The sentences-40


Main types of dependent clauses

Основные типы придаточных предложений

The main types of dependent clauses are the following: subject/nominal, predicative, object, attributive, adverbial

Основные типы придаточных предложений: номинативные, предикативные, дополнительные, атрибутивные и обстоятельственные

Subject clauses usually function as a subject. They are introduced with the help of such subordinators as who, what, which, that, whether, if

Номинативные придаточные предложения обычно выступают в роли подлежащего. Они вводятся при помощи таких соединительных элементов как who, what, which, that, whether, if

That I have never seen him before is quite certain.

Who spoke at the meeting has escaped from my memory.

What I like best is football.

Predicative clauses are usually used in the syntactical function of a nominal part of the compound predicate. They are introduced with the help of the same subordinators as the previous class

Предикативные придаточные обычно выступают в роли именной части составного сказуемого. Они вводятся при помощи тех же соединительных элементов, что и предыдущий вид

That’s why he is crying.

This is what I have told you.

The truth is that I've never been there.

Object clauses are introduced by the subordinators that, if, whether. Conjunction that is often omitted, especially in everyday speech

Дополнительные придаточные предложения вводятся при помощи that, if, whether. Союз часто опускается, особенно в разговорной речи

David thinks that we should have a meeting.

David thinks we she should have a meeting.

Attributive clauses are introduced with the help of who, which, that, when, where, how

Атрибутивные придаточные предложения вводятся при помощи who, which, that, when, where, how

The fact that he hasn’t said anything surprises everybody.

The letter which is written in pencil is difficult to read.

Attributive clauses can be restrictive and non- restrictive.

Restrictive (limiting) clauses indicate the particular object, which is usually premodified by the definite article

Атрибутивные придаточные предложения подразделяются на обособленные и необособленные. Обособленное придаточное указывает на определенный предмет, перед которым ставится определенный артикль

The school where I study is near the railway station.

Non-restrictive (descriptive) clauses are usually separated by commas and can be omitted without destroying the meaning of the sentence

Необособленные придаточные обычно отделяются запятыми и могут быть опущены, не разрушая значения предложения

In the street I met the boy, who showed me the way to college.

Запомните основные виды обстоятельственных придаточных предложений!

Of time (времени)

when, till (until), as soon as, as long as, before while:

His mother died when he was eight years old.

Of cause (причины)

because, for, as, since:

Because it was raining hard, I spent all the day reading books.

Of place (места)

where, anywhere, everywhere, wherever:

I looked where she pointed.

Of result (следствия)

so... (that), such... that, with the result that:

She went to the circus early so that she got a good seat.

Of purpose (цели)

so that, in order that, lest, for fear:

The teacher explained the rule twice in order the pupils could understand it.

Of condition (условия)


If she doesn’t come in time, I shall go to the theatre alone.

Of manner (образа действия)

as if, as though:

You ought to speak English as I do.

Of comparison (сравнения)

as; as/so... as; not as/so... as; more/less... than; the... the:

I shall do as I like.

Of concession (уступительное)

although, though, even though, even if, much as, while, whereas:

However busy he is, he always visits me on Friday.



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