How to be a successful teacher

How to be a successful teacher

             1. Class attendance is a key component of being successful at school.

Miss Irene
Miss Irene
   2.Think about how learn best – your preferred learning style. Try to structure 
your learning so that you can use your preferred learning style as much as possible.

         3.Goals must be realistic. Be realistic. Ask yourself if it is possible. Yes, winning
the lottery is possible, but it's not realistic.

         4.Schedule one hour every week beyond doing homework to study and review 
for each class you are taking.

         5.Enemies of success need to be conquered – intolerance, greed, jealousy, revenge, egotism, fear, procrastination – to name a few.

         6.Exclude no one. For example, at lunch don't save seats. Treat anyone who 
wants to sit at your table with respect.

         7.Be honest about your schoolwork. Trust is something you build slowly but
can be lost quickly. Avoid losing trust, as you may never get it back.

         8.Work off stress with physical activity whether it's jogging, tennis, or riding
a bike. Prolonged stress can disrupt your memory.

         9. Listen with your ears but also with your eyes and other senses. Much 
communication is non-verbal. 
Miss Irene
Miss Irene

        10.Visualize solutions to problems! Einstein liked to think through a problem 
using diagrams.

        11. Before you research an essay topic, clearly define the scope of your paper.
If you don't you may waste time researching unnecessary information!

        12. Set realistic goals for yourself. If you reduce the number of events going on 
in your life, you may reduce the circuit overload you sometimes feel.

        13.Organize  a space for studying. Have a dedicated space, chair, table, and lighting. Avoid your phone. If you play music, be sure it is not a distraction.

        14.Always know what's ahead for the day. Always go to sleep knowing that you're
prepared for tomorrow.

        15.If you feel you don't know where to begin, take control. Make a list of all the
things you have to do. Break your workload down into manageable chunks.

        16.Never neglect your health. Good health (physical, mental, social, and emotional)
is needed for all the work you do and the success you earn.

        17.Look on the bright side of things. Keep your optimism.
Miss Irene
Miss Irene
        18.Success comes not by doing extraordinary things but by doing ordinary things
well day after day.

        19.What do you want to do in the future? Try different things to discover your interest and aptitude. A great career waits!

        20.Listening skills are as important as speaking skills. Do you practice being 
a good listener?

        21.What is your most stressful subject? Commit to always reviewing that subject carefully before you move on to a new topic.

        22.After a quiz or test, ask yourself: What did I do right?
What could I do better? Did I succeed? Why or why not?

        23.What important dreams have you had that you've forgotten or abandoned? Write down goals to achieve your dreams in your planner.

        24.Find a place for everything so you waste as little time as possible looking for things.

        25.An inflexible schedule is both useless and destructive. Create a schedule to
suit your needs and personality, one that will help you study at the best possible time.

        26.Follow up on the priorities you have set for yourself, and don't let other people or other interests distract you from your goals.

        27.Take responsibility for your actions.

        28.Develop your won't power: I won't procrastinate, I won't forget to set goals, I won't study for tests at the last minute.

        29.Feeling self-pity can keep you from being successful.
        30.One of your best assets for success is imagination.

        31.Low on motivation? Spend a few minutes imagining your perfect future. Then
remind yourself that doing well in school will help you make your dreams come true.

        32.To be a good listener, avoid distractions such as a noisy  neighbor, noises 
outside a window, or noises in the hallway.

        33.Use acrostics when memorizing. An acrostic is an invented sentence where the first letter of each word is a cue to an idea you need to remember.

        34.Continually challenge yourself to reach higher goals.

        35.Organize using webs or information mapping. For example, put a key concept in a center circle and write related information in several circles outside the center.

        36.What is most important for you to do today? Do it first. Set priorities for your
time each day.
        37. Learn something valuable from each person you meet.

        38.Character is a key component of success. It is the ability to be true to your 
convictions. How would you rate your character? 
Miss Irene
Miss Irene
        39.Ask any person who  is successful what motivates him/her, and very likely the answer will be “goals”. Goal setting is extremely important to motivation and success.

        40.One of the best gifts you can give is to listen completely to another person.

        41.If you schedule to read texts at least several days in advance then you may find
you have extra time in your schedule for other commitments.

        42.Save time at the end of a test or exam to review and make sure you haven't
left out any answers or parts of answers.

        43.Ask a peer to tutor you if you feel you do not understand important information
in a class.

        44.Highly successful people thrive on disciplined action.
        45.Success is staying focused, choosing wisely, and eliminating confusion, clutter,
and chaos from your life.
        46.Take responsibility for your actions and your life. Get excited about what you can accomplish!
        47. Every day we must choose the future we truly want. We choose by our actions.
        You can make a positive difference in the world!