Countable/ uncountable nouns. Exercises



    Countable nouns are those which can have a/an before them or be used in the plural. Uncountable nouns are not used with a/an or in the plural.

We’ve got three children, two dogs and a cat.

It was good to go to the countryside and breath some fresh air.

    There are some nouns which plural do not end in ‘s: a man — men, a woman — women, a foot - feet, a tooth — teeth, a goose — geese, a mouse — mice, a sheep — sheep, a fish — fish, a child — children, a person — people

    Some noun are plural in English: scissors, glasses, trousers, jeans, shorts, pyjamas, tights

    Some nouns in English are normally uncountable: bread, weather, information, advice, hair, furniture, money, paper, news, etc.

          Spelling rules

     The plural of countable nouns is formed by adding the ending -s to the singular: books, beds, etc.

     If a noun ends in -s. -ss. -x. -z. -sh. -ch. -tch. -o the plural has the ending -es: buses, glasses, boxes, bushes, branches, matches, potatoes. But: pianos, photos, videos, zoos.

     If a noun ends in -y the plural has the ending -ies: fly - flies, lady - ladies

But: day - days, boy - boys, key - keys

     If a noun ends in -f. -fe in plural has the ending -ves: wife - wives, wolf - wolves, knife - knives



Упражнение 1

Напишите существительные во множественном числе.

1. flower______________

2. man________________

3. boat________________

4. language____________

5. watch______________

6. country_____________

7. knife_______________

8. woman_____________

9. address_____________

10. sheep______________


12. leaf________________

13. child_______________

14. foot________________

15. umbrella____________

16. person______________

17. family______________

18. holiday_____________

19. sandwich ___________

20. city________________

21. mouse______________

Упражнение 2

Внесите исправления в данные ниже предложения. Поставьте V, если все верно.

1. I've got two brother and four sister.___________________________________

2. It's a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree.____________________________

3. There are a lot of sheep in that field.__________________________________

4. Do you make many mistake when you speak English? ___________________

5. She's married and she has three childs.________________________________

6. We put on his pyjama and went to bed.________________________________

7. We went fishing but we didn't catch many fish.__________________________

8. There were three persons in the car, two women and a man.________________

9. I like your trouser. Where did you get it? _______________________________

10. This scissor isn't very sharp.________________________________________

11. They are going to buy some new chair.________________________________

12. They are going to buy some new furniture._____________________________

13. He’s got short fair hairs. ___________________________________________

14. The tourist guide gave us some informations about the town.______________







Exercises 1. 1. flowers, 2. men, 3. boats, 4. languages, 5. watches, 6. countries, 7. knives, 8. women, 9. addresses, 10. sheep, 11. teeth, 12. leaves, 13. children, 14. feet, 15. umbrellas, 16. people, 17. families, 18. holidays, 19. sandwiches, 20. cities, 21. mice.

Exercise 2. 1. brothers, sisters, 2. trees, 3. V, 4. mistakes, 5. children, 6. pyjamas, 7. V, 8. people, 9. trousers, them, 10. scissors aren’t, 11. chairs, 12. V, 13. hair, 14. information.




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