Can, could. May, might. Exercises-2


Can and Could

   I can do something’ = I know how to do it /it is possible for me to do it.

    The Past can = could; cannot = could not, can’t = couldn’t.

I can play the piano. My brother can play the piano too.

Before she came to Britain, she couldn’t speak English. Now she can speak English very well.

    Упражнение 1.Поставьте данные ниже глаголы и can, cannot, could, could not так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

come pass open go(2) give speak find understand see hear borrow

1. I’m sorry, but we__________________ to your party next Saturday.

2. She got the job because she_______________________ five languages.

3. She spoke very quickly. I _____________________________ her.

4. ____________ you____________ the door, please?

5. He__________________________to the meeting last week. He was ill.

6. Have you seen my bag? I_________________________ it.

7. __________________you________________ me the salt?

8. You are speaking very quietly. I ____________________ you.

9. His eyes are not very good. He__________________ very well.

10. ________________ you__________ give me your address?

11. He _____________________ to the concert next Saturday. He’s working.

12. __________ I __________your pen?

May and might 

    may/might = it is possible that something will happen. You can use may or might:

I may/might go to the cinema this evening. (= perhaps I will go)

Take an umbrella with you. It may/might rain.

    Упражнение 1.Раскройте скобки и составьте предложения, используя may/might.

1. (perhaps I will go to the cinema) ___________________________________. 

2. (perhaps I will see Tom tomorrow) _________________________________. 


3. (perhaps Kay will be late) Kay ____________________________________.

4. (perhaps it will snow today) It _____________________________________.

5. (perhaps I will wear my new jeans) I _________________________________.

6. (perhaps they will not come) _______________________________________. 

7. (perhaps I will not go out tonight) I __________________________________.

8. (Will I perhaps have your cell phone?) _______________________________?

9. (Will I perhaps lend some money?) __________________________________?

10. (Will I perhaps open (the window?)__________________________________?









Exercise 1. 1. can’t come, 2. can speak, 3. couldn’t understand, 4. Can/ Could ... open, 5. couldn’t go, 6. can’t find, 7. Can/Could ... pass, 8. can’t hear, 9. can’t see, 10. Can/Could ... give, 11. can’t go, 12. Can/Could ... borrow.

Exercise 1. 1. I may/might go to the cinema. 2. I may/might see Tom tomorrow. 3. Kay may/might be late. 4. It may/might snow today. 5. I may/might wear my new jeans. 6. They may/might not come. 7.I may/might not go out tonight. 8. May/Might I have your cell phone? 9. May/Might I lend some money? 10. May/Might I open the window?



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