Making comparisons. (Exercises) (Сравнение.Упражнения)


1 Put one suitable word in each space.

1 My brother is two years older …

2 The train takes just.................... long as the bus.

3 I thought the second hotel we stayed in was...................................... more friendly.

4 Unfortunately we are............................. well-off than we used to be.

5 Do you think you could make a........................ less noise?

6 These exercises seem to be getting harder and …............................

7 Jean doesn’t need as much help as Harry …...................................

8 David didn’t enjoy the match as much as I........................................


2 Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

1 Jill can run faster than Peter.

Peter …...........can't run as far as Jill (can).............

2 I thought this journey would last longer than it did.

This journey didn’t....................................................

3 I didn’t arrive as early as I expected.

I arrived.........................................................................

4 You are working too slowly.

You’ll have to.....................................................................

5 I have a brother who is older than me.

I have an................................................................

6 Martin thought the second part of the film was more interesting.

Martin didn’t think the first....................................................

7 Paula’s work is less careful than before.

Paula has been working.............................................

8 There aren’t any trains earlier than this one.

This is.........................................................................

9 All other cafes are further away.

This cafe......................................................................

10 Is this the best price you can offer?

Can’t you.......................................................................

3 Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase.

1 I really think that apologizing is.......C....... you can do.

A not as much as

В a little

С the least

D as far as

2 I can’t stand this weather. It’s getting.......................................

A more and more

В worse and worse

С coldest and coldest

D further and further

3 Although Brenda came last, everyone agreed she had........................ her best.

A done

В made

С had

D got

4 I wish Charles worked as hard as Mary.................................

A did

В can

С will

D does

5 The more you water this plant, the................................ it will grow.

A best

В tall

С wetter

D faster

6 From now on, we won’t be able to go out as much as we.................................

A were

В had

С used to

D will

7 I’ve never owned...................................... independent cat as this one!

A a more than

В such an

С a so

D as much an

8 Brian has been working........................................................ since he was promoted.

A much harder

В as harder

С just as hardly

D more hardly

9 I’ve been feeling................... tired lately, doctor.

A such a

В the most

С more and more

D much

10 This exercise will give you..................... practice.

A farther

В much more

С as better

D a lot

4 Put one suitable word in each space, beginning with the letter given.

1 Is William feeling any ..better........... today?

2 Everyone ate a lot, but Chris ate the m.......................

3 What’s the l.......................... news about the situation in India?

4 I’d feel a lot h............................. if you let me help.

5 Graham has been sinking d......................... into debt lately.

6 It’s 35 degrees today! It must be the h............................ day so far this year.

7 Only £45? Is that all? Oh well, it’s b................ than nothing.

8 He had to wait a f.......................... two months before he got his promotion.

9 Ruth wore her b.......................... dress to her sister’s wedding.

10 Harry has got over the w..................... of his cold.

5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1 Your car was cheaper than mine,


Your car ….cost less than mine.................... did.

2 I’m not as good at maths as you are.


You.................................................................................... I am.

3 Keith is slightly taller than Nigel,


Keith............................................................................... Nigel.

4 Bill was growing angrier all the time,


Bill............................................................................. angrier.

5 Sally tried as hard as she could,


Sally............................................................................... best.

6 I thought this film would be better,


This film.................................... I expected.

7 This is the bumpiest road I’ve ever driven along!


I’ve never....................................................................... road.

8 When you eat a lot, you get fat.


The............................................................................. you get.

9 George said he couldn’t do any better,


George said it...................................................... do.

10 This year’s exam and last year’s exam were equally difficult,


This year’s exam........................................ last year’s exam.

6 Complete the text with a word or phrase from the box. Use each word once only.

a as

f convenient

к fastest

p more

b as fast as

g dangerous

I fitter

q more and more

с best

h easiest

m further

r most

d better

i efficient

n healthier

s than

e cheapest

j faster

о just as

t the

Transport solutions

First of all, walking is sometimes (1) ...t..... quickest means of travelling short distances, it can also be the (2)............. in a city centre, and is obviously the (3)................. too, unless you count the cost of shoes! Of course, the (4) have to go, the (5)..................... tired you become. Although you might think that walking is (6).................... than travelling by bus or car, since you get more exercise,

in fact it can be (7)....................... unhealthy, because you breathe in poisonous fumes as you walk along the road, and it is probably more (8)....................... being a pedestrian (9)...................... being a driver or passenger. Of course, travelling by car is often (10).................. and more (11)................... than going on foot, but as cities become more and more crowded, parking is getting harder and harder and the traffic is travelling (12) …........................slowly. Generally speaking public transport is more (13)........... , as a bus or tram carries more people, though it probably isn't (14) ….............a using a car. On the other hand, cars cause (15).......................... of the pollution in cities, so it is (16)............... to avoid using your car if possible. In a city, the (17)........................ way of travelling is probably on a bike, which keeps you (18).......................... and is not so noisy (19).............. a motorbike or a car, but this can also be dangerous, and you can still have a problem with poisonous fumes. Perhaps the (20)................... thing to do is to stay at home!

7 Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

1 That’s the best meal I’ve ever eaten.

I’ve never eaten a .. better meal......................

2 Fish and meat are the same price nowadays.

Fish costs just.....................................................

3 I’ve never enjoyed myself so much.

I’ve never had......................................................

4 If you run a lot, you will get fitter.

The more.............................................................

5 The doctor can’t see you earlier than Wednesday, I’m afraid.

Wednesday is........................................................

6 I must have a rest. I can’t walk any more.

I must have a rest. I can’t go...................................

7 Mobile phones used to be much more expensive.

Mobile phones aren’t................................................

8 I don’t know as much Italian as Sue does.

Sue knows...............................................................

9 I thought that learning to drive would be difficult, but it isn’t.

Learning to drive is.....................................................

10 Barbara can skate just as well as John can.

John isn’t.................................................................. 



1 1 than. 2 as. 3 much. 4 less. 5 little. 6 harder. 7 does. 8 did.

2 1 Peter can't run as fast as Jill (can). 2 This journey didn't last as long as I thought it would. 3 I arrived later than I expected. 4 You'll have to work more quickly. 5 I have an elder/ older brother. 6 Martin didn't think the first part of the film was as interesting. 7 Paula has been working less carefully than before. 8 This is the earliest train. 9This cafe is the nearest. 10 Can't you offer a better price?

3 1 C. 2 B. 3 A. 4 D. 5 D. 6 C. 7 B. 8 A. 9 C. 10 B.

4 1 better. 2 most. 3 latest. 4 happier. 5 deeper. 6 hottest. 7 better.8 further. 9 best 10 worst.

5 1 cost less than mine. 2 are better at maths than. 3 is a little taller than. 4 was growing angrier and. 5 did her. 6 isn't/ wasn't as good as. 7 driven along such a bumpy. 8 more you eat, the fatter. 9 was the best he could.10 was just as difficult as.

6 1 t. 2 h. 3 e. 4 m. 5 p. 6 n. 7 o. 8 g. 9 s. 10 j. 11 f. 12 q. 13 I. 14 b. 15 r. 16 d. 17 k. 18 l. 19 a. 20 c.

7 1 better meal. 2 as much as meat nowadays. 3 such a good time. 4 you run, the fitter you'll get. 5 the earliest the doctor can see you, I'm afraid. 6 (on) any further. 7 as expensive as they used to be. 8 more Italian than I do. 9 n't as difficult as/ is easier than I thought it would be. 10 a better skater than Barbara.

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