Past simple. Exercises (Прошедшее простое время. Упражнения)




The Marie Celeste. 1 1) l.was 2. was 3. was 4. were. 5 were 6. was 7. was 8. were 9. was 10. was 11. was 12. was. 13. were 14. were 15. was 16. Was 17. was

2) There are three wrong things in the picture:

1. The fire isn’t out. 2. The year is the diary is 1875 - it i should be 1872. 3. The date is the diary is 23 November - it should be 25 November:

Cookery Crossword

l)+2) 1. poured 2. mixed 3. I added 4. sprinkled 5.cooked j 6.turned 7. lifted 8. enjoyed



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