There is/are.


Impersonal sentences. There is /are

Sentences with there is/there are

Предложения с there is/there are

In sentences describing something the formal subject there is introduced. Usually it is combined with the verb to be in corresponding number and tense form

В предложениях, описывающих существование чего-либо, вводится формальное подлежащее there. Чаще всего сказуемым в таких предложениях бывает глагол to be в соответствующей форме числа и времени.

There is/There was are usually used with countable nouns in singular or uncountable nouns premodified by some, much, (a) little, no, enough

There is/There was используются с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе или неисчисляемыми существительными, перед которыми могут использоваться определители some, much, (a) little, по, enough.

There is a cup on the table.

There is no space in the room.

There is much work to do.

There is little time left.

There are/There were are usually used with countable nouns in plural, which can also be premodified by some, many, no, enough, (a) few or a cardinal numeral.

There are/There were используются с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе, перед которыми могут использоваться определители some, many, по, enough, (a) few или количественное числительное

There are three apples on the table.

There are some mistakes in your test.

There are nо questions.

There are few cakes left.

NB! A lot of is usually combined with the verb to be in singular.

NB!A lot of обычно сочетается с глаголом to be в единственном числе.

There is a lot of work to do.

There is a lot of people in the street.

Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

There is... (There’s...)

There was...

There will be...

There are... (There’re...)

There were...

Обратите внимания на типичную схему построения предложений с there is/there are!

There be +




+ adverbial

modifier of place

There is an Art Museum in our city.

(В нашем городе есть художественный музей.)

There are two cinemas in our block.

(В нашем квартале два кинотеатра.)

There was somebody in the room.

(В комнате кто-то был.)

There were three sisters in the family.

(В семье было три сестры.)

There will be a new school here.

(Здесь будет новая школа.)





There is a kitten in the box.

There is not a kitten in the box.

Is there a kitten in the box?


There is no kitten in the box.


There are kittens in the box.

There are not kittens in the box.

Are there kittens in the box?


There are no kittens in the box.



There was a kitten in the box.

There was not a kitten in the box.

Was there a kitten in the box?


There was no kitten in the box.


There were kittens in the box.

There were not kittens in the box.

Were there kittens in the box?


There were no kittens in the box.



There will be a new school.

There will not be a new school.

Will there be a new school?



< Пред.   След. >