The adverb. Exercises-2 (Упражнения на наречие)



 Exercise 1. Укажите, является ли выделенное жирным шрифтом слово прилагательным или наречием:

1. The questions were so easy that everybody could answer them. 2. He answered all the questions easily. 3. Please speak loudly. 4. We heard a loud noise in the street. 5. We went straight to St.Petersburg without stopping anywhere. 6. This road is quite straight. 7. You would write better if you had a better pen. 8. He has very little knowledge of the subject. 9. When I first came to Moscow, I little thought that I should stay here so long. 10. We stayed there a long time. 11. He works more and better than he used to. 12. I have more books than you. 13. I am an early riser; I go to bed early and get up early. 14. We talked very much that evening. 15. We haven’t had much rain this year. 16. He is playing better than usual. 17. The patient is worse this evening.

Из слов, стоящих в скобках, выберите нужную форму:

1. I did not rest very (good, well) last night. 2. It is not (good, well) for you to smoke. 3. I was (angry, angrily) at what he said. 4. He spoke (angry, angrily). 5. It isn’t (bad, badly). 6. He wrote his composition (bad, badly). 7. He acted very (brave, bravely). 8. He is a (brave, bravely) man. 9. This is quite (clear, clearly). 10. This (clear, clearly) shows the difference. 11. She received him (cold, coldly). 12. The weather is (cold, coldly) today. 13. This is a (comfortable, comfortably) armchair. 14. We travelled (comfortable, comfortably). 15. He is (dangerous, dangerously) ill. 16. The fire is (dangerous, dangerously). 17. My opinion of this book is (different, differently) from yours. 18. The two sisters were dressed (different, differently). 19. Your description is not quite (exact, exactly). 20. I don’t know (exact, exactly), when he will come. 21. The children seem to be very (happy, happily). 22. They lived (happy, happily). 23. We saw a (heavy, heavily) loaded wagon. 24. The box is too (heavy, heavily). 25. She looked round (helpless, helplessly). 26. She is quite (helpless, helplessly). 27. The work was (perfect, perfectly) done. 28. The weather during the last few days has been (perfect, perfectly). 29. He came into the room very (quiet, quietly). 30. The sea was (quiet, quietly). 31. He goes to sportclub (regular, regularly). 32. It is (sad, sadly) that you have been ill such a long time. 33. She looked at me (sad, sadly). 34. The answer was not (satisfactory, satisfactorily). 35. He is working (satisfactory, satisfactorily). 36. Do you (serious, seriously) wish to go there? 37. It is a very (serious, seriously) thing. 38. The explanation was quite (simple, simply). 39. The question can be answered quite (simple, simply).

Exercise 2. Образуйте от наречия, помещенного в скобках, сравнительную или превосходную степень, в зависимости от смысла:

1. I like this novel (well) than that. 2. He visits them (frequently) than us. 3. Which of the sportsmen ran (fast) at the competition? 4. Which of all these plays did you enjoy (much)? 5. Which of these Iwo performances did you enjoy (much)? 6. Now I can see the ship (clearly) than before. 7. You ought to have told me (early). 8. Whose singing did you like (well), Mary’s, Nina’s or Helen’s? 9. The fire was put out (quickly) than we expected. 10. He speaks French (correctly) of all in my class. 


Переведите на английский язык:

1. Он знает английский, французский и немецкий языки, но говорит лучше всего по-немецки. 2. Александр говорит по-английски лучше всех в нашей группе. 3. Он шел быстрее всех. 4. Он живет дальше меня. 5. Мой приятель говорит по-английски лучше меня. 6. Я прихожу домой позже вас. 7. Вы сделали свою работу тщательнее, чем он.

Exercise 3. Перепишите следующие предложения, поставив наречия, заключенные в скобках, на соответствующее место: 

1. You are the last to arrive (always). 2. She is late (never). 3. Have you seen him (ever)? 4. Have you spoken to him (yet)? 5. The director has not come (yet). 6.I write to him (often), but he answers my letters (seldom). 7. The fire was extinguished (quickly). 8. I am indebted to you for your help (deeply). 9. I shall be glad to visit you (always). 10. He answered our questions (impatiently). 11. We try to work well (always). 12. I have heard of it (often). 13. He gets up before half past three (never). 14. It has been said (before, often). 15. It was late in the day, and the sun had disappeared (almost). 16. He is eight years old (already). 17. I do not think he has sung (ever, before, so badly). 18. I shall forget it (never). 19. Have you been (lately, there)? 20. He is in time (always). 21. The sun is shining (today, brightly). 22. He was able to carry his luggage (hardly). 23. He has been invited there (never). 24. I had to tell him twice (never). 25. You ought to get off a bus when it is moving (never). 26. He used to come here every evening (always). 27. You can expect him to do that (hardly). 28. I agree with you (quite). 29. He broke the mirror with his ball (nearly). 30. I can believe such a story as that (scarcely). 31.I get letters from him (sometimes). 32. You will see him (tomorrow, here). 33. I have money to buy the car (enough). 34. He is clever to understand it (enough).

Exercise 4. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Я где-то встречал его. 2. Вы куда-нибудь ходили вчера? 3. Я где-то оставил свою ручку. 4. Я никуда не хочу идти сегодня вечером. 5. Куда вы пойдете сегодня? - Никуда. 6. Я с ним теперь никогда не встречаюсь. 7. Я с ним однажды говорил об этом. 8. Однажды утром мы пошли в парк. 9. Директор уже пришел? 10. Как, вы уже вернулись? 11. Уже совсем темно. 12. Ему уже пятьдесят лет. 13. Газета уже пришла? 14. Он заходил ко мне в пятницу, и я не видел его с тех пор. 15. У нас достаточно времени, чтобы успеть на самолет. 16. Он достаточно умен, чтобы понять это. 17. Он знает английский язык достаточно хорошо, чтобы говорить на любую тему. 18. Он почти закончил свой рисунок. 19. Я почти никогда с ним не разговариваю. 20. В чернильнице почти нет чернил. 21. В саду почти не было цветов. 22. Я едва понимал его. 23. Она почти никуда не ходит. 24. Он был очень разочарован, увидев, что ее там не было. 25. Вы знаете, как она любит своих кошек. 26. Я был так удивлен, что не знал, что сказать. 27. Он много работает. 28. Вы много работаете над немецким языком? 29. Я тоже ничего не слыхал об этом. 30. Вы тоже читали эту книгу? 31. Я тоже поеду туда детом. 32. Кто еще будет принимать участие в этой работе? 33. Я уверен, что кто-нибудь еще к нам присоединится. 34. Вы с кем-нибудь еще говорили об этом? 35. Он еще спит. 36. Он еще не вернулся. 37. Он очень хорошо говорит по-французски. 38. Он очень медленно говорит. 39. Он хорошо перевел эту статью. 40. Он приходит сюда обычно в десять часов утра.













Exercise 1. 1. прилагательное. 2. наречие. 3. наречие. 4. прилагательное. 5. наречие. 6. прилагательное. 7. наречие, прилагательное. 8. прилагательное. 9. наречие, наречие.10. прилагательное. 11. наречие, наречие. 12. прилагательное. 13. прилагательное, наречие, наречие. 14. наречие. 15. прилагательное. 16. наречие. 17. прилагательное.

1. well. 2. good. 3. angry. 4. angrily. 5. bad. 6. badly. 7. bravely. 8. brave. 9. clear. 10. clearly. 11. coldly. 12. cold. 13. comfortable. 14. comfortably. 15. dangerously. 16. dangerous. 17. different. 18. differently. 19. exact. 20. exactly. 21. happy. 22. happily. 23. heavily. 24. heavy. 25. helplessly. 26. helpless. 27. perfectly. 28. perfect. 29. quietly. 30. quiet. 31. regularly. 32. sad. 33. sadly. 34. satisfactory. 35. satisfactorily. 36. seriously. 37. serious. 38. simple. 39. simply.

Exercise 2. 1. better. 2. more frequently. 3. (the) fastest. 4. (the) most. 5. more. 6. more clearly. 7. earlier. 8. best. 9. more quickly (or quicker). 10. (the) most correctly.

1. He knows English, French and German, but he speaks German best. 2. Alex speaks English (the) best (of all) in our group. 3. He walked (the) fastest (of all). 4. He lives further than I (do). 5. My friend speaks English better than I (do). 6.1 come home later than you (do). 7. You did your work more carefully than he (did).

Exercise 3. 1. You are always the last to arrive. 2. She is never late. 3. Have you ever seen him? 4. Have you spoken to him yet? 5. The director hasn’t come yet (or: The director hasn't yet come). 6. I often write to him, but he seldom answers my letters. 7. The fire was extinguished quickly. 8. I am deeply indebted to you for your help. 9. I'll always be glad to visit you. 10. He answered our questions impatiently (or: He impatiently answered our questions). 11. We always try to work well. 12. I have often heard of it. 13. He never gets up before half past three. 14. It has often been said before. 15. It was late in the day; and the am had almost disappeared. 16. He is already eight years old. 17.I don’t think he has ever sung so badly before. 18. I’ll never forget it. 19. Have you been there lately? 20. He is always in time. 21. The sun is shining brightly today. 22. He was hardly able to carry his luggage. 23. He has never been invited there. 24.I never had to tell him twice. 25. You ought never to get off a bus when it is moving. 26. He always used to come here every evening. 27. You can hardly expect him to do that. 28. I quite agree with you. 29. He nearly broke the mirror with his ball. 30. I can scarcely believe such a story as that. 31. I sometimes get letters from him (or: Sometimes I get letters from him; I get letters from him sometimes). 32. You’ll see him here tomorrow. 33.I have enough money (or: money enough) to buy the car. 34. He is clever enough to understand it.

Exercise 4. 1.I met him somewhere. 2. Did you go anywhere yesterday? 3. I left my fountain-pen somewhere. 4.I don’t want to go anywhere tonight. 5. Where will you go tonight? - Nowhere. 6.I never meet him now. 7. Once I spoke to him about it. 8. One morning we went to the park. 9. Has the director come yet? 10. Have you returned already? 11. It is already quite dark. 12. He is already fifty years old. 13. Has the newspaper come yet? 14. He called on me on Friday, and I haven’t seen him since. 15. We have enough time (or: time enough) to catch the plane. 16. He is clever enough to understand it. 17. He knows English well enough to speak on any subject. 18. He has almost finished his drawing. 19.1 hardly ever speak to him. 20. There is hardly any ink in the inkpot. 21. There were hardly any flowers in the garden. 22.I hardly understood him. 23. She hardly goes anywhere. 24. He was very much disappointed at seeing that she wasn’t there. 25. You know how much she loves her cats. 26. I was so much surprised that I didn't know what to say. 27. He works a lot. 28. Do you work much at your German? 29. I didn’t hear (or: haven’t heard) anything about it either. 30. Have you read this book too (or: as well)? (or: Have you also read this book?) 31. I’ll go there in the summer too [or: as well) (or: I’ll also go there in the summer). 32. Who else will take part in this work? 33. I am sure that somebody else will join us. 34. Have you spoken to anyone else about it? 35. He is still asleep. 36. He hasn’t returned yet. 37. He speaks French very well. 38. He speaks very slowly. 39. He translated this article well. 40. He usually comes here at ten o’clock in the morning.




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