, your initial impressions give you a gut reaction to all of the sites that you surf. You understand that sites on the Internet need to start turning a profit, but you are partial to content that is charitable.
When it comes to the Fish, it pays to know which one you're getting, since there are often two (in one). Complex and changeable Pisceans are the dreamers of the Zodiac, kind and empathetic souls who are forever searching for that something more, out there, over the next rainbow. Even if they seem to have it all, the Fish will never end their quest. Exploring their spirit, both mentally and physically, is a favorite pastime of the Fish. This can be exhausting work (these folks feel intensely!); so every now and again, Pisceans will retreat to their favorite "pond" for a soothing dip. This kind of escape is restorative indeed and can give the Fish the will they need to continue the good fight. 
Although the Fish may seem wishy-washy, they're actually quite good with money. It's not important to them, though -- their dreams are. Many dreams, sadly, require money if they are to become a reality, so Pisceans are often compelled to achieve financial success for the greater good. Pisceans rarely worry about money, perhaps because many of them either inherit wealth or marry into it! It's safe to say they enjoy having money around, because it helps to fund their causes. Those Pisceans who don't come across money by accident needn't worry, however, since they are blessed with mental gifts which could easily lead to a fortune of their own! 
Prone as the Fish are to swimming in either direction, one never knows which Fish will splash onshore. Pisceans can be exceedingly generous, something which can lead to ill-timed extravagance. Conversely, they can indulge in irrational fears about money which lead them to extreme practicality. Flip a coin! 
The Fish like to own their own home, since it provides a safe haven from the changeable world. Nimble as they are with money, they know how to stretch a buck and can make second-hand rags look like designer duds. However, they won't always be attuned to the specifics of their bank balances. "Out of money?!" the Fish will exclaim. "Oooops! I'm afraid my mind was elsewhere." 

Sweet-natured Pisceans simply cannot say no when someone asks them for money, yet they'll never keep track of where the money went! Some things are forever hazy with the Fish... 


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